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Understanding the Templaric Witch Dark Sable; the Moth.

2021.12.22 10:10 CindyMorrisonwatts1Understanding the Templaric Witch Dark Sable; the Moth.

Understanding the Templaric Witch Dark Sable; the Moth.
Multiple Identities
Dark Sable’s real name is Leonora Djuric, but she is known by many other legal names, including, Leonora Delgado and Leonora Contreras. She is also known to use the name Gloria Contreras and Sasha Sauvé.
Birth Rites
She was born in Chicago in Mount Sinai hospital on November 5th in 1975, during a Solstice blood-moon. She shares the same birthday as her older brother, because her mother the infamous witch Phantasma Djuric recklessly induced her birth two weeks earlier to purposely fall on that date. This premature birth might also have added to her immature sexual formation.
Sable was born with a preplanned mission by her mother – this was to continue her feminist witchcraft and to mediate for her species, to bond and breed with her older brother (yes, she was born to become incestuous) and to rule and act as grand mediator to all of the Wikkani, Templar, Rosicrucian, Beldorian and Sylvan covens.
Amazingly, she seems to have achieved all of this with pride, fervor and excellence.
However as an Intersex NIO Orchid, she failed in being able to reproduce more of her kind, as she was unable to mother children, due to her being born with the genetic defect of having no functional sexual organs.
It is unclear if she did have one child, namely Farina Djuric, but some claim Farina is born of Dark Ciara, not Sable.
But more recently, experts in this occult field are claiming that Sable is indeed Farina's biological mother, this being done before her mutations prevented her from ever giving Dark Riddle any more 'Witchlings'. She did however raise Farina from childhood, that much is known.
This however did not stop her in having a major role in raising all of her brother’s daughters, probably a major effort on her part to redeem herself in this one reproductive failure of her’s. She also helped raise a much younger and un-blood-related foster sister, witch Lisa Shedd, a distant cousin to Liz Shedd to whom she still helps to this day.

A rare unfiltered photo of the Wallachian Witch Dark Sable from 2018: Submitted by Peter Wedge & Melinda Pontiff
Adult Consensual incest and the reasoning behind it
In the freakish Wikkani tradition and culture, the ability to breed incestually from time to time is highly revered and her inability to do so has been a major embarrassment and deficit in her cultural beliefs and values.
‘This had probably led to the control issues she has with her older brother,’ says Dr. Levy Brooks, a leading psychologists from Connecticut.
Brooks states; ‘Leonora has a compulsion to possess her brother as a husband and mate, this was also the case with her own mother and father, (Viridian Cruz and Phantasma Djuric) to whom married and produced three children. This is a very serious and quite despicable mental condition that all so called Hexanic sisters unfortunately harbor.
Sable’s inability to produce children leads to a fear of disconnection with him, so in response, she manipulates him in ways that obligate and tie him to her. Like a cunning spider spinning a web, she constantly creates situations to keep her brother close and obligated to her. –or else!
This is of utmost importance in regards to Hexanic sisters, but is especially manifested in Leonora, who’s infertile condition compels her to possess him more. It is assumed by Brooks, that her deep love for her own brother if manipulated regularly, can make her feel ‘whole’ and redeem her of her status as an infertile Wikkani female, despite her inability to reproduce more Wikkani.
‘It is a sad and inhuman biological/ psychological ailment. And quite frankly, people like this should be forced into study groups and institutions, where they can be helped and advised to steer away from their biological incest compulsions and milked of their specially evolved genes to help society and pharmaceutical companies in creating new drugs and therapies to treat deviant sexual disorders. This is their real value to society!’ Brooks explained.
As a Polyglot
Sable has a ‘jumbled accent’, as psychologist Susan Stern claims. This is caused by Sable actually thinking in several different languages and thus the accent formed is jumbled, meaning she developed a unique accent derived from the several languages she commonly speaks. This is also a common condition for many polyglots. She can also hide her accent quite well, while switching her identity modes.
However despite not being Hispanic, Sable adopted a Mexican staple-identity and speaks and writes Spanish during most of her public outings. The reasoning behind this is because she was raised in Mexican Neighborhoods for much of her life, as well as being close to Mexican culture and people, to whom Sable has admitted as being her favorite culture.
Dark Sable was born with no sexual organs externally and for the first 12 years of her life was raised as a boy. But since she had no male or female genitalia at all, she chose to keep her identity female, as after all she became a very pretty female drone. These people born with this type of non-sexual disorders are called 'Orchids'. They can enjoy sex as much as anyone, because they do have remnants of internal sex organs, but cannot reproduce after their Fallopian tubes grow over. Dr. Susan Stern believes Sable does have a love life, but probably with her own brother, a common incestuous sexual trait from Hexonic females of the cultural disorder Xinctophinchids. This is just Stern's opinion and has never been proven.
As a biological wonder
Dark Sable was born a ‘Neotenous Inter-sexed Orchid’, one out of just 92 people that have this bizarre condition on the planet.
What this means to the layman, is that she was born with both female and male genes, and has no real sexual organs externally.
In physicality, she looks like a Barbie doll when stripped of its clothing, no sexual organs can be seen from the outside.
But as with all people with NIO, she does have remnants of sexual organs on the inside of her body, vestigial partial organs that can feel sexual pleasure and like all NIO Orchids, she can excrete a pink sexual fluid during climax, though no one is sure what this fluid is.
In all NIO people, this sexual fluid appears to be a semen-like ejaculation similar to what is seen from normal males, but only in appearance as it is composed on an entirely different makeup.
In the early 70’s, researchers kiddingly coined this semen-like fluid, ‘Cherry-Drop’, because of its very strong and distinct smell of chocolate-covered cherries.
This is not harmful at all, but doctors are still undetermined as to just what this pink sexual excretion actually is, but it seems to be the equivalent to a normal male ejaculation, but coming from a female and delivered from a simple slit that acts as her private parts.
This is in accordance with all people, who have the NIO condition.
So unlike most intersexed people, who have a mix of both sexual organs, Sable has none at all.
She was born with no real womb, but instead has a primitive slit as a vagina, and what doctor’s refer to as a ‘Cloaca’.
I don’t know what a Cloaca is, but here is a definition from Wikipedia;
(in vertebrates, a common chamber and outlet into which the intestinal, urinary, and genital tracts open. It is present in amphibians, reptiles, birds, elasmobranch fishes (such as sharks), and monotremes. A cloaca is not present in placental mammals or in most bony fishes.)
This seems to be an evolutionary ‘throwback’ condition, meaning it is a genetic defect that stops people from forming normal reproductive organs and is almost always a product of being born out of incest.
Although NIO (Neotenous Intersex Orchids} have no sexual organs externally, they do feel intense sexual pleasure when stimulated.
The major defect in the NIO condition is the reversion to prepubescent states. Because those who have NIO do not have sexual organs, they do not have the hormones to regulate their body into adult forms either.
An Easter Egg Hunt??? Dark Riddle & Dark Sable at Marquette Park in Chicago. Photo submitted by Tina Weeks
This is why the condition is termed ‘Neotenous’.
Neoteny is often found in lower life forms, such as amphibians and reptiles, like the famed Mexican Axolotl, a salamander that stays in its juvenile larval form, even into adulthood.
Dark Sable has a condition that is much like this and it can have some cruel social and psychological effects on human beings afflicted with it.
Unwillingly, Dark Sable has reverted form into prepubescence many times during her life. Without the ingestion of regular hormone therapy, her body will revert back into a child-like state.
In short, without her hormone pills, she will basically turn back into an androgynous sexless body form.
Because of this fear of reversion, Sable has had breast implants, so that if she falls into prepubescent remission, she will still retain the image of a female and not a genderless child.
This is also the reason why the 47 year-old woman-boy, looks as if she is in her twenties, the only real advantage of this freakish ailment.
And, of course she takes great advantage of this in her identity camouflaging as well, often having web sites or pages that claim she is in her twenties, to which people easily believe, and no one disputes, due to this peculiar genetic abnormality.
The Master of Mirror Blurring
Dark Sable is a Templaric Witch and one of the most powerful of the ‘Clever-girl’ witches, being able to mask her identity several times over and in plain sight.
This amazing ability is done through Wikkani identification-mixing called ‘mirror blurring’.
In combination with her ability to fluently speak 5 languages, including Svenska, Spanish, English, Serbian and Romanian, she can adopt multiple identities with ease.
Sable is a virtual expert in physical makeup, digital photo-manipulations and body-morphing and uses all three tactics at the same time, to produce photos, videos and real-life images of herself to confuse the public.
This strategic mix of image altering elements is so refined and strong, that even when talking to her up-close and in broad daylight, she can camouflage the way her appearance is actually perceived.
According to Dr. Alysha Norn and David Sale, she is quite literally one of the best self-image illusionists on earth!
Although this may sound melodramatic, many others have agreed.
Sable does this clever-girl trickery with ease, all the while stabilizing one particular look, and she does this for a very good reason.
'Epsun Garvis Creatura' ritual of Dark Sable & Dark Riddle at Black Forest Wisconsin in 1996, over seen by Dark Ripper (Mark Hasserot) Baba Beldora and Anarchoma Prima. This is an ancient incest Love and bonding ritual between sisters & brothers from the Carpathian Mountain communities of Romania, where the two have their wrists punctured and bleed out into each other to symbolize a consensual union and commitment. Photo submitted by Tina Weeks.
Because Sable is the top matriarch of seven different covens, she is highly sought after, so the ability to change her appearance at will like a chameleon is a very advantageous talent.
Though not sought after for any harmful purposes, without her ability to ‘shape-shift’ she would be constantly hounded by various organizations that plead with her to participate in studies and experimentations.
Not an illogical notion, being as how Sable is such a unique biological wonder.
Sable, despite being able to change her appearance and perception, does adopt one very stable and iconic appearance.
This is her real life appearance – it is of a thin, but curvy female with light skin and short hair, almost always in some sort of ‘Bob-haircut’.
The Bob-Haircut she is famous for is probably an ode to Cybil Carnate, a long dead Templar-Wikkani saint from the 1920’s, to which she bases much of her feminist and Romanian/Latina activism on.
Dark Sable will sometimes dye her short hair blonde, or shave her head bald, or nearly bald for certain seasons, according to solstice moon schedules and Wikkani traditional rites.
Sable also uses makeup in ways unheard of before, such as the use of makeup to make her lips seem thinner, or make her eyes seem smaller when in camouflage mode, as Sable is mostly known for having naturally big,wide green eyes.
Submitted by free domain:: A painting of Dark Sable by her brother Dark Riddle. Also used for the character Venus Wolf in his book anthologies
Raw power
Dark Sable has a multitude of talents and witchcraft tactics. Among these are skills three-fold, physical psychological -- and possibly even paranormal???
Her most dangerous ability is grounded not in fictitious magic, but in real life psychological perception and manipulation.
Like her monster mother, Phantasma Djuric, her daughter, Farina Djuric, and her Warlock brothehusband Dark Riddle, she can project many mental disorders via E.M.A.
Of these nasty mental disorder projections, includes a terrifying O.C.D trigger spell, that can leave a person feeling like things are crawling on them for weeks!
This particular 'trick' was projected onto Psychologist Nancy Galowalski in 2014, to which the social worker kept scratching her arms open, until Sable's gory psychological spell wore off some 2 weeks later. (see the IPC domestic damages report from the social services bureau).
This is similar to the horrendous 'Spider' spell Dark Riddle projected onto Voodoo Hoshey Priest Tony White.
Dark Sable conducted another of these OCD spells on New Orleans Alderman Tom Pascow in 2007, and performed this insidious stunt, even while she was in jail!
She proved that the Wikkani are so adept at these loathsome acts of psychological witchcraft that they can even perform these sickening feats from a far distance remotely!
As occult expert Professor Jessica Talbert remarks:
'Despite them being Christians, and yes they DO worship Jesus Christ, they are far more insidious than any Satanic group I've ever known.
These Synoptic Templars and Wikkani, make Satanists look as scary as a new born puppy!
I say this, because it's very important to know that these people are NOT practicing Wicca, Herbal magik, Crystal collecting, or anything related to what the public terms as witchcraft.
According to the Basque and Witchcraft museum in Segovia Spain, what the Wikkani are doing is altering small parts of society by manipulating the most prominent people in those neighborhoods or townships.
This is what they call 'controlling the Elite,' or simply 'puppeterring'.
This is a rather unethical and slithering ideology to say the least. And their lot has been doing this not for months, or decades, but literally centuries!
These Wikkani, including the pretty and perky Dark Sable, have been sneaking in secret to towns, and via psychological manipulations empowered by the Obsidian witchcraft of E.M.A, they 'alter' the town's civil rules and change their ethical and aesthetic makeup, so much so, that some long-time residents actually move out, due to their locals acting 'inappropriate'.
In this way, these people are like a plague or psychological virus.
No witches I've ever known do this type of Mental alchemy.
And no where have I even remotely heard of any group that causes such wholesale disorder.
That said, there is a lot of insidious workings behind Sable's innocent appearance and wide green eyes.
It is likely that these people, are not even really witches, because it would seem that after researching them intensely, they come from a stock before any modern witch practices today.
There lot is by far older than Wicca, Voodoo, Palo Muyambe, Santeria, and even out-date pagan Druidism.
They get their practice from ancient Greek Epistomology, an archaic forerunner of modern psychology called Scribal Mental alchemy.
This was brought to Romania among the Carpathians in 1244 AD, this is why they are called 'Wallachian' witches.
Sometimes they are even called Strigoi, which in Romania, means Vampire, Warlock or Witch.
In fact, in Europe today the name of 'Strigoi' are what Wikkani are termed as.
This is what they should be termed as in America, too, so that their sick brand of psychological magic never get confused with proper modern witchcraft.
At any rate, the 'beautiful Moth freak' Dark Sable is directly from this ominous familial bloodline.
However in truth, they are not practicing what most people know as witchcraft, but something far more sinister.
This is why, they should NOT be considered witches, as they are something entirely different.
Calling a Wikkani a witch, is like calling a dolphin a fish, both may look alike, but they are not related, at all!!!
Unfortunately, these Wikkani are very fascinating and it's extremely easy to form an obsession with them.
I myself, am among this audience, as watching them is akin to watching your favorite horror film, or trying to look away during a very sensual and naughty part of a movie.
But I must warn that these are very sick and deranged people, who should not be revered in any sense!
Although they are certainly beautiful people to look at, they are incestuous, bipolar and probably in all actuality, mentally insane to some degree.
They are a bane to the beauty of modern witchcraft, and I am wholly glad that these are a secretive culture that run away from publicity and the limelight.
They and their dishonorable craft should not be tinkered with, unless you want to become a part of something you may never escape!'
>>>Professor Jessica Talbert
Sable is however very slow to react badly or offensively to anyone, unless she is herded in a corner and she uses these ghastly psychological defenses ONLY for her own protection.
Sable is a master of Talon Bleu, and as a devout Yoga instructor and jogger, she stays fit and healthy.
This helped her boost a particularly bloody martial art called Talon Bleu, a fighting defense method that purposely uses freehand techniques to break open veins on the face and body of the opponent, causing the attacker to ‘bleed-out’.
She also has the dreaded ability of OCD, Tourette’s and remote projection, being able to tap into the involuntary reflexes of people.
Sable is also said to have a skill no other Wikkani has called ‘prompting’, an ability of some sort to greatly magnify a person’s emotions.
Brother & sister union
Despite being his younger sister, Sable is the ‘cultic wife’ of her brother Dark Riddle.
She was raised by him since she was twelve and had gone with him during most of his arduous training with Dark Ripper.
Because of this, she learned much of what was being taught to her older brother, simply by being present during his teachings.
It was during this time that she must have seen him as a father figure, since her host parents left her during her teen years.
Yet, somehow this father figure became an object of her affections and Sable eventually got a ‘cultic wife status’ through sheer persistence.
Incestuous??? Dark Sable & her Brother Dark Riddle: Submitted by Tina Weeks
As to whether these two are incestuous we do not know, as there is no evidence to suggest it.
However, they are exceptionally close and Sable does receive most of the wealth and properties awarded to him from various mediation missions.
In this way, she is treated much like a wife. It is also very clear she is very important in his life, raising his children and handling nearly all of his business affairs.

Dark Sable and Dark Riddle at the Taste of Chicago in 1995: Photo submitted by Tina weeks
He also seems very amorous with her in behavior and this, along with Sable’s owns deep feelings for him, suggests the two may be MORE than just close brother and sister.
But this is just speculation and nothing else.
Riddle also refers to her as ‘Good-sister’, which in Romanian translates to ‘Sora Buna’ – an age-old Wallachian slang term for wife.
It is logically concluded that Sable has a great influence over Dark Riddle.
What we do know about the two from their past, is that they both support each other, especially in tough times. And many believe Sable as a child, saved her brother from death during the brutal war with the rival Sabbat cult.
Dark Sable with Dark Riddle in 1996 from the Chicago Casper Gallery exhibition 'Monsters in my Room'. This also featured occultists...Bronx Psychologist Anarchoma Bethany, Vanojesuit Nun Rebecca Lauren the Red, and Occult Street artist Nicky Havoc. Photo submitted by Tina Weeks.
Dr. Dana Nibal says of this; ‘when Sable was a pre-teen, she cooked, cared and cleaned for him when the two lived together in the early 90’s. Riddle was often beaten or came home from the cult war with broken bones and severe injuries and it was Sable who took him to the hospitals and cared for him at home. She was like a miniature wife for him. She also had to endure much of her brother’s harsh training along with him, so I personally feel that Sable is entitled to everything she gets from him.’

Drawing of the TemplaWikkani witch Dark Sable by Warren Louw: Submitted by Gina Petree
She doesn’t seem dangerous, but she is!
Dark Sable has a perky bubbly fun attitude most of the time and is quite a lovable character.
But she has stabbed people with swords, literally ripped apart the skin of some of her attackers with her fingernail-like claws, and did this to the point that they needed stitches.
She even set one of her stalkers on fire in a public train station!!!
These incidents and many more, suggest that Dark Sable is psychotically violent on occasion and is no stranger to violence, despite her harmless looking exterior.
As a model and business owner
Sable took over the feminist nude figure model position that her mother Phantasma Djuric once had at the prestigious Chicago Art Institute and is a nude figure model for an all-female feminist’s body imaging group.
She also works as an artist and owns an alternative oriented thrift shop on Chicago’s Northside.
Her role as ‘The Moth’
Dark Sable is called the Moth for many different reasons, but is mainly called this due to her transformations of both mental and physical extremes.
This is symbolic, as in a caterpillar turning into a moth.
As a youth, she was raised as a boy until her mid-teen years when she decided to adopt a female identity, which was unavoidable, since she had no male private parts.
She is also somewhat obsessed with Butterflies and Moths and often takes on the form of ‘Sirte’s Malka’; a monster-like moth entity that she imitates during ritual art performances.
Dark Sable during a Wikkani Bog Ritual. Circa 1994 Wisconsin Dells. Photo submitted by Tina Weeks
Tuner of the fork
This section is hard to write about since we understand little of this mysterious ‘Chromium resonator’ thing, even if it is a physical thing in the real world.
From what we know, somewhere near a deeply forested bog in Wisconsin, is an odd natural phenomenon.
A series of phallic shaped rock formations protrude through the peat moss ground.
Near the center, is a queer monument which appears to be a petrified tree.
This prehistoric tree, though dead, still emanates a strange cinnamon like powder.
This powdery substance is similar to the ‘Shadow Candy’ that Lauren the Red and Dark Riddle ventured for in 1995 in an Alton Illinois rock Quarry, but were ‘relieved’ of their samples by the CDC.
It also matched the unidentified powdery material from an uncanny meteorite called the ‘Acorn’ which is now held in the basement of the Field Museum of Natural history in Chicago.
Author Jane Pittman, believes, because the Templar have a division that specializes in metaphysics, this is why they send Templaric agents to research and guard these enigmatic relics.
Although this sounds like a crazy conspiracy, it is in fact true.
No one knows where the secreted place is, except the Sabbat, the Knights Templar and the Wikkani.
But it has been suggested that the Wisconsin park and forest conservation folks know where it is, but are banned from going there.
Even so, a few high ranking Freemasons mentioned a similar tree in a ‘tuning fork’ shape.
A rendition of the mysterious ‘Chromium resonator’ of Black Forest in the Wisconsin Bogs, art by Ranarh. Photo submitted by Tina weeks
Dark Sable is titled as the ‘Păstrătoarea Porții’ of this place.
This roughly translates in old Romanian to ‘Gate Sealer’.
But archaeologist Tim Murdock says it is better translated as ‘Cloud Gardner’ due to the much older Romanian tongue.
Yet no one is sure of its meaning.
During the 1991 interview of Frederick Garibaldi, he states; ‘I was told by an old Beldorian witch that Sable the Moth sings and dances nude to this tuning-fork-shaped tree. It is an ominous thing with bark as hard as marble with similar patterns. And Sable seems to gather some sort of substance from it, after offering her ritual dance and song’. But she is definitely NOT worshiping it, just merely tending to it, like a favorite plant, as Dark Sable is a very devout Dark Christian.
Dark Sable is a very mysterious and fascinating woman in the occult genera.
In my opinion, she is easily one of the most powerful and unique figures in modern occult history.
And one of the most secretive REAL LIFE witches known.
These days, Sable is still very hard to trace and prefers a life of privacy, where she can continue to manipulate and alter the world around her.
Article and quotes by Jessica Tolbert, Jay Lebow, Damien Osorio, Dean Levin, Abigail Partridge, Cindy Morrison, Susan Stern, Jane Pittman, Al Serevensson, Fredrick Garibaldi, Dr. C Brooks, Kay Beaumont, Lisa de Angelo and Liza Turner.
A drawing of Sable as 'the Moth' by Wanda Tuloppoustulos. Photo submitted by Tina Weeks.

#darksable #arcadiadjuric #farinadjuirc #darkripper #wikkani #phantasmadjuirc #darkridle #synopticknights #psychologicalwitchcraft #obsidianwitchcraft #epistomology #epistomalicmentalalchemy #mentalalchemy
submitted byCindyMorrisonwatts1tou/CindyMorrisonwatts1 [link][comments]

2021.12.20 02:22 Ser22aWe are in a grave need of a Slavic flavor pack

We really need a Slavic flavor pack. Slavia is likely the strongest empire you can get and straight up eliminates others' hopes for creating the Roman Empire, so it should give you comparable profits.
Slavic religion should get some mutual syncretism trait towards Aastaru if not get put into the same family, as their gods were largely direct reflections. Equal gender law, consorts and concubines and witchcraft accepted should also be the default rules in this religion.
Slavs were literally the same people complete with language at the earlier start date so there should be Slavic culture getting split in late 900s at earliest
Traces of Caranthania should also exist as it was a Slavic country taken over by the Franks in 822, the culture (Probably Slovene in game terms) would still persist by the start date, some could say they weren't too important, but there's a huge chance that they are the ancestors of today's Poles (those who emmigrated after Italian invasion) and Slovenes (those who stayed). There's no guarentee on either though, Poles esentially created their own distinct culture which can't be confirmed nor denied in this scenario and Slovenes may have just absorbed culture of 'their' ancestors.
Also remove Russia please, we might get Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and nothing of the value will be lost if it stays this way. Russia is literally younger than Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, why is it here instead of one of Ruthenias (likely the Novogrodian one)? It even has the impeiral Russian coat of arms for God's sake! The rights to the double headed eagle coat of arms were inherited by the Tsars of Russia due to dynastic relations only after the Byzantine empire has collapsed for good together witb all its' claimaints, so AFTER the end date
And problems with the titles of Slavic rulers are complicated. For example the classical feudal titles were outlawed in Poland whatsoever, but let's ignore it, the financial criteria can be simplified. But here comes the hard part.
If I asked you, if Tsar is an equivalent to Emperor you would say it's true right? Well it isn't. Tsar is basically a king. I know, I know your whole world has been shattered. So how do you call a Russian emperor? Imperator, or Emperor depending on how close you want to be to the original. The problem is, there were no emperors of any Slavic countries before 1721 and the only ones were Russian. The problem is while Russia claimed the mantle of the Byzantine Empire, other Slavic countries didn't so they would likely rule out a refernce to Rome.
So Slavic kings are called Tsars? Wrong! This title was used only by the Russian, Bulgarian and two Serbian ones. The rest used the title 'King' right? Not at all! When Vladislav IV (by Polish numeration) Waza became the tsar of Russia he became a tsar, not a king.
I'm not sure if you can even make title-bound ruler rank names. But it could probably solve the case. The problem is that in this case Bulgaria was never an empire, just a tsardom, so a kingdom equivalent. Bulgaria is a de jure empire at the moment. in EU IV PLC and GB are Kingdom rank, despite GB being frequently called 'British Empire' and the Commonwealth being able to become an Empire immediately, so we should downgrade the Bulgarian Empire to kingdom rank
Even worse, Russia should be downgraded too! It leaves us with a lack of an empire in eastern Europe so it's rather problematic, but we could just split our tsardom of Russia to three Kingdom titles and make Ruthenia a unified variant
But all of this can be completely unimportant, if you choose to belive that Russian Empire was just a Tsardom of Russia with a new coat of paint, but again, what was the difference between French kingdom and hour before Napoleon crowned himself Emperor and French Empire an hour later? The split can also be a newer thing, becuase the kings of Great Britian and the Commonwealth just didn't care about the Emperor title, they have seen the Emperors as their equals, was it the case for tsars? Well you can decide what you belive.
I wrote all of this because somebody has found the comment I made insightful, so it's a dirctor's cut version of this comment as a post
submitted bySer22atoCrusaderKings [link][comments]

2021.12.19 03:53 keloydWhen would a modern, suburban, middle class home (~ Denver if possible?) be expected to have modern utilities?

My question is more tricky than it seems. In an established US urban or suburban area, when could working class or ordinary professional class people buy a new house and expect modern utilities, which I will subjectively define all of these - (1) electricity, (2) hot and cold water faucets, (3) bathroom with a flushing toilet, tub, sink?
Consider the Ford factory worker with a $5 day and the doctor he may visit as 2 typical lower-middle and upper-middle households. I am curious about Denver but anywhere similar - just as good. It is easy to look up when was such-and-such invented, but market penetration is another matter.
I used to live near an old neighborhood. Original homes are smallish, identical, and built in ~1910. The originals are all wooden square 1 storey houses, ~800 square feet, 2 bedrooms, chimney right in the middle, roofs kind of steep to accommodate snow, some kind of cellar or basement. Of course every 4th house is the original, maybe with lots of add-ons. The rest were replaced, maybe a few times.
I've been in a few, and electricity APPEARS added after the fact. The same goes for climate control, even radiators that (maybe) replaced/augmented a long-gone coal burning stove, but the kitchen has a decorative metal patch thing that used to be where the stove pipe went. The bathroom MAY have started in its present location, but no one really knows. An original-spec 1910 specimen cannot be found.
Empires of Light by Jill Jonnes has some cool anecdotes and nearly address my question, and she is a good storyteller. The clash of big egos with sharp business practices, while Tesla quotes Serbian poetry at his enemies (!) makes for a good book. OTOH, it gives dates of when this block in a big Northeastern US city first got electric lights, or when that millionaire's mansion was wired up, with a technician on site in the basement. When did all this trickle down to regular people?
submitted bykeloydtoAskHistorians [link][comments]

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2021.12.15 14:03 Fault_SpiritedCroatian Peaky Blinder

So our story begins in the small village of Topusko. It's a nice place to live if you like chirping birds and the beautiful green woods. but this small village is home to Zoran Lazarevic, the leader of a small smuggling Croatian and Bosnian gang called the Yugoslav brotherhood. Their main profession of the family business is smuggling high-value goods such as liquor or drugs to rich bidders and is worth the pay. Here is where we also meet the family. Josip is the oldest out of the five and is very calm and collected but his anger can be better for him sometimes, Jakov is the third youngest and can sometimes be annoying and a control freak. Petra is the fourth-youngest and is very ambitious, Naida is fully focused on getting that money rather than her family and is pretty manipulative and also the youngest Elena is pretty gullible/ naive and their mother Ana has the most important job as she receives information about the items that they are smuggling and their bidders. Here is where we also meet the Bosnian side with Luka and Yurje and their parents and are family and are like family friends. Zoran who leads the group is the second oldest and is the brain of the operations and always has a master plan. During their routine smuggling Zoran, Josip with their cousin Ante and recruit Borislav and their two uncles Izet and Damir are sent to steal a box with valuable jewels in it but are ambushed by the police forcing them to flee with the package in hand. this catches the eye of a hardcore cop and war veteran Marko Filipovic who is then drafted to the village as he was sleeping with the chief of police wife in Belgrade but was a bit of a wild card anyway. And is also dating Petra.
So now ever since the jewel shootout the chief of Topusko Tomo or Tomislav is now a real hardass and uses brute force to get his way. But with this, he has confirmed at least two suspects with the first suspect being the Brotherhood themselves and Uskoks a Mafia the runs docks of Yugoslavia and controls many of the shipping ports that go in and out of Yugoslavia and would love to have those jewels. But then a new girl comes into town and it is Alma who works in the families cafe/bar and catches the attention of Borislav, but Alma has a dirty secret as she is working as an undercover operative for the cops as she wants to find out of who killed her father and to put an end to the brotherhood once and for all and during this time has made friend with Bosnian police officer Robert.
From there Zoran meets up with Chief Tomislav and tells him that he knows where the jewels are but to stay out of the brotherhood's way. There Zoran and his crew meet up with a Serbian militia who called themselves the iron sluggers who were supposed to receive the jewels but never got them and are pretty pissed but add more fire to the flame they start a fight and blame it on the Uskoks. This of course pisses off the uskoks of as they are already at war with them and don't have the Yugoslav brotherhood on his tail and so conquer up a deal to join forces. But even though a deal had been made they still needed to finalise it at the Usokoks club in Rijeka. There we see alama and Boris and alma get along and Alma tells Boris about her father's death, Boris hears this and vows to help her find her father's killer (they start a romance). So does Ante and Boris's sister Zrinka and also Zoran also finds a good looking gal by the name of Annabella. After the party, the two clans have made an alliance and also learn that iron sluggers have made a big move with transferring weapons to the police and intercepted it getting the weapons. There Tomo is discovered demoted to a police officer with Marko getting promoted to chief of police, he reforms the precinct and is more efficient and learns about the undercover operative and learns about Petras true identity ( Petra lied to Marko about herself) and also learns that the Uskoks and Yugoslav brotherhood are going to make a big move and tips off the iron sluggers which catches the brotherhood off guard put manage to hold themselves together in an intense firefight with the brotherhood winning. But after the firefight alma learns that Tomo killed her father during the first world war in his squad as her father wanted to defect to the allies. At night we see alma leaving the village but is stopped by Boris and both of them confirm their love for each other but Boris is then shot by Tomo at this point he had enough of the brotherhood.
We pick up where we left off in where Alma fired a shot from her purse gun but the bullet shot from Tomo hits Boris but managed to get away scot-free with Alma getting on her train to Australia. Two years later the brotherhood has become one of the top smuggling crime families in Yugoslavia, but the family still wants to dig for gold and heads to Sarajevo to spread their enterprise. But during the party, they start some trouble with the Red Guard, led by Rafel Maddrazzo, ( he is Croatian/Italian) and he was a part of Yugoslavian partisans who united Yugoslavia, which broke off wanting to pursue a life of crime and became sort of like a military-run mafia.
This causes the Red Guard to track Zoran down and beat him but is stopped by the police, but this is not any ordinary police this is the Golden Sun, a detective agency in America and is basically like the Pinkertons in red dead 2 led by Nathan Goldberg and the rest of his agents Micheal Rossvodian, Dominic johns, Josh Markinson and Jack Gundar. They have been searching for Zoran’s father ever since 1885 to pay for his criminal actions, but after interrogating him find out nothing and hand Zoran to the authorities, impressed Marko hires them to capture the brotherhood, also Zoran becomes the eyes and ears for the cops and assassinates people for the police as well and is dating Annabella and hires as an assistant. At this point, Zoran is punching way above his weight and realises that he will need more than just his family so he turns to the Railway dwellers led by Leon Rokovic this gang most specialize in smuggling everything from alcohol to people and to carrying out assassinations by using trains as mini hideouts with their main base in the deep underground.
Now the two factions are beating the Red Guard this is also where the show’s line comes in By will of the Yugoslav brotherhood. Also during this time, Boris' dad who serves as a police officer comes back from Macedonia and let’s just say he isn’t too happy with his son’s profession, Petra and Marko get back together. Maddarzzo goes full godfather style and gives Leon an offer he can’t refuse but Zoran comes back as he has rigged a couple of bombs to the dam and if he blows it up this whole operation will be washed away and by this still keeps his deal with Zoran. There are also so many fights between the golden sun and And now we hit the big climax with Maddrazzo and Lazarevic going against each other at the casino as Zoran needs to kill a high ranking captain in the military and kill Maddrazzo on the same day. The plan goes sort of smoothly when shit hits the fan when josip hears that Naida got in bed with agent Goldberg so an enraged josip kills the agent sending a clear message to not fuck with the brotherhood, this grabs the attention of the golden sun and the police surrounding the area this allows for the Yugoslav brotherhood to swoop in and take all his territory but Zoran is caught by the police but these aren’t real cops these are cops paid by Marko to kill him after his job was done to clean up loose ends. But right before he is about to get shot he is saved by one of the cops who reveals to him that the governor is not done with you yet and season 2 ends with the brotherhood winning on all fronts.
Two years after the second season we see that Zoran’s mafia is the top crime family in all of Yugoslavia and is pretty stinking rich and had proposed to Annabella. But business never stops as approached by Turkish revolutionaries looking for heavy weapons and armoured vehicles to aid them in the civil war. The brotherhood has branched out on smuggling and now has gotten into shipping liquor. During this time Marko is now demoted to a police officer due to reckless actions in season 2 and also live in a church with priest bozo and later tomo. So now back at the police station the new head of the precinct is Julian Wagner and let just he doesn’t like eastern Europeans.
During this time Elena is dating but she is dating a member of a gang who calls themselves the Belgrade wolves. There is a gang similar to American western gangs and do train and bank robberies and bounties going full western even though there Serb. And as soon the gang member finds out he immediately tells the rest and begins to harass the brotherhood and at this point, they had enough and but this gang has a pretty familiar face to Zoran and it is his ex-finance Nicole Robinson (western-influenced name) and we see a while back before the first season of the show that Nicole grew up in a criminals life style and when her father and Zoran and his friend of Ivan (he is also introduced in this season) began to work together and she was a great assist.
The girl was a natural-born thief that she could keep up with the best of the best, and when these two come along she began to work with them a great deal and one of their expeditions had stolen the jewels of sultana Hurrem from a museum of the 14th century. These two were a criminal match made in heaven and as one thing led to another they got in engaged but Zoran dipped out as he saw the families codes and morals were not good and pretty crazy and got out of there leaving her at the altar. Leading her father to vow to track him down and pay. This causes them to kill Annabella and Tommy wants to torture one member to death but gets nothing out of it so has sex with Hana one of the leading revolutionists. Checking on the family, josip is dating a sort of wildish girl by the name of Angelina and made him a little more fun to be around, Naia is dating yuri and petra wants to leave the family and live with Marko in Zagreb and Jakov is still the same and is dating Vanessa American journalist and ante accidentally got Boris sister pregnant while doing and Boris trying to put the past behind and works as a mechanic and is in contact with alma again. And so now the weapons are moving along when a new priest replaces bozo and runs secrete service called the secret sector or section 7 but turns out this new priest has been leaking everything to the Imperial Turkish side.
Also during this time, Julian Wagner makes a big difference in the police precinct as he ships in Austrians into the place and is reducing pay for easterners which causes Tomo, Robert, Drakov (Boris dads name) and Marko to conjure up a plan to sniff him out. We also see that the Yugoslavian brotherhood is actually on the brink of losing so to prevent this Zoran fakes his death to go behind enemy lines to sabotage and kill the priest and also lives in a cabin in the woods hunting food. Also now that Zoran is “dead” the family begin to argue how to run the business (almost breaks into civil war) which allows for the Belgrade wolves to make a big push and then all of a sudden Zoran comes back surprising everyone and pushing the Belgrade wolves back. But during this time Dravko and the rest have planned to sneak into his house to find his true agenda with the help of Boris. Then Damir (who plays a role in this show) is taken and is put on the train transporting the weapons in where Section seven plans to blow up the train but the train is instead derailed and blown up with all the weapons. But you might think that the plan has failed but Zoran reveals that those were fake weapons and the real weapons transported by the Uskoks and the Railway dwellers transported by train and rivers and so the Yugoslav brotherhood wins once again and Damir kills Nicole ending it once and for all.
Season 4 takes place right after the event of the train heist and the family gets arrested and is about to be sent to execution by Julian Waganer but is stopped by another policeman stating that Julian is removed from office as he was planning a revolution and the family is saved by their skin. We cut to 2 years later and Zoran has blackmailed the governor with the Turkish arms deal which made him the mayor of Topsuko. And the family have been living a quiet life with josip taking up a construction job in the village, with Petra successfully moving and getting engaged and with Marko getting a warm welcome to the family (he isn’t doing any crime) and Zoran having a son with his new wife Vantia and now and yuri and Nadia getting married as well and Zrinka having a child. But all this peace is interrupted when Zoran receives a letter from Australia informing them that their father has died and wants them to their cousins, So the family comes together to discuss if this is even true or not and put agree to investigate but the family split in half with Zoran, Josip, Boris, ante and Jakov and Luka and Ivan will go to Australia while the other stay.
When the Brotherhood came to Australia they learn that after their father committed a big heist in 1885 he fled to Australia with his two brothers and three sisters to lay low but after a while wanted to start a crime family big as the Italian crime family but never worked as he made huge differences between the family which cause them to split into four. So the 1st crime family is the partisan guard and are actually the grandparents of the family and are the ones who are pretty delusional and are hard-headed the second family is also known as Hrvatgrads who are the most normal out of the others and are pretty nice and traditional not full-blown but you get it and the least supported one. The third is the A.E.C.E or known as Australian. Eastern European. Criminal. Enterprises are the wealthiest ones in the family and gain the most support (and are half Australian). The 4rth and final one is the South Cronulla Shipping Inc or the southerners.
Their Zoran meets the two families and talks to the leader of Hrvatgrads Ivana in which she explains her life story and has two sons one for 17 (and helps the business) and one 8( From two different dads its divorce) and also tries to gather information about the other families. So A.E.C.E is run by Mari or Marijana is pretty stuck up and so is the southerners led by Valor a former AIF soldier in the first world war. Also during this time Boris is trying to win back alma as has met another guy. So Zoran’s main goal here is to accomplish is uniting the family back together but has to back to basics to make money and do some good old smuggling where they smuggle a high-value artifact but when the job is done and when they meet up with the client by the name of Samuel Union.
the deal goes south as the group finds out he brought fake banknotes and turns into a massive bar fight and a run-in with Kathrine Union a leader of a cult and secret society called the order of the Pillars. There Zoran and Izzet get held a gunpoint and Kathrine’s reveals her relationship with izet back in the day and they are both shot in the chest. but by then they reveal that have been wearing metal plates under their shirt just in case. So the group secretly follows the unions to an underground hideout where they discover that the Unions are trying to find a lost treasure of the golden city of troy that Carwell Simsons and James Union were commissioned by the Governor of Australia to find this lost city. Since none of them are archeologists and enlists the help of the Bookerton brothers to help them find the treasure which consists of the oldest Shuan, the second being Darren and the youngest being Cassandra Bookerton and also enlist the help of their family with OG gang going and a batch of new blood being the josip the 17-year-old son Marijanas two twins Lukas and Antoni who are 16 (and are assholes) and Valors brother in law John Veronic who is 20. With the help of the Bookertons, they are able to learn where to begin searching and leads to a mansion in France.
So the group headed to a French Mansion where they find a piece to the puzzle where which is where they find half an amulet in a crypt pointing to the location of somewhere in the middle east but Zoran, Ante and josip (the Older one and younger )are ambushed by Unions men and take the amulet to spice things flesh-eating spider eat one of Samuels men and the Mansion is set ablaze. After the Mansion chase, the group are able to translate the amulet and locate it to a citadel in Saudi Arabia. We cut back to Australia where see the brotherhood trying to reorganise the three families but to no success, as the families are at constant odds with one another this comes to a final straw when A.E.C.E makes a big move without telling the others and causes a war with the kelly boys Lead by Charles Kelly the great-great-grandson of the infamous ned kelly.
So back to the treasure hunting team and have made it to the citadel where they have found the other half of the amulet leading to Iraq but then they are yet again ambushed with them killing John and injuring Antoni and Lukas dropping and even Cassandra from the expedition altogether. Only Leaving Zoran, Ante, the two josips and the two Bookertons brothers Shaun and Darren. But during the firefight, both sides lost the amulet needing it to unlock the city. This leads both of the groups to an auction where it turns into a massive firefight and an epic chase scene. But meanwhile back in Australia, things aren't going too well as news had spread out of the war with the Kellys which attracted some of the family old enemies for an instant the Hrvatgrad face off against their old enemies Kursans the 2nd ex-husband to Ivana who called themselves the dead rabbits. The Partisan guard attracted their enemies the A.E.F (Austrian Expeditionary Force) led by the warlord Francis Bauer and The southerners enemies being the black flag a pirate gang. To combat this they hired a hitman by the name of Adrian Veleski the older brother of Angelina and met an Italian gal by the name of Gabriel. Back in the middle east, the clues have led to an underground tomb in which it reveals that the city is hidden in the Tigris desert combining turkey and Iraq. But upon leaving Zoran is knocked out by union men, there he meets with Katherine and informs him that she has the group and Zoran not falling for the same trap again he tries to escape But is yet again caught. This time he is kidnapped by one of the Union's fired guns, Muhummed who is a pirate. Muhummad interrogates Zoran to get information but to no avail and claims to have the gang held at gunpoint.
But Zoran escapes his captors and abroad the pirates stolen ww1 naval ship, discovering that the gang isn’t on board he blows up the ship causing it to sink but manages to escape but with one last encounter with Muhammed who shoots the gas final sinking the ship and Zoran drifts off to sea. We are back in Australia where the war has intensified ever since the first few months as the three different families have joined together renaming themselves as the Balkaslavians or B.L.U Balkan league united and their enemies have also joined in a coalition naming themselves R.E.D Regional Entireprised crime Dominion, but the tide of war will change yet again.
Back to Zoran where we see that he has been found by some fishermen off the coast there, Cassandra is able to find Zoran as she was going on her own treasure hunt and informs him that Unions have the boys held captive and are forcing them to lead her men to the lost city their Zoran boards a cargo plane to catch up for a lost time but crashes it in the desert forcing him to walk the rest of the way. There he finds a ghost town infested with Union men but a man by the name of Rodi and his tribe ride in to save the day. There he learns during the third crusade Sultan Saladin summoned the evil spirits of the Jinn and trapped them in a brass vessel, There he used a base of English soldiers possessing them and turning them on each other. Sultan Saladin had discovered the city of troy, wanting the city for himself he sent out a secret legion of assassins led by Fadi Assad and the brass but the battle went Horribly wrong as the Jinn escaped and caused mayhem but were able to enclose it and cast it into the bottom of the pon. But the damage had been done and the city was no more and General Fadi closed the city forever.
The war in Australia only intensifies as the B.L.U side is exhausted by the constant fighting and have lost key facilities to the R.E.Ds and the R.E.Ds have them outnumbered 10 to 1 with Ivana’s first ex-husband joining the R.E.D side to get his revenge on his wife. With this, the family tries to gain support from the natives but only manage to get 2 tribes but the situation grows only worse as Marijana is planning a mutiny. We cut back to the middle east where Rodi and Zoran take out Union’s convoy and free the boys and reach the city of Troy while in the city they are separated. But during this time the boys quench their thirst by drinking from a fountain their they face off against possessed Union men and also they all trip out having their own hallucinations of their fears and past but the group awaken to their senses and meet up with Rodi and confirm that the water supply is tainted when Assad threw it down into the water and can cause hallucinations. It also seems that when Carwell tried to leave the city but was stopped by the union causing the crew to go into a civil war amongst each other killing each other until the last man. Our heroes once again meet the mother and son duo who are slowly winching up the brass vessel talbot nearly kills the older Josip Zoran divines in and ante destroys the winch by dynamite. Accidentally blowing by the central system caused the city to collapse into a sinkhole. During the chaos, Kathrine is trapped in a sinkhole but Zoran tries to save her but to no avail, talbot and Zoran have a final face-off before he is shot and falls to his death, then Rodi and his tribe ride and save them all
But over in Australia Marijana’s mutiny has taken full swing with the B.L.Us losing the war and now are agreeing to a treaty. But even though they have lost the war the battle isn’t over as the boys are back and stop the treaty from being agreed upon and restart the war with fresh new troops. There he makes a successful deal with aboriginals and leaves them to train with rodi. He also makes another deal with kangaroo jack led by Jack Kanga, another mafia gang who wants to take down the A.E.F and team up. But the big change in the war is when the first ex-husband Zrinko is caught in a surprise attack at his bar and is transported to a secret location where the two reconcile with their past and Zrinko tells that he is a changed man but the reunion is cut short when R.E.D troops find his location with only Ivanna and Zrinko being the only ones in the house. There the two make it out barely alive and escape with Ivanna and are brought to the main base of operation.
Now the big mafia war turns on the side of the B.L.Us with them taking back their key facilities and also during this time Zoran Has a fascination with politics and meets up with Jack lang and learns a lot about politics and also meets Jack Langs Nemesis James Kaci a strong head liberal. There the B.L.Us have won the war and now have reunited the family and now Boris is tasked to reorganise the A.E.C.E and now Zoran has yet again won again. The boys head back home and Zoran retires from his life of crime, but shortly after Zoran has realised what he has done to all those people he had fought and won against, but after his deep depression but picks himself up and decides to climb even higher on the money letter and runs for parliament with the skills from jack lang and James kaci he is ready to climb the money ladder once again.
Season 5 takes place two years after the 4 Season and we see the family in a vulnerable state as the Yugoslavian market has crashed meaning that the family's fortune becomes worthless and the family have to come back to crime once again. But over in Australia the stock market crash hasn’t affected Boris at all as he pulled all of his money out of the funds at the last minute. Boris and Alma come back to Tupusku with the news in addition to the family being small little Alviy or Alvin but Boris isn’t completely off the hook as someone tipped off Josip that he had given some of the money to some randos. But Zoran is ambushed on his own house by fire alcohol and some men and learns that there apart an Italian small gang called the Genoves. And also have attacked Angelina and her older brother captive and are holding them for ransom. But Josip doesn’t hesitate to capture his wife back and her brother but loses Adrian sister-wife Gabriella and is brutally shot.
But with all this chaos happening we see Zoran in the parliament and he realises that his life as a politician and a gangster is very similar as he is on the side of the Labor party who speaks for the workers and is more on the side of communism but still shows signs of capitalism but this catches the attention of none over than josip Broz Tito. who convinces him to turn to full-blown communism and together want to build a new Yugoslavia. But even though Zoran is a full-blown politician bill still need to get paid so the gang get into a new form of crime and that’s horse racing and find out it’s pretty profitable and begins to fix horses and this catches the attention of the boss of horse racing Jasmin Polzman who is pretty pissed that they were fixing horse without her permission. Also, the Lazarvics have risen their tributes but have gone too far with Mr Auditore and his youngest son John Auditure who leads the Genoves and the attack on the brotherhood's house.
But during this time Mr Auditore has a heart attack mid-way through calling upon his older son Jaidon Auditore who has risen through the ranks and is now a high ranking don in the family and is pretty ruthless. During this gang war, Assassins sent by Jaidon find Ante and kill him but during the crossfire, Boris manages to escape. There Jaidon Auditore finds Zoran and plans to kill his whole family and to leave Zoran for last, following this men are sent to hunt down josip but survive by going savage mode and killing the assassins. But meanwhile, a new character is introduced, Harry Pottorvic (British/Bosnian) a capitalist activist who leads a group called B.O.W.A.R Bosnian Offenvise Worker Alleged Rights and meet up with Zoran to pledge a deal to give the secrets of Tito over to them and to kill when he was done. But Josip Tito is no fool and catches wind of Zoran’s plan all along and holds him at gunpoint but Zoran tells him that he is actually infiltrating B.O.W.A.R and agrees to them some of their information.
There it catches the attention of the rookie governor of the Yugoslavian Luka Benvoa who is heavily concerned about his full-on speech about Socialism and wants him to get him information about the other two and now Zoran is a triple agent. So now Zoran is trying to befriend Tito and at a party, the B.O.W.A.R tried to assassinate Tito but saved him and the two are good friends but this angers the two and checking in with the family Angie's relationship with josip is not too good ever since the shoot out and takes their two children and leaves
And also Angelina in a drunken rage tries to shoot josip but is stopped and leaves for good. During this time things are getting out of hand and need to conjure up a plan to pay Jasmin back and to eliminate the auditores and B.O.W.A.R so basically killing a lot of birds with one big massive stone, so needs some backup and hires the masked crusader known as the grey fox in which he uses a mask and sunglasses to cover his face and to keep his identity a secret and it seems like he’s doing a pretty good job at weakening as he looks like he’s got some vendetta against them. One day Ana has a secret meeting with Jaidon auditore saying that she will give up Zoran to take the hit of Boris son who the Auditores have been keeping a close eye on.
So now Auditore has Zoran trapped but the tables turn when Zoran pull out a machine with the shootout ending in a draw. Of course, Ana wouldn’t betray her own family and reveal that it was a part of a plan to fool Jaidon. But things aren’t going too well on the political side as Harry Pottorvic is growing more and more paranoid threatens to kill one of Zoran’s men and one night he actually does it and kills Josip. And ever since then Jaidon feels like has won dropping his guarding, but just then men from other gangs barge in and Zoran reveals that this was his master plan to make Jaidon drop his guard and for him to swoop in and take it but a man walks threw the door and it Josip who faked his death and shoots him square in the chest killing one of the birds but need to deal with Polzman. So the group organize a bank heist and pay her off getting and the problem of their back but during this time Luka presents the family with a new sort of money-making and that the heroine business but Zoran throws it in the fire making Luka look super suspicious and its time for the big issue and that’s B.O.W.A.R so the family intercept a train and steal some gold and blow it up and finally end it with the Yugoslav brotherhood butting holes in the headquarters of B.O.W.A.R and the season ends with Zoran Winning yet again

Also, let me know in the comments if you want a prequel that is set in the wild west in America or a sequel set in the 1930s

submitted byFault_Spiritedtocroatian [link][comments]

2021.12.15 14:01 Fault_SpiritedMaking my own version of the peaky blinders

So our story begins in the small village of Topusko. It's a nice place to live if you like chirping birds and the beautiful green woods. but this small village is home to Zoran Lazarevic, the leader of a small smuggling Croatian and Bosnian gang called the Yugoslav brotherhood. Their main profession of the family business is smuggling high-value goods such as liquor or drugs to rich bidders and is worth the pay. Here is where we also meet the family. Josip is the oldest out of the five and is very calm and collected but his anger can be better for him sometimes, Jakov is the third youngest and can sometimes be annoying and a control freak. Petra is the fourth-youngest and is very ambitious, Naida is fully focused on getting that money rather than her family and is pretty manipulative and also the youngest Elena is pretty gullible/ naive and their mother Ana has the most important job as she receives information about the items that they are smuggling and their bidders. Here is where we also meet the Bosnian side with Luka and Yurje and their parents and are family and are like family friends. Zoran who leads the group is the second oldest and is the brain of the operations and always has a master plan. During their routine smuggling Zoran, Josip with their cousin Ante and recruit Borislav and their two uncles Izet and Damir are sent to steal a box with valuable jewels in it but are ambushed by the police forcing them to flee with the package in hand. this catches the eye of a hardcore cop and war veteran Marko Filipovic who is then drafted to the village as he was sleeping with the chief of police wife in Belgrade but was a bit of a wild card anyway. And is also dating Petra.
So now ever since the jewel shootout the chief of Topusko Tomo or Tomislav is now a real hardass and uses brute force to get his way. But with this, he has confirmed at least two suspects with the first suspect being the Brotherhood themselves and Uskoks a Mafia the runs docks of Yugoslavia and controls many of the shipping ports that go in and out of Yugoslavia and would love to have those jewels. But then a new girl comes into town and it is Alma who works in the families cafe/bar and catches the attention of Borislav, but Alma has a dirty secret as she is working as an undercover operative for the cops as she wants to find out of who killed her father and to put an end to the brotherhood once and for all and during this time has made friend with Bosnian police officer Robert.
From there Zoran meets up with Chief Tomislav and tells him that he knows where the jewels are but to stay out of the brotherhood's way. There Zoran and his crew meet up with a Serbian militia who called themselves the iron sluggers who were supposed to receive the jewels but never got them and are pretty pissed but add more fire to the flame they start a fight and blame it on the Uskoks. This of course pisses off the uskoks of as they are already at war with them and don't have the Yugoslav brotherhood on his tail and so conquer up a deal to join forces. But even though a deal had been made they still needed to finalise it at the Usokoks club in Rijeka. There we see alama and Boris and alma get along and Alma tells Boris about her father's death, Boris hears this and vows to help her find her father's killer (they start a romance). So does Ante and Boris's sister Zrinka and also Zoran also finds a good looking gal by the name of Annabella. After the party, the two clans have made an alliance and also learn that iron sluggers have made a big move with transferring weapons to the police and intercepted it getting the weapons. There Tomo is discovered demoted to a police officer with Marko getting promoted to chief of police, he reforms the precinct and is more efficient and learns about the undercover operative and learns about Petras true identity ( Petra lied to Marko about herself) and also learns that the Uskoks and Yugoslav brotherhood are going to make a big move and tips off the iron sluggers which catches the brotherhood off guard put manage to hold themselves together in an intense firefight with the brotherhood winning. But after the firefight alma learns that Tomo killed her father during the first world war in his squad as her father wanted to defect to the allies. At night we see alma leaving the village but is stopped by Boris and both of them confirm their love for each other but Boris is then shot by Tomo at this point he had enough of the brotherhood.
We pick up where we left off in where Alma fired a shot from her purse gun but the bullet shot from Tomo hits Boris but managed to get away scot-free with Alma getting on her train to Australia. Two years later the brotherhood has become one of the top smuggling crime families in Yugoslavia, but the family still wants to dig for gold and heads to Sarajevo to spread their enterprise. But during the party, they start some trouble with the Red Guard, led by Rafel Maddrazzo, ( he is Croatian/Italian) and he was a part of Yugoslavian partisans who united Yugoslavia, which broke off wanting to pursue a life of crime and became sort of like a military-run mafia.
This causes the Red Guard to track Zoran down and beat him but is stopped by the police, but this is not any ordinary police this is the Golden Sun, a detective agency in America and is basically like the Pinkertons in red dead 2 led by Nathan Goldberg and the rest of his agents Micheal Rossvodian, Dominic johns, Josh Markinson and Jack Gundar. They have been searching for Zoran’s father ever since 1885 to pay for his criminal actions, but after interrogating him find out nothing and hand Zoran to the authorities, impressed Marko hires them to capture the brotherhood, also Zoran becomes the eyes and ears for the cops and assassinates people for the police as well and is dating Annabella and hires as an assistant. At this point, Zoran is punching way above his weight and realises that he will need more than just his family so he turns to the Railway dwellers led by Leon Rokovic this gang most specialize in smuggling everything from alcohol to people and to carrying out assassinations by using trains as mini hideouts with their main base in the deep underground.
Now the two factions are beating the Red Guard this is also where the show’s line comes in By will of the Yugoslav brotherhood. Also during this time, Boris' dad who serves as a police officer comes back from Macedonia and let’s just say he isn’t too happy with his son’s profession, Petra and Marko get back together. Maddarzzo goes full godfather style and gives Leon an offer he can’t refuse but Zoran comes back as he has rigged a couple of bombs to the dam and if he blows it up this whole operation will be washed away and by this still keeps his deal with Zoran. There are also so many fights between the golden sun and And now we hit the big climax with Maddrazzo and Lazarevic going against each other at the casino as Zoran needs to kill a high ranking captain in the military and kill Maddrazzo on the same day. The plan goes sort of smoothly when shit hits the fan when josip hears that Naida got in bed with agent Goldberg so an enraged josip kills the agent sending a clear message to not fuck with the brotherhood, this grabs the attention of the golden sun and the police surrounding the area this allows for the Yugoslav brotherhood to swoop in and take all his territory but Zoran is caught by the police but these aren’t real cops these are cops paid by Marko to kill him after his job was done to clean up loose ends. But right before he is about to get shot he is saved by one of the cops who reveals to him that the governor is not done with you yet and season 2 ends with the brotherhood winning on all fronts.
Two years after the second season we see that Zoran’s mafia is the top crime family in all of Yugoslavia and is pretty stinking rich and had proposed to Annabella. But business never stops as approached by Turkish revolutionaries looking for heavy weapons and armoured vehicles to aid them in the civil war. The brotherhood has branched out on smuggling and now has gotten into shipping liquor. During this time Marko is now demoted to a police officer due to reckless actions in season 2 and also live in a church with priest bozo and later tomo. So now back at the police station the new head of the precinct is Julian Wagner and let just he doesn’t like eastern Europeans.
During this time Elena is dating but she is dating a member of a gang who calls themselves the Belgrade wolves. There is a gang similar to American western gangs and do train and bank robberies and bounties going full western even though there Serb. And as soon the gang member finds out he immediately tells the rest and begins to harass the brotherhood and at this point, they had enough and but this gang has a pretty familiar face to Zoran and it is his ex-finance Nicole Robinson (western-influenced name) and we see a while back before the first season of the show that Nicole grew up in a criminals life style and when her father and Zoran and his friend of Ivan (he is also introduced in this season) began to work together and she was a great assist.
The girl was a natural-born thief that she could keep up with the best of the best, and when these two come along she began to work with them a great deal and one of their expeditions had stolen the jewels of sultana Hurrem from a museum of the 14th century. These two were a criminal match made in heaven and as one thing led to another they got in engaged but Zoran dipped out as he saw the families codes and morals were not good and pretty crazy and got out of there leaving her at the altar. Leading her father to vow to track him down and pay. This causes them to kill Annabella and Tommy wants to torture one member to death but gets nothing out of it so has sex with Hana one of the leading revolutionists. Checking on the family, josip is dating a sort of wildish girl by the name of Angelina and made him a little more fun to be around, Naia is dating yuri and petra wants to leave the family and live with Marko in Zagreb and Jakov is still the same and is dating Vanessa American journalist and ante accidentally got Boris sister pregnant while doing and Boris trying to put the past behind and works as a mechanic and is in contact with alma again. And so now the weapons are moving along when a new priest replaces bozo and runs secrete service called the secret sector or section 7 but turns out this new priest has been leaking everything to the Imperial Turkish side.
Also during this time, Julian Wagner makes a big difference in the police precinct as he ships in Austrians into the place and is reducing pay for easterners which causes Tomo, Robert, Drakov (Boris dads name) and Marko to conjure up a plan to sniff him out. We also see that the Yugoslavian brotherhood is actually on the brink of losing so to prevent this Zoran fakes his death to go behind enemy lines to sabotage and kill the priest and also lives in a cabin in the woods hunting food. Also now that Zoran is “dead” the family begin to argue how to run the business (almost breaks into civil war) which allows for the Belgrade wolves to make a big push and then all of a sudden Zoran comes back surprising everyone and pushing the Belgrade wolves back. But during this time Dravko and the rest have planned to sneak into his house to find his true agenda with the help of Boris. Then Damir (who plays a role in this show) is taken and is put on the train transporting the weapons in where Section seven plans to blow up the train but the train is instead derailed and blown up with all the weapons. But you might think that the plan has failed but Zoran reveals that those were fake weapons and the real weapons transported by the Uskoks and the Railway dwellers transported by train and rivers and so the Yugoslav brotherhood wins once again and Damir kills Nicole ending it once and for all.
Season 4 takes place right after the event of the train heist and the family gets arrested and is about to be sent to execution by Julian Waganer but is stopped by another policeman stating that Julian is removed from office as he was planning a revolution and the family is saved by their skin. We cut to 2 years later and Zoran has blackmailed the governor with the Turkish arms deal which made him the mayor of Topsuko. And the family have been living a quiet life with josip taking up a construction job in the village, with Petra successfully moving and getting engaged and with Marko getting a warm welcome to the family (he isn’t doing any crime) and Zoran having a son with his new wife Vantia and now and yuri and Nadia getting married as well and Zrinka having a child. But all this peace is interrupted when Zoran receives a letter from Australia informing them that their father has died and wants them to their cousins, So the family comes together to discuss if this is even true or not and put agree to investigate but the family split in half with Zoran, Josip, Boris, ante and Jakov and Luka and Ivan will go to Australia while the other stay.
When the Brotherhood came to Australia they learn that after their father committed a big heist in 1885 he fled to Australia with his two brothers and three sisters to lay low but after a while wanted to start a crime family big as the Italian crime family but never worked as he made huge differences between the family which cause them to split into four. So the 1st crime family is the partisan guard and are actually the grandparents of the family and are the ones who are pretty delusional and are hard-headed the second family is also known as Hrvatgrads who are the most normal out of the others and are pretty nice and traditional not full-blown but you get it and the least supported one. The third is the A.E.C.E or known as Australian. Eastern European. Criminal. Enterprises are the wealthiest ones in the family and gain the most support (and are half Australian). The 4rth and final one is the South Cronulla Shipping Inc or the southerners.
Their Zoran meets the two families and talks to the leader of Hrvatgrads Ivana in which she explains her life story and has two sons one for 17 (and helps the business) and one 8( From two different dads its divorce) and also tries to gather information about the other families. So A.E.C.E is run by Mari or Marijana is pretty stuck up and so is the southerners led by Valor a former AIF soldier in the first world war. Also during this time Boris is trying to win back alma as has met another guy. So Zoran’s main goal here is to accomplish is uniting the family back together but has to back to basics to make money and do some good old smuggling where they smuggle a high-value artifact but when the job is done and when they meet up with the client by the name of Samuel Union.
the deal goes south as the group finds out he brought fake banknotes and turns into a massive bar fight and a run-in with Kathrine Union a leader of a cult and secret society called the order of the Pillars. There Zoran and Izzet get held a gunpoint and Kathrine’s reveals her relationship with izet back in the day and they are both shot in the chest. but by then they reveal that have been wearing metal plates under their shirt just in case. So the group secretly follows the unions to an underground hideout where they discover that the Unions are trying to find a lost treasure of the golden city of troy that Carwell Simsons and James Union were commissioned by the Governor of Australia to find this lost city. Since none of them are archeologists and enlists the help of the Bookerton brothers to help them find the treasure which consists of the oldest Shuan, the second being Darren and the youngest being Cassandra Bookerton and also enlist the help of their family with OG gang going and a batch of new blood being the josip the 17-year-old son Marijanas two twins Lukas and Antoni who are 16 (and are assholes) and Valors brother in law John Veronic who is 20. With the help of the Bookertons, they are able to learn where to begin searching and leads to a mansion in France.
So the group headed to a French Mansion where they find a piece to the puzzle where which is where they find half an amulet in a crypt pointing to the location of somewhere in the middle east but Zoran, Ante and josip (the Older one and younger )are ambushed by Unions men and take the amulet to spice things flesh-eating spider eat one of Samuels men and the Mansion is set ablaze. After the Mansion chase, the group are able to translate the amulet and locate it to a citadel in Saudi Arabia. We cut back to Australia where see the brotherhood trying to reorganise the three families but to no success, as the families are at constant odds with one another this comes to a final straw when A.E.C.E makes a big move without telling the others and causes a war with the kelly boys Lead by Charles Kelly the great-great-grandson of the infamous ned kelly.
So back to the treasure hunting team and have made it to the citadel where they have found the other half of the amulet leading to Iraq but then they are yet again ambushed with them killing John and injuring Antoni and Lukas dropping and even Cassandra from the expedition altogether. Only Leaving Zoran, Ante, the two josips and the two Bookertons brothers Shaun and Darren. But during the firefight, both sides lost the amulet needing it to unlock the city. This leads both of the groups to an auction where it turns into a massive firefight and an epic chase scene. But meanwhile back in Australia, things aren't going too well as news had spread out of the war with the Kellys which attracted some of the family old enemies for an instant the Hrvatgrad face off against their old enemies Kursans the 2nd ex-husband to Ivana who called themselves the dead rabbits. The Partisan guard attracted their enemies the A.E.F (Austrian Expeditionary Force) led by the warlord Francis Bauer and The southerners enemies being the black flag a pirate gang. To combat this they hired a hitman by the name of Adrian Veleski the older brother of Angelina and met an Italian gal by the name of Gabriel. Back in the middle east, the clues have led to an underground tomb in which it reveals that the city is hidden in the Tigris desert combining turkey and Iraq. But upon leaving Zoran is knocked out by union men, there he meets with Katherine and informs him that she has the group and Zoran not falling for the same trap again he tries to escape But is yet again caught. This time he is kidnapped by one of the Union's fired guns, Muhummed who is a pirate. Muhummad interrogates Zoran to get information but to no avail and claims to have the gang held at gunpoint.
But Zoran escapes his captors and abroad the pirates stolen ww1 naval ship, discovering that the gang isn’t on board he blows up the ship causing it to sink but manages to escape but with one last encounter with Muhammed who shoots the gas final sinking the ship and Zoran drifts off to sea. We are back in Australia where the war has intensified ever since the first few months as the three different families have joined together renaming themselves as the Balkaslavians or B.L.U Balkan league united and their enemies have also joined in a coalition naming themselves R.E.D Regional Entireprised crime Dominion, but the tide of war will change yet again.
Back to Zoran where we see that he has been found by some fishermen off the coast there, Cassandra is able to find Zoran as she was going on her own treasure hunt and informs him that Unions have the boys held captive and are forcing them to lead her men to the lost city their Zoran boards a cargo plane to catch up for a lost time but crashes it in the desert forcing him to walk the rest of the way. There he finds a ghost town infested with Union men but a man by the name of Rodi and his tribe ride in to save the day. There he learns during the third crusade Sultan Saladin summoned the evil spirits of the Jinn and trapped them in a brass vessel, There he used a base of English soldiers possessing them and turning them on each other. Sultan Saladin had discovered the city of troy, wanting the city for himself he sent out a secret legion of assassins led by Fadi Assad and the brass but the battle went Horribly wrong as the Jinn escaped and caused mayhem but were able to enclose it and cast it into the bottom of the pon. But the damage had been done and the city was no more and General Fadi closed the city forever.
The war in Australia only intensifies as the B.L.U side is exhausted by the constant fighting and have lost key facilities to the R.E.Ds and the R.E.Ds have them outnumbered 10 to 1 with Ivana’s first ex-husband joining the R.E.D side to get his revenge on his wife. With this, the family tries to gain support from the natives but only manage to get 2 tribes but the situation grows only worse as Marijana is planning a mutiny. We cut back to the middle east where Rodi and Zoran take out Union’s convoy and free the boys and reach the city of Troy while in the city they are separated. But during this time the boys quench their thirst by drinking from a fountain their they face off against possessed Union men and also they all trip out having their own hallucinations of their fears and past but the group awaken to their senses and meet up with Rodi and confirm that the water supply is tainted when Assad threw it down into the water and can cause hallucinations. It also seems that when Carwell tried to leave the city but was stopped by the union causing the crew to go into a civil war amongst each other killing each other until the last man. Our heroes once again meet the mother and son duo who are slowly winching up the brass vessel talbot nearly kills the older Josip Zoran divines in and ante destroys the winch by dynamite. Accidentally blowing by the central system caused the city to collapse into a sinkhole. During the chaos, Kathrine is trapped in a sinkhole but Zoran tries to save her but to no avail, talbot and Zoran have a final face-off before he is shot and falls to his death, then Rodi and his tribe ride and save them all
But over in Australia Marijana’s mutiny has taken full swing with the B.L.Us losing the war and now are agreeing to a treaty. But even though they have lost the war the battle isn’t over as the boys are back and stop the treaty from being agreed upon and restart the war with fresh new troops. There he makes a successful deal with aboriginals and leaves them to train with rodi. He also makes another deal with kangaroo jack led by Jack Kanga, another mafia gang who wants to take down the A.E.F and team up. But the big change in the war is when the first ex-husband Zrinko is caught in a surprise attack at his bar and is transported to a secret location where the two reconcile with their past and Zrinko tells that he is a changed man but the reunion is cut short when R.E.D troops find his location with only Ivanna and Zrinko being the only ones in the house. There the two make it out barely alive and escape with Ivanna and are brought to the main base of operation.
Now the big mafia war turns on the side of the B.L.Us with them taking back their key facilities and also during this time Zoran Has a fascination with politics and meets up with Jack lang and learns a lot about politics and also meets Jack Langs Nemesis James Kaci a strong head liberal. There the B.L.Us have won the war and now have reunited the family and now Boris is tasked to reorganise the A.E.C.E and now Zoran has yet again won again. The boys head back home and Zoran retires from his life of crime, but shortly after Zoran has realised what he has done to all those people he had fought and won against, but after his deep depression but picks himself up and decides to climb even higher on the money letter and runs for parliament with the skills from jack lang and James kaci he is ready to climb the money ladder once again.
Season 5 takes place two years after the 4 Season and we see the family in a vulnerable state as the Yugoslavian market has crashed meaning that the family's fortune becomes worthless and the family have to come back to cr.ime once again. But over in Australia the stock market crash hasn’t affected Boris at all as he pulled all of his money out of the funds at the last minute. Boris and Alma come back to Tupusku with the news in addition to the family being small little Alviy or Alvin but Boris isn’t completely off the hook as someone tipped off Josip that he had given some of the money to some randos. But Zoran is ambushed on his own house by fire alcohol and some men and learns that there apart an Italian small gang called the Genoves. And also have attacked Angelina and her older brother captive and are holding them for ransom. But Josip doesn’t hesitate to capture his wife back and her brother but loses Adrian sister-wife Gabriella and is brutally shot.
But with all this chaos happening we see Zoran in the parliament and he realises that his life as a politician and a gangster is very similar as he is on the side of the labour party who speaks for the workers and is more on the side of communism but still shows signs of capitalism but this catches the attention of none over than josip Broz Tito. who convinces him to turn to full-blown communism and together want to build a new Yugoslavia. But even though Zoran is a full-blown politician bill still need to get paid so the gang get into a new form of crime and that’s horse racing and find out it’s pretty profitable and begins to fix horses and this catches the attention of the boss of horse racing Jasmin Polzman who is pretty pissed that they were fixing horse without her permission. Also, the Lazarvics have risen their tributes but have gone too far with Mr Auditore and his youngest son John Auditure who leads the Genoves and the attack on the brotherhood's house.
But during this time Mr Auditore has a heart attack mid-way through calling upon his older son Jaidon Auditore who has risen through the ranks and is now a high ranking don in the family and is pretty ruthless. During this gang war, Assassins sent by Jaidon find Ante and kill him but during the crossfire, Boris manages to escape. There Jaidon Auditore finds Zoran and plans to kill his whole family and to leave Zoran for last, following this men are sent to hunt down josip but survive by going savage mode and killing the assassins. But meanwhile, a new character is introduced, Harry Pottorvic (British/Bosnian) a capitalist activist who leads a group called B.O.W.A.R Bosnian Offenvise Worker Alleged Rights and meet up with Zoran to pledge a deal to give the secrets of Tito over to them and to kill when he was done. But Josip Tito is no fool and catches wind of Zoran’s plan all along and holds him at gunpoint but Zoran tells him that he is actually infiltrating B.O.W.A.R and agrees to them some of their information
There it catches the attention of the rookie governor of the Yugoslavian Luka Benvoa who is heavily concerned about his full-on speech about Socialism and wants him to get him information about the other two and now Zoran is a triple agent. So now Zoran is trying to befriend Tito and at a party, the B.O.W.A.R tried to assassinate Tito but saved him and the two are good friends but this angers the two and checking in with the family Angie's relationship with josip is not too good ever since the shoot out and takes their two children and leaves
And also Angelina in a drunken rage tries to shoot josip but is stopped and leaves for good. During this time things are getting out of hand and need to conjure up a plan to pay Jasmin back and to eliminate the auditores and B.O.W.A.R so basically killing a lot of birds with one big massive stone, so needs some backup and hires the masked crusader known as the grey fox in which he uses a mask and sunglasses to cover his face and to keep his identity a secret and it seems like he’s doing a pretty good job at weakening as he looks like he’s got some vendetta against them. One day Ana has a secret meeting with Jaidon auditore saying that she will give up Zoran to take the hit of Boris son who the Auditores have been keeping a close eye on.
So now Auditore has Zoran trapped but the tables turn when Zoran pull out a machine with the shootout ending in a draw. Of course, Ana wouldn’t betray her own family and reveal that it was a part of a plan to fool Jaidon. But things aren’t going too well on the political side as Harry Pottorvic is growing more and more paranoid threatens to kill one of Zoran’s men and one night he actually does it and kills Josip. And ever since then Jaidon feels like has won dropping his guarding, but just then men from other gangs barge in and Zoran reveals that this was his master plan to make Jaidon drop his guard and for him to swoop in and take it but a man walks threw the door and it Josip who faked his death and shoots him square in the chest killing one of the birds but need to deal with Polzman. So the group organize a bank heist and pay her off getting and the problem of their back but during this time Luka presents the family with a new sort of money-making and that the heroine business but Zoran throws it in the fire making Luka look super suspicious and its time for the big issue and that’s B.O.W.A.R so the family intercept a train and steal some gold and blow it up and finally end it with the Yugoslav brotherhood butting holes in the headquarters of B.O.W.A.R and the season ends with Zoran Winning yet again

submitted byFault_SpiritedtoPeakyBlinders [link][comments]

2021.12.15 01:38 a_wild_wild_worldAdvice for dating a Serbian girl

So I live in London, and I’ve been set up by a mutual friend for a date on Thursday with a girl who’s from Serbia. Now of course this is a very general question and no two girls are the same, but are there any particular customs, etiquette or tips I should be aware of? Especially since she’s new in the country and this will be her first ever date with a non-Serb.
submitted bya_wild_wild_worldtoserbia [link][comments]

2021.12.14 09:03 trezebot[Rassegna Stampa] 14 December 2021 - Summary of Juventus news from Italy, translated

Here is summary of Juventus news from Italy:

Mine on #AllegriIN or #AllegriOUT

13 December 2021 - by Antonio Corsa
Of course, the four-year contract demonstrates the will not only to have understood the situation we are in, but also the desire to get out of it in the medium term, with this coach.
We score less than Bologna and Empoli and it's not justifiable in any way, Ronaldo or not Ronaldo.
Okay, 5 games are few, but the quality of opportunities this year is low is also certified by the number of assists.
Considering about 52 meters as the median of the field, 16 times out of 17 we lowered ourselves behind the halfway line in the non-possession phase.
The first reason, the most important one, is that Juventus - and specifically Andrea Agnelli - is convinced of his skill.


A look at Unai Emery's Villarreal

13 December 2021 - by Alex Campanelli
Once again, Nyon's urn was rather lenient with Juventus: Allegri's team in the round of 16 of the Champions League will face Unai Emery's Villarreal.
Let's go and discover together the path and the peculiarities of the Spanish team.
The former Bournemouth, given the physical problems that tormented Gerard Moreno, was the extra weapon of this first part of the season, capable of destabilizing the defenses both starting from the wing and from the center of the attack, allowing Emery to pass easily from 4-4-2 to 4-3-3 at any time during the match.
To shift the balance, however, will be the physical condition of Gerard Moreno, simply unspeakable last year.
With him at the levels of 2020/21, VIllarreal becomes a fearsome team, without a 30-goal gun and 10 seasonal assists is much less scary.

A “Pirliana” Juve, everything we NEVER expected from Allegri

13 December 2021 - by Gianlorenzo Muraca
The arguments are the same ('teamwithoutideas','thereisnogame','footballtwentyyearsago'andsoon.), sometimes superficial and approximate, but in any case suitable for describing a renouncing attitude that has been observed for large stretches in some matches of the season.
However, I fear that this is not the point, or at least that it is only partially so.
In other words, we expected NOT to see “pirlate” again (otherwisewekeptPirlo,right?).
What is most worrying is the fact that he has not yet managed to convey some principles that are essential in his way of understanding football, on which he based his greatness, not that he has not transmitted others (albeitsacrosanctones) that do not they belong to him.

PAGELLIBUS Venice-Juventus 1-1, quicksand in the lagoon

13 December 2021 - by Juventibus
The people's report cards are your report cards, the report cards of you Juventibus readers.
5Assist but above all the demonstration that he is the only left-back we have in the squad.
He now he plays knowing that he cannot be reached at the game levels of the Promotion.
The last time he happened was against Lyon.
And it seems to me that, from that moment on, he has not yet got up for good.


Juve Primavera: attack (almost) never dry. This is shown by a statistic

December 14, 2021 - by Marco Baridon
Juve Primavera: attack (almost) never dry.
This is demonstrated by a statistic relating to the season of BonattiCinismo's team and concreteness in front of goal are the next two steps in the growth path of Juve Primavera.
Andrea Bonatti's team is dominant, mature, but sometimes it wastes too much in the goal area, leaving the matches open and perhaps throwing a few points to the wind.
Up until now in the season, between the league, the Italian Cup and the Youth League, the Juventus Under 19 team have always found the way to scoring, except for one match: the 2-0 KO at Verona.
A sign of how the attack works and is the heart of this team: by oiling the last mechanisms from race to race, the Primavera score can become unstoppable.

Juventus Under 17: Florea problem solver of Juventus midfield

December 14, 2021 - by Giorgio Ferrero
Juventus Under 17: Andrei Florea is one of the losers of Pedone's midfield.
That's why he is one of the irreplaceable of the bianconeri. Intelligent midfielder, able to read game situations, Andrei Florea is one of Francesco Pedone's certainties for the Juventus Under 17 midfield.
Florea is a player able to extricate himself even in the most complicated situations and to recover important balls.
His help in the non-possession phase is one of his best features, but even during the maneuver he is able to help his teammates by opening up spaces and always being in the right place.
Also for this reason he is among the most used by Pedone in the season and his start to the championship is decidedly positive.

Juventus Under 16: four bianconeri called up for the national team. There's something new

December 14, 2021 - by Luca Fioretti
Juventus Under 16: four bianconeri called up for the national team.
First call for defender Pagnucco After the “Val de Marne Tournament”, the National Under 16 has organized a new meeting.
There are four Juventus Under 16 players called up for this commitment, among which a novelty stands out.
In addition to the now well-known faces of Nicolò Meringolo, Valdes Ngana and Manuel Pisano, Filippo Pagnucco was also added, on his first call to the national team.
As stated by Zoratto, Pagnucco is one of the elements to which more attention will be paid.

Juventus Under 15: Lethal Garden, Verde and Contarini still owners

December 14, 2021 - by Luca Fioretti
Juventus Under 15: Lethal Garden, Green and Contarini still owners.
The performance of the three bianconeri in the national team Another day of the '2021 Christmas Tournament' ended, which, as usual, also saw the three players who play in the Juventus Under 15 among the main protagonists.
Another source of pride for the Juventus club, which has received important responses from its players even when wearing the blue shirt.
Great performance for Claudio Giardino: who took over in the resumption of the match between his 'Team B' and the 'Representative Lega Pro U15', the attacker hit the target (hissecondinthreedays) just two minutes after his entry.
Excellent performance also by Francesco Verde and Jacopo Contarini who, starting with their 'Team D' in the match played against 'Team A', obtained a valuable victory, the third in as many games.

Latest Juve: Round of 16 with Villarreal, Nedved at dinner with Raiola

December 13, 2021 - by JuventusNews24 editorial team
The two teams, drawn together today, will play against for the round of 16 of the Champions League.
Champions League draws: Juventus draws Villarreal 15.30 - The draws for the round of 16 of the Champions League 2021/22 took place in Nyon.
It will be an even battle '12.53 pm - Nedved commented on the outcome of Juve's Champions League round of 16 draw.
Champions League draws: Juventus draws Sporting CPOre 12.21 - The draws for the round of 16 of the Champions League 2021/22 took place in Nyon.
Juve Champions list, in January we change: the choices of AllegriOre 9.40 - There should be news in January regarding the Juventus Champions list.

Adani has no doubts: 'Sarri and Pirlo would have already been exonerated'

December 13, 2021 - by JuventusNews24 editorial team
Adani commented on Juventus' moment and Allegri's team's first months in the league.
The words Adani spoke about Allegri's Juve during Bobo TV.
Here is his comment on Juventus and the comparison between Allegri, Sarri and Pirlo.
SARRI AND PIRLO - «With such a championship Sarri and Pirlo would have already been sent away.
Arthur is going through a can, he played in Barcelona and in the Brazilian national team ».

Nedved and Raiola, market dinner in Turin: all the names on the table

December 13, 2021 - by JuventusNews24 editorial team

Bible Study For Engaged Couple

Nedved and Raiola spotted having dinner together in Turin: all the market names on the table Dinner in the center of Turin between Pavel Nedved and Mino Raiola.
As reported by, the vice president of Juventus met with his former agent and current agent of various goals and Juventus players.
Among Raiola's clients who wear the Juventus shirt there are in fact de Ligt, Pellegrini and Kean, while the names of Pogba and some young Italians who are liked by the management may also have ended up on the table.
Above all Calafiori, left side of Roma ended up on the notebook of Cherubini and Nedved.

Martial Juve, Rangnick: «Agent words? I don't care '

December 13, 2021 - by JuventusNews24 editorial team
Martial Juve: Ralf Rangnick commented on the words of Manchester United striker's agentRalf Rangnick, Manchester United manager, commented on the words of Martial's agent.
The statements on the French also approached Juventus.
AGENT WORDS - «I do not communicate with agents through the media or the press.
The player hasn't talked to me or us about it.
To be honest, what your agent told the media is not very interesting. '

Cassano sure: 'Allegri risks being sent away'

December 13, 2021 - by JuventusNews24 editorial team
Cassano talked about Allegri and his Juventus performances after the disappointing draw in Venice.
His statements Antonio Cassano, during Bobo TV, also commented on Allegri's Juve.
Here are his words about Juventus.
I would put the words in the conference in all the classes for the children to see.
He is trying to keep doing what he has always done, without getting help from anyone.

Adani: «Allegri asks for a provincial Juve. Objective achieved: on par with Venice '

December 13, 2021 - by JuventusNews24 editorial team
Adani spoke during Bobo TV about Allegri's Juventus performance on the Venice pitch.
During Bobo TV, live on Twitch, Daniele Adani returned to talk about Allegri's Juve.
JUVE - «Juve is always worse in those who say it is better.
With Venice there was a difference that cannot be described between one team and another in this category.
If the preparation is 'let's play as a provincial' the goal is achieved: on par with Venice '.

Gazzetta Dello Sport

Champions draw, social reactions and memes on the Uefa mess

December 13, 2021
The web was unleashed on the day of the double draw in Nyon: from the rivers of beer in Bavaria to Villarreal that 'marries' Juve. At 12.30 the first 'round' ended, with the picture of the round of 16 that seemed normally outlined.
And the Italians weren't at all disappointed by the final result: Juve-Sporting and Inter-Ajax were the draws, with a Manchester United-Psg promising show, in yet another chapter of the Ronaldo vs Messi saga.
But nothing to do.
Atletico Madrid filed a complaint and Uefa announced a little later that the draw would be canceled and repeated at 3 pm.
In the 2 and a half hours between the two extractions, we saw everything on social media: from the normal initial amazement with attached jokes and memes, up to the disappointment of the final draw, which went worse than the previous one.

Senna: 'Deep respect for Juve, but better than the City'

13 December 2021 - by Giovanni Albanese
The former Villarreal midfielder, now in charge of the institutional relations of the Spanish club, said about him on the 'change' of opponent.
In addition to him, there have been many reactions to the new draw Juve comes out well from the double urn that finalized the pairings in the knockout stages of the Champions League.
Not a small gaffe from UEFA, but one that - at least on paper - has further eased the commitment of the bianconeri, who will play on the Villarreal field on 22 February; then the return to the stadium on March 16th.
A pinch better than the double engagement with Sporting, which was proposed after the first draw (latercanceled).
Analyzing the situation (iethechangeofopponentfromManchesterCitytoJuventus,ed) I believe that for us the situation has improved '.

Juve, because it must inspire you more Italian than Vlahovic

13 December 2021 - by Marco Bucciantini
The striker seems to be the solution to Juventus' problems, but perhaps the right way is to follow the example of the Viola coach: the Serbian's goals come thanks to a great teamwork, modern and fashionable It is a season of appearances and deceptions. it looked like Sporting Lisbon and instead it will be Villarreal: not much changes, there is no fear and there is no security because the most important thing is that those evenings in mid-February are Juve.

Inter and Juve, the dates in the Champions League and all the matches with the league

December 13, 2021
Before and after the cup matches with Liverpool and Villarreal the two Italians touch very delicate challenges After the mess of the repeated draw, the official dates of the round of 16 rounds of Champions have come out, all starting at 21.
The two Italians, Inter and Juventus, will play respectively on 16 and 22 February, with returns on 8 and 16 March.
Let's see what the commitments will be in that period for the two clubs, remembering that there are no official dates yet precisely because the League was waiting for the draws of Uefa first.

Tacchinardi: 'Within reach, but only if Juve reaches the top. And there it will be a pit'

13 December 2021 - by Giuseppe Nigro
Speak the double ex: 'Prediction 50-50.
You can't go wrong against Villarreal, the crossing with Atalanta was the perfect photograph.
But Allegri's team can only improve between now and February 'For Alessio Tacchinardi, the match between Juventus and Villarreal is a bit like the crossroads of the heart: when in 2005 he left Juventus after eleven years, his new home was for two seasons the Yellow Submarine, with which he also took away the whim of reaching the Champions League semifinal (withsomeregrets).
'But another challenge of the heart was for me four days ago and I lived it reluctantly,' says the former Juventus midfielder.

Discontinued but flexible. And what a couple in front of Moreno-Danjuma: all the dangers of Villarreal

December 13, 2021 - by From Our Correspondent Filippo M. Ricci
The transfer market was very good, but the start in Liga was bad: at the moment Villarreal are thirteenth, +7 on relegation, -10 from the Champions area and even -23 from leaders Madrid.
A fairly shy guy, used to living away from the limelight, the Villarreal canterano then moved to Espanyol is fundamental for Villarreal and very important for Spain.
A Nigerian who plays for the Netherlands, he was discovered at Bournemouth, the English Championship team that came close to making it to the Premier League in the summer.
He plays wide on the left with great freedom to concentrate, as he sees the goal very well: last year in the English Serie B he scored 15 goals.
The coach - Specialized in the Europa League, who has won 4 times with Sevilla and Villarreal, Unai Emery struggles in the Champions League and has also shown it in the group.

'Dybala, excluding muscle injuries'. But his 2021 may already be over

December 13, 2021
Instrumental investigations for the Argentine after the relapse of the trouble in his right thigh already suffered with Malmoe, which forced him to leave after a few minutes in Venice: a few days of differentiated work, towards the forfeit with Bologna while the employment with Cagliari 'The exams that Paulo Dybala underwent today at J Medical excluded muscle injuries and therefore his condition will be monitored day by day'.
This is the result of the investigations carried out this morning on the Argentine, who arrived at the Juventus health facility around 12, to assess the extent of the muscle injury that forced him to leave the field in Venice after only 12 minutes for a resentment in the right thigh.
The official formula tells of a differentiated training program for this week, which certainly means Joya's unavailability on Saturday against Bologna, at the moment still holding open the hope of a return to Cagliari on Tuesday 21, the last match before the Christmas break.

He had the suitcase, he passed Alex Sandro: so Pellegrini took Juve

13 December 2021 - by Giovanni Albanese
Among the (few) positive notes for Max Allegri on the evening of Venice there is certainly the exponential growth of Luca Pellegrini.
Of which the Juventus coach himself said he was 'happy because last summer he expressed his desire to stay in Turin, he made himself available by working hard and now he is a valid alternative to Alex Sandro'.
With the 76 minutes of Venice, Pellegrini brings the seasonal minutes to 388, bypassing Arthur who in the meantime is looking around for January.
The assist to Morata was just the icing of an important performance, as a player who returned the coach's confidence in the delicate matches against Salernitana and Genoa, before Penzo's away match.
'And when Venezia also had the ball to double they were very good at intervening,' said Allegri.

De Ligt and his brothers: Juve, the big players at risk of being sold without Champions

13 December 2021 - by Giovanni Albanese
Precious pieces in possible output due to the economic consequences on the club's accounts and for the ambitions of the players who want the maximum stage: so far the requests have been rejected, but everything can change The season that Juventus lives has all the facets of a year zero, which will lead to an inevitable re-foundation.
The precarious ranking is the result of a fluctuating trend, which offers little certainty for the purposes of the objectives and also requires caution on any immediate repairs.

Corriere dello Sport

Card on Villarreal: Juve challenges Albiol and Emery's palmarès

December 13, 2021
The replay of the Champions League draws canceled Sporting Lisbon and matched Juventus with Villarreal, a decidedly more European opponent in terms of experience, strength and palmarès than the Portuguese.
Villarreal is a team that exalts itself from all or nothing matches and in this embodies the depth of its coach, Unai Emery.
He is a four-man defense coach, that's how he's making his team play, alternating between 4-4-2 and 4-3-3 as needed.
The stars: from Albiol to Moreno and Arnaut Danjuma A mix of youngsters and more experienced players, this is how the Villarreal squad was built.
The strength of Villarreal is also to find the way of the goal with more players.

Juve, Champions draws to be redone: the social reaction

December 13, 2021
TURIN - I am speechless at Juve for the mess made by UEFA, which will force the Champions League draws to be repeated at 3 pm, after those made at 12 am canceled due to a procedural error.
Juve had been paired with Sporting Lisbon, but now everything has to be redone.
The Juventus account retweeted the Uefa social note, in which it communicated that 'the draw has been declared void and will be entirely redone at 15', accompanying it with the emoticon of a stunned face, with red cheeks.
The mistake made today in Nyon is truly incredible.

Juve, Nedved: 'Sporting in the second round? First thought was a year ago'

December 13, 2021
TURIN - Juve vice president Pavel Nedved commented on the Champions League draw on the Juventus official website, which will see the Old Lady face Sporting Lisbon in the round of 16: 'My first reaction was a thought about last year, when we went out against Port.
We find again a Portuguese team, as then very strong.
It will be a battle, as always happens in the Champions League; However, I expect to do better than last season, because both Porto and Sporting are teams we could and can beat: it will be an even match, from 50-50 '.

Juve, the official press release on Dybala: muscle injuries excluded

December 13, 2021
TURIN- 'The exams that Paulo Dybala underwent today at J Medical excluded muscle injuries and therefore his condition will be monitored day by day'.
This is the official statement from Juve on the conditions of the Argentine striker and the outcome of the medical checks.
At Juventus it was feared that Joya's 2021 could already be concluded, but the exclusion of muscle injuries makes Allegri breathe a sigh of relief, who now hopes to have the Argentine as soon as possible.

Champions, Sporting-Juve and Inter-Ajax: but everything needs to be redone

Lessons December 13, 2021
Inter had drawn Ajax and Juventus and Sporting Lisbon for the round of 16 of the Champions League, but the mistake made during the draw forced UEFA to repeat everything.
The Liverpool ball, which could not be caught by Atletico Madrid, has been swapped with Manchester United's ball, which is why the draw has been canceled and will have to be repeated in full at 3pm.
It is a historic decision.
We remind you that the first leg matches will be played on 15, 16, 22 and 23 February and the return matches on 8, 9, 15 and 16 March.



December 14, 2021 - by Massimo Pavan
Juventus fans are waiting for news on the Suarez case and it is very likely that we can go towards the lockdown.
No proceedings will therefore be opened against Juventus, with no involvement of the Juventus club members.
The members of the Turin club had only inquired about the methods and times of action and nothing more.
JUVENTUS SHOULD MOVE - the feeling there is among the fans is that the club should definitely move and try to react, try to assert themselves or at least ask for the same media coverage that was given when the accusations were made.
It was a media attack, yet another noticeable against Juventus.

Massimo Pavan: 'I would be amazed if Real Madrid didn't sue Uefa ...'

December 14, 2021 - by TuttoJuve Redaction
Massimo Pavan: 'I would be amazed if Real Madrid didn't sue Uefa ... After all, the draw with Benfica was totally regular, the chaos happened later, so it would only have to resurrect afterwards.
What success shows that there are oddities that are not admissible, other than Superlega ... '.

Vlahovic and Scammacca, problems for Juve, because ...

December 14, 2021 - by Massimo Pavan
Juve humiliated.
The poker caught in London by Chelsea is not just a defeat on the pitch.
Winning and losing is there: it's football.
Juve is naked.
The blanket is not short: it just isn't there.

Here's what pushes Icardi towards the sale

December 14, 2021 - by Massimo Pavan
A few years ago, no one would have imagined that Lionel Messi would join Paris Saint-Germain.
The Parisian team took advantage of the catastrophic situation of Barcelona to achieve the impossible.
Messi, of course, has become in a few players an indisputable owner in the device of Mauricio Pochettino, alongside Neymar and Kylian Mbappé.
Not exactly what Mauro Icardi was dreaming of this summer, that he had refused several offers to stay at PSG.Messi would be, thus putting Icardi at the door who would evaluate among other things a loan to Juventus.

Dybala, excluding injuries, but the player could skip Bologna

13 December 2021 - by Massimo Pavan
Juve humiliated.
The poker caught in London by Chelsea is not just a defeat on the pitch.
Winning and losing is there: it's football.
Juve is naked.
The blanket is not short: it just isn't there.

Wijnaldum, the PSG ready for loan

13 December 2021 - by Massimo Pavan
According to Sky Sports, PSG is considering parting ways with Georginio Wijnaldum on loan during the winter transfer window, a trend that is now being confirmed.
It was reported on Monday for 90min that PSG is indeed considering a loan move for the Dutch international and has already put it on the market.
Wijnaldum, for his part, would prefer a return to the Premier League, Juventus also remains a possible destination, but the Bianconeri would not be ready to spend so much on salary.

Haaland, Barcelona tries with Raiola

13 December 2021 - by Massimo Pavan
Journalist Sique Rodriguez revealed on Monday in Cadena SER's Carrusel Deportivo program that President Joan Laporta would aim to attract Erling Braut Haaland to Barcelona.
And the Barça boss held talks on 1 April with Mino Raiola and Alf-Inge Haaland, Erling Braut Haaland's agent and father respectively.
An agreement would be particularly difficult to reach due to the cost of the operation, which would amount to 260 million euros in five years according to The Sun, but Barcelona would not hold back.

Udinese, Marino: 'Forward with Cioffi'

December 13, 2021 - by TuttoJuve Redaction
(ANSA) - UDINE, 13 DEC - 'We managers, together with the owners, have never thought of contacting other coaches, we know that with Gabriele Cioffi we can go in the sign of continuity, because when new coaches arrive they must first study the problems of the team , then a month or two are lost to retouch the preparation, maybe sometimes even damage is done '.
This was stated by the director of the technical area, Pierpaolo Marino, at Udinese TV.
'We continue in the sign of continuity and with a coach that we have already had the opportunity to appreciate in a year and a half as second, but also as first in the period of Luca Gotti's Covid - he added -.
For now, two matches with Lazio and Milan have brought 4 points: let's not think of different things, it would really be a distortion of our ideas. '


13 December 2021 - by Massimo Pavan
NOTHING CHANGES - yes, nothing changes, the bianconeri had half smiled avoiding PSG and Atletico of Madrid, but frankly the difference between Portuguese and Spanish is there but it is not abysmal.
The formation of Massimiliano Allegri, today as today, would lose both with one and with the other.
We do not know what the situation will be like between February and March, but essentially a strong and important change of direction and strategy is needed.
The Old Lady today, like today, is sick, she is depressed, she is disappointed and there is no enthusiasm and determination in the group and in the players.
Real rightly complains, also because his draw was totally correct and had to remain so.

Martial, possible starter, even Juve on him

13 December 2021 - by Massimo Pavan
Juve humiliated.
The poker caught in London by Chelsea is not just a defeat on the pitch.
Winning and losing is there: it's football.
Juve is naked.
The blanket is not short: it just isn't there.
submitted bytrezebottoJuve [link][comments]

2021.12.11 12:15 mellow_yellow___Our (very detailed) K1 Journey

Background: I met my (Serbia, 24F) fiance (US, 25M) while backpacking in Cambodia in August 2019. We went on one date together after which we both had to leave the country as our trip was coming to an end. I went to Laos and he went to Vietnam. We decided to stay in touch with daily text messages and bi-weekly video chats.
We were not in a relationship at all until July 2020 when he moved to Serbia to be with me. We had tentative plans to backpack again that year (probably around South America), but COVID happened, so instead he came to the Balkans, after quitting his job and selling all his belongings back home. Ever since, we have been living together.
Since I see this as a common question, yes, you can file for a K1 even if neither of you are living in your home country. You do not have to be separated- all it takes is changing your life forever and moving abroad. Easy!
As to why we filed a K1 and not a CR1- we were dumb. We didn’t do enough research and thought the K1 would be faster. Oh well. Serbia was not a part of the travel ban as it’s not in the EU, which means the embassy hasn’t been very backed up and we have had good communication with them. On average, it has taken them a day or two to respond.
First week of January 2021
We decided to get married. The reason why there’s no specific date is because it was not a surprise “romantic” proposal. It was a serious conversation about our future, together and separately. It turned out those were one of the same, and the result of this long conversation was a mutual “proposal'. We decided being married would make our lives easier as our countries are very different and we plan on being together forever anyway.
The US has never been my first option when it comes to countries I would like to live in, but it seemed completely fair since my fiance spent 2 years in my part of the world without seeing his friends and family, with no complaints either.
We filed the petition while volunteering at a hostel in Sofia, Bulgaria on February 2nd, and it arrived at the Lewisville lockbox the next day. The content of our cover letter was as follows:
  1. Cover letter (this page)
  2. G-1145 Notification of Application acceptance (1 page)
  3. Form I-129F (14 pages)
  4. Statement of Circumstances of Meeting (Question 54) (1 page)
  5. Proof of Meeting (3 pages total)
a) passport stamps (2 pages)
b) flight itinerary (1 page)
  1. Proof of Relationship (18 pages total)
a) initial conversation (1 page)
b) call log (7 pages)
c) text messages (1 page)
d) social media posts (4 pages)
e) profile (2 pages)
f) visa support letters (3 pages)
  1. Evidence of Intent to marry statement (2 pages)
  2. US citizen’s Proof of citizenship (1 page)
  3. Two (2) Passport sized photos (petitioner, beneficiary)
  4. Personal check/money ordecredit card (G-1450) ($535)
Our NOA1 took a while due to the backlogs, but to all of you worrying that this will prolong your case- relax. It’s just a receipt that shows that USCIS has received your payment. Your actual receipt date is the date they received your package. You will also get your case number so you can track your progress online now. How exciting!
The biggest milestone in the whole process is getting approved by USCIS. It will take forever, so make sure you keep yourself occupied in order to forget about your pending case. This may be more difficult if you’re actually separated from your partner, as I know is mostly the case. Our approval took just under 8 months. At the time of us filing, the processing time for the California Service Center was 6 to 8 months. We were a week away from being able to submit an inquiry, which from what I’ve heard, doesn’t help much.
We used the Lawfully app to track our process, and while it’s not as insightful as Visajourney, it definitely works! My fiance got a notification on his phone the same night we were approved! We would absolutely recommend this app. However, I didn’t blindly trust it and would check our case status on the official USCIS website every couple of weeks.
There is not much you need to do at this stage. USCIS will send your NOA2 in the mail. This document is extremely important to keep as you will need it for your interview and AOS later on. It’s pretty expensive to replace, so do not lose it. It took just under 2 weeks for it to arrive after we saw we’ve been approved on the website.
Both our NOA2 and NOA1 got sent to my fiance’s parents’ address (his official permanent address) even though we put down mine in Serbia as our mailing address, where we were (or were near at the very least), but USCIS doesn’t often send documents abroad, so expect everything to show up at your US address. This was not an issue since his parents had to send us a bunch of other documents, so this all simply got included in the package.
A lot of people would call NVC to get their new case number ASAP, but since we were abroad and didn’t have hundreds of international calls, we decided to wait. We would have called a month after the NOA2 date, but luckily didn’t have to because we received the letter by email two and a half weeks later.
This letter will include all of your information related to your case, plus a new case number- this is all you need now as it’s linked to your embassy. The letter will just tell you to go to to follow the next steps.
The thing that I couldn’t figure out from there is when you’re supposed to file the DS-160. The correct answer is- immediately. I emailed the embassy asking about Packet 3 and they responded with an email saying they need me to submit a DS-160 first. The email had a slightly annoyed tone, and I’m sure it’s not fun answering dumbass questions all day, but I sincerely didn’t know when I was supposed to do it and went by the logic of filling it out closer to the interview date so my information is as up to date as possible.
The NVC sent our petition to the US Embassy in Belgrade on the 26th of October and it shockingly arrived there the next day. Using your new case number, you can track the progress on the CEAC website. All important changes can be seen here.
The instruction packet will contain all useful information about all the documents you’ll need for the interview. Sometimes you get a physical copy in the mail that you need to sign and send back, confirming that you are ready for the interview and have all the documents.
I feel like the embassy forgot to send it to me. My fiance emailed them saying we’re worried it might have gotten lost in the mail, since we didn’t know it’s electronic. They sent it to me the next day.
The Belgrade embassy does it over email. You will receive the document in both Serbian and English, and you will be asked to send an email confirming you are ready for the interview.
We waited a couple of weeks to respond to Packet 3 as we were still abroad. We genuinely expected this process to be much longer, and we had travel plans until the end of November.
As mentioned already, you are supposed to respond to a certain email and get an automated response back, acknowledging they have received it. All you have to do now is wait for further instructions.
To our surprise, we received the interview date the same day I responded to the Packet 3 email. My interview was December 8th, at 9.30 am. Basically, not too much time to prepare. But we were as ready as we could be.
My birth certificate and police check took only 2 days to obtain. I simply couldn’t believe it, as I have heard stories of multiple week waiting periods in other countries. So make sure you have absolutely everything before they can schedule your interview.
I scheduled my medical two days before the interview even though the embassy website said the results are same day. They work with a lab that is not always punctual, so I would recommend having an extra day just in case.
There are two approved doctors in Belgrade. I had my exam done with the International Organization for Migration at Skenderbegova 3, as it was closer to our accommodation. However, with the information I have now, I would recommend General Medicine Clinic at Smiljaniceva 22. Regardless of which one you go to, you will have to go to Smiljaniceva 69 to get a chest X Ray. I had to walk 40 minutes one way in order to get this done. But if you do go with my original choice, there is a great cafe called Kofic where you can chill and wait for the results.
The exam itself was very simple. It was mostly just the doctor filling out forms and asking questions. I don’t have any physical conditions and am not taking any medicine, so my exam was quite short.
There was no urine test involved, like there is in many places, but they did take a blood sample. Other than that and the chest X ray, there was a physical examination of the abdomen and limbs and you might be required to get a few shots.
It is very important to have received both doses of the Covid vaccine since it can take up to five weeks to be considered “fully vaccinated”- if you haven’t had your first shot yet, get it now. Other than that, I was asked whether or not I had chickenpox, and I also had to receive the flu and Tdap vaccines. You are required to have received the Tdap (combined tetanus, diphtheria and acellular pertussis) vaccine in the last 10 years for this medical. My country doesn’t do boosters every 10 years, and my last shot was in 2010.
The whole medical took somewhere around 3 hours, with all the walking back and forth to the radiology clinic. I was done by noon and was told to come back around 3 pm to collect my results. I was given a sealed envelope that went to the embassy and a copy of my immunization records in English.
The exam itself costs 230 dollars, but mine was 280 because of the two extra shots I had to get. They accept payment in both dinar and dollars, but don’t accept cards. Make sure to have cash ready.
I had my interview scheduled at 9.30. Due to Covid, the petitioner is not allowed to attend and you are allowed to go into the building only 5 minutes prior.
There are two security checks when you go in. You are not supposed to have a phone, so I would highly recommend bringing a watch. After security, you will be let into a waiting room.
They give out numbers like at the bank, and your number will show up on the screen, telling you to go to a specific window. There are no separate offices. The overall vibe is the same as at any other government facility. The weirdest thing probably is that you can hear other people’s interviews before your own.
You will be called up to the first desk to submit original documents such as passport, birth certificate, police check, I-134 and supporting documents, photos etc. This is the purely bureaucratic part of the interview.
After that, you will go to another window where they will take your fingerprints, and finally, the third window where you will have the interview.
My interviewer was very pleasant, smiled the entire time and asked very basic questions. Some of the things he asked were in the I-129 petition, so expect to briefly get quizzed on that.
Even though I was speaking in Serbian with everyone up to that point, the interview was in English. He asked how, where and when we met, whether or not I met his parents, when we were planning on getting married, where my fiance was then, what he studied, what he did for a living, and some other basic questions about our relationship.
I was surprised when, after maybe 3 minutes of talking, he told me my visa has been approved! I had prepared an entire binder of evidence, but none of it was needed at all. We’re still glad we over prepared and we will be using a lot of this evidence for adjustment of status later on.
I was told that I will be getting an email with instructions on how to collect my passport within 2 days.
The overall interview felt more like a formality. It’s natural that a lot of people get nervous around these things, but there is absolutely no reason to stress about it. As long as your relationship is genuine and you’re able to follow instructions, it’s the easiest thing ever!
On Friday, I received an email saying my passport is being sent back using the DHL courier. They don’t send it to your home address- you will need to go to a DHL office and pick up the packet using an ID.
The packet will contain your passport with the new visa in it, original documents that you submitted at the interview and a sealed envelope that you will give to the CBP officer at your point of entry.
The delivery time is 3 business days, which means I will have gotten my passport back exactly one week after my interview.
  • Your visa interview appointment letter
  • Your passport
  • Four (4) recently taken passport-sized color photographs
  • A copy of your immunization records
  • DS-160 Confirmation Page
  • Passports (2x)
  • Old passport
  • DS-160 confirmation page (1 page)
  • Copy of biographic page (1 page)
  • Birth certificates (2x)
  • Copy of birth certificates (2 pages)
  • Police certificate (1 page)
  • Photo 5x5cm (10x)
  • Relationship evidence
  1. Passport stamps (4 pages)
  2. Serbian address registration (1 page)
  3. Pictures & social media (9 pages)
  4. Trip itinerary (3 pages)
  5. Letters (2 pages)
  6. Communication (1 page)
  7. Covid tests (4 pages)
  • Proof of domicile
  1. US Driver’s License (1 page)
  2. Debit Card (1 page)
  3. Affidavit explaining tentative plans (1 page)
  4. Tax Returns (4 pages)
  5. Voter Registration (1 page)
  • I-134 affidavit of support
  1. Signed employer letters on official letterhead
  2. Bank letters on official letterhead, with information about when accounts were open, average deposits etc.
  3. 2020 & 2019 IRS tax transcripts
  4. Sponsor’s proof of citizenship (copy of full biographic page of passport)
  5. Pay stubs ( last 6 months)
  • Medical examination results in a sealed envelope
  • Letter of intent to marry, signed, x2 by both petitioner and beneficiary
  • Copy of I-129F
The affidavit is usually brought to the interview, but the embassy may require you to send it beforehand, although that is rare. It may seem like just another form, but you will need a bunch of supporting documents that might take time to get, so start gathering all of them as soon as you receive your NVC case number.
Since my fiance has been living abroad for the last year and a half with me, he doesn’t meet the income requirements to be the sponsor. He is still obligated to file a separate I-134 and we will only include his taxes and bank statement. His dad will be our joint sponsor, and for that, there is a lot more proof needed.
Joint sponsors are pretty common, especially for young people who started traveling right after college and are trying to bring their foreign partner home. Contrary to what many people believe, a joint sponsor is not a red flag. Some people simply have different lifestyles where they don’t need too much money to live and are focused on other things, such as volunteer work. This is why the immigration system allows us to have a third person vouching for us.
For the supporting evidence, we included:
  • Signed employer letters on official letterhead
  • Bank letters on official letterhead, with information about when accounts were open, average deposits etc.
  • 2020 & 2019 IRS tax transcripts
  • Sponsor’s proof of citizenship (copy of full biographic page of passport)
  • Pay stubs ( last 6 months)
We’re not really sure whether or not we would need this, as my fiance never officially moved abroad, and we have been hopping from country to country every 3 months or so. He has no long term visas in his passport. But better safe than sorry. We compiled a list of 6 documents we will use to prove his ties to the US and intentions of moving back with me.
  • US Driver’s License
  • US Debit Card
  • Affidavit explaining tentative plans
  • Tax Returns
  • Proof of Address
  • Voter Registration
I-129F Petition fee 535$
Shipping Petition from Sofia, Bulgaria to Texas (UPS) 60$
All Printing approx. 50$
Shipping Documents from the US to Serbia 60$
Birth Certificate 5$
Police Check 10$
Visa fee 265$
Medical 280$
Trip to Belgrade (3 nights at a guesthouse + bus tickets) 120$
Total: approx. 1385$
submitted bymellow_yellow___toimmigration [link][comments]

2021.12.11 01:18 Silent_Technology540Legion of Monsters: The Last King - Chapter 8 - I love it when a plan - A SSB story

Disclaimer, this is a fanfic only, all credit belongs to u/BlueFishcake alone.
I hope to keep this train wreck of a story going cos I know I enjoy writing it, also I’m hoping that some bits of this story becomes official lore :) - I’d like to thank the legend known as u/HellowShel for editing this train wreck, Please support this kind person by reading, commenting and upvoting their story Cultural Exchange or as i like to call it Shil'vati High, and one section of this story was inspired by u/punnynfunny
Also, if anything is messed up or if there's an error please leave a comment, and I’ll fix it right away
First / Prev / Next
War band
A tall man with a tanned complexion leaned against the bar sipping at a strawberry sunrise. In contrast, his little sister’s snow white, willowy frame is currently downing cranberry sangrias like it's going out of style. The loud music is deafening as they wait for their escort.
As they wait he waves a hand in front of her and then signs with a series of hand gestures (That better not be alcoholic), she rolls her eyes and replies with (It’s not. Even here where the alcohol flows more freely than water, I’m not risking my sobriety). Annoyed at her cavalier attitude, he just shrugs and goes back to scanning the crowd, playing the monstrous big brother routine to the hilt. He’s already had to kick the ass of one guy who got a little too handsy. It was then a larger person was weaving his way through the writhing mass of revelers, Niko notices him and the Security jerks his head indicating they should follow. Niko leaves his drink and gestures to Katie to follow the security.
She does, hopping down off the stool, all the while still sipping at her drink. They retreat through the crowd with the presence of the local MC running security for this gig and him. It’s enough to deter any of the local drunks, as they reach an out of the way side door the MC Security opens. Katie dumps her glass and they both go through, and in this hallway is a table with a stack of masks with posted instructions. {Take a mask each, put it on and follow the arrows}
They don the masks and follow the arrows, making their way up inside until they reach a flight of stairs, as they make their way up they heard the low murmur of voices. Cresting the top of the stairs, they are greeted by a gaggle of people who were milling about in little groups. When a rather large fat man in the anime shirt saw them he exclaimed in a whiny nasally tone “finally you’re here, we’ve been waiting for ages.'
And in response another man separated from his group who were all in civilian version of tactical gear replied with “We’ve only been waiting here for ten minutes, if anything they’re fashionably late.” It’s nearly impossible to tell their demeanour due to the mask, but the air of hostility that hung in the air like the heat coming off a Florida swamp.
The fat one let out a huff and responded with, “Still, you should show me and mine some respect you baby kil-” he doesn’t even finish that sentence as the group of what Niko guessed was ex-special forces rocket across the room, with their leader grabbing the neckbeard by the throat. His toadies didn’t even have the time to square up before they were either knocked on their asses or pinned against the wall, and the one who’s now lifted the neckbeard off the ground said his thick southern drawl coming to the fore “DON’T! You say another fucking word Carl, I’ll slit your thoat and dump your corpse on your mother’s doorstep.'
As Carl flailed his legs the ex-spec ops just tightened his grip, until a woman detached from a group wearing colourful Día de los Muertos masks and interrupted the attempted murder.
“Gentlemen, while it’s entertaining watching the runt of the litter get ripped apart by another dog, I do believe we’re all here to here for something else... hmm,” with that MC security that was standing off to the side opened a door and motioned them to go through.
Arthur watched from the darkened side of the room as his attendees filed in, and he noticed a few things: firstly there's some obvious hostility between some of the parties, secondly they’ve followed the posted instructions mostly to the letter, with one or two of them flouting them entirely, and finally there's more people then he was expecting. While he had guessed there'd be more than ten, there were more than twenty seven people here. He looked over to the buffet spread he had asked his hosts to put out and it seemed to be enough.
As many of them moved towards the chairs that arranged around in a table in a semicircle, a short skinny woman and a rather slovenly fat man had slinked off to the buffet table. As she picked from the selection, he piled a plate high, all the while trying to flirt. When the fat man put his hand on her back he was interrupted by the shout of “Oi!” by a mountain of a man, who looked like he was about to murder the first man.
So rather than let his pitch get off to a bad start, Arthur stepped out of the shadows, his black skull mask a stark contrast to the rest and said, “Good evening.”
Some jumped at his sudden appearance; a few of them whose body language showed they were worried, whereas most seemed intrigued. The people wearing the Día de los Muertos masks didn't react in the slightest.
Arthur injected a pleasant tone into his voice “I hope everyone's journey here was pleasant, now help yourselves to some food or drink,” he gestured towards the fat one who was making liberal use of the offered spread, “so come, sit a for a bit, while I make you an offer.” The men and women made their way over and sat with their respective groups.
Arthur cleared his throat and began. “I can take a guess that you’re very skeptical of this, maybe you’re thinking it’s all too good to be true, or that I’m a plant.” He paused for dramatic effect, “but I’m here to tell you no this isn’t a figment of your imagination and it’s very much real,” as he said this he whipped off the cloth that was covering the table to reveal several objects: a few of his frankenstein creations, a pile of colour coded opendime’s, USB’s, several purple coin pouches, and a stack of booklets.
One or two of the gathered people murmured when Arthur explained some of the items on offer “So what I’m offering is funding and support from not only myself, but also from a few like minded individuals as well.'
He was interrupted by the fat man raising his hand. “I’m sorry to ask but who the fuck are you?” This was said in a disrespectful tone, and while Carmila was getting increasingly more pissed off at this individual Arthur just powered through.
“Oh, my name? Well my name is unimportant, but if you must refer to me by something,” he threw one arm wide and took a bow “but for those of you who know me and those who don’t my name is Overlord.'
As he lifted himself back up to his full height he asked, “and I know it may seem out of place, but who are you?” he said in a patronising tone, it was then one of the subordinates of the fat man stood up and spoke loudly “This sir, is Field Marshall SigmarQ! Shil’smasher! kingdom bre!” but before he could finish he was then cut off by someone from the otherside of the room.
“Oh please you guys are nothing more than a bunch of trolls, fuckwits who own a keyboard and are fucking Weeaboos to boot” one of the more muscular men shouted back.
This barrage of comments rankled the fat man and his two friends. Arthur didn’t expect there to be harmony amongst the rank and file, but needing to regain control of the situation he coughed loudly. This drew their attention and he then said, “anyway!” before he picked up the USB’s, tossing one to each of the gathered attendees. “On those you’ll find schematics for improvised weapons and munitions.'
It hadn’t taken much effort on his and Carmilas part, they’d just copied and reworked some of the blueprints from a number of defunct survivalist publications such as Paladin Press and simplified them to such a point even a child could assemble them.
Picking up one of the opendime’s that was painted red, “These contain varying amounts of crypto-currency, as cash has become a bit of a liability at the moment.” Most agreed with this assessment, so he moved on. “The funding will mostly take the form of a mix of crypto, hard cash when we can get it and these” he took one pouch, opened it and dumped its contents out on the table.
Everyone's eyes went wide as a large amount of gold sovereigns were scattered across the table top “Because my information predicts that within 18 months to 2 years they’ll start a currency replacement program, meaning these will be invaluable, both in the here and now and for the foreseeable future.' But a hand shot up and Arthur turned his attention to the person “Yes you have a question?” a small man emerged from amongst the group of harded operators and said in a timid voice “u...umm yes. While we’d like to believe you about the promise of funding I... I’d like to verify this my... myself .'
Arthur just nodded and tossed one of the opendime’s that contained one of the larger sums to him. The man nearly fumbled the catch but managed to save it at the last second. He then produced a mini computer and after a few silent moments of tapping an audible gasp escaped him and he whispered to his fellows something regarding five million; but with all eyes on him, he retreated back in amongst his fellows.
“So that takes us to my next offering,” he picked up one of the many frankenstein creations and pair of the booklets, “With their dominance in orbit and their co-opting over our governments, it means that any tool our former masters had to surveil us is now theirs so that's why we’ll need to get creative so with that...”
He held the device out and encouraged everyone to take one for themselves “I present this communication device, it’s based on known examples that have been seen during the Kashmir incursions.” He explained further that the device itself used a smartphone that's paired with a VHF radio and special software called YSMS along with a few other features such as a network lockout, self-destroying chats and end-to-end encryption.
When someone asked about its origin, he explained it was an invention that originated in the wake of Hurricane Sandy in New York in 2012, but it’s most useful feature was that it allowed them to communicate securely, without the worry of their comms being intercepted by imperial forces.
“While we can expect to see some wonderful examples of home brewed inventions in the coming years, it doesn’t mean we should use technology as a crutch, so with that in mind I want everyone to take one of these” he then handed out a copy of the Codebooks and One Time pads.
He then showed off other examples such as a percussion cap grenade launcher, DIY rocketry, a broad spectrum jammer and one contraption he lovingly referred to as enigma 2.0. He also briefly mentioned that it used the same encryption method that Cloudflare used.
Several people fiddled with the devices. Some were having better successes than others; by now the man with the timid voice re-emerged and began instructing the gathered people in the proper use of the contraption.
He then dispensed a few wise words Carmila had told him.
“With that in mind, when you have an enemy that has a near god-like level of technological superiority, sometimes it’s better to make use of primitive methods.'
After a while when they got the hang of it, the fat man spoke again, “this is all well and good, but I’ve got to ask what's the catch?”
Arthur would’ve laughed like a villain out of a comic book but he kept his composure “No catch I only seek cooperation, so we may coordinate our efforts in the liberation of the human race”
“However I do have a few conditions that I’d like you all to abide by, but we’ll get to those later.” he let silence hang for a few seconds “So while we’re here I’d like to take the time to take full stock of your abilities and limitations so that I can tailor my support so you’ll all achieve the best results.'
This was part of the plan as he may have started the correspondence, they were just as sparse on details as he was with them. Of the twenty-seven people, only eighteen of them accounted for themselves. The nine in the Día de los Muertos masks didn’t speak at all, and everyone else seemed hesitant to go near or look at them.
But of the remaining eighteen individuals Arthur got the distinct impression they made up at least six distinct groups, judging by how they clumped together.
The first two were the tanned mountain of a man who shouted at the Field Marshall in the beginning and a small willowy woman, who introduced themselves as Grim & Mamba; members of the local cell who hosted this meeting. They said their own cell had some minimal victories, that mostly consisting of goading members of the local Imperial gassion into drunk street brawls.
This would normally end up with one of the natives beating the alien to within an inch of their life and since they’re hesitant to fight against a male, it normally ended with the aliens in the hospital. They said the main limitation of this tactic was that the invaders were now frequenting the bars and clubs in ever increasing numbers and letting the more level headed individuals take the lead, and the authorities were levying heavier fines on those who were involved.
Then there were Wendigo, Bulldog, Harpie and Eggman. They said they were the couriers, a loose grouping of people who operated out in the rural areas of the country. Their MO was to take pop shots when they could, steal and otherwise just make life hell for the Shil. They hinted at the fact they had managed to rack up a good toll recently, but they limited themselves to the midlands.
The ones who had introduced Field Marshall SigmarQ said their contributions so far mainly consisted of disinformation, counter-propaganda, and general online harassment but they didn’t elaborate further on this and remained quiet for the rest of the meeting.
The next grouping were an interesting bunch as they alluded that they were a small syndicate of underground chemists, fixers, blark marketers, anarchists and former law enforcement. They told a story about how many had lost their homes, livelihoods or saw the writing on the wall. It devolved into the standard reasoning by which they became insurgents.
As they reached the far right side of the room, the last bunch were an eclectic mix of ex-military and civilians, who had accounted for most of the chaos so far. They were currently under strength, as one of them shot SigmarQ a venomous glare.
He explained they were hired for a hit that went sideways and most of their force was killed during the retreat, a force of nearly 200 companions now numbered less than five. It went a long way to explain the bad blood between two of the assembled groups, Arthur thought to himself.
As the introductions ended Arthur went over his overall operational goals and what would happen if X, Y, & Z scenarios played out, it was then one of the more excitable members exclaimed “OH YEAAA! The cities Birmingham, Manchester or hell, even London, they’ve become the new Sodom and Gomorrah, when do we start the purge!?” She then let out a beastly WARRGH!
While one or two of her comrades silently agreed with her, everyone just stared at this dumbass with what Arthur hoped was shock and horror. He did his best to keep his temper under control.
He massaged the brow of his mask and stated “No as much as I’d love to start with what's considered war crimes, this pact is in its infancy, we need to build up our strength, run consistent operations, with a clear level of escalation” he emphasised that last part before continuing “And we’re not going to just lash out blindly, as this will turn public opinion against us not just at home, but aboard as well.”
He surveyed the crowd in front of him and sighed internally “You’ve all agreed for the most part… Yes?” There were a round of nods so he carried on “OK so here are my conditions Number One. You’re free to run your operations as you wish, and must collaborate and support one another?” There was a round of affirmations.
“Good because for Number Two. We must take the hearts and minds of the population away from our new so-called masters, this means we’ll have to play it smart, for this is a war that we must wage on many fronts. This entails Intel ops, infiltration and sabotage, recruitment, setting up weapons an munitions manufacturing and distribution or hell it could entail some poor fucker has to go deep undercover.”
He leveled a withering stare at said dumbass. “And we don’t have the numbers, but I did plan to make up for this by using the more extremist elements, even if they only serve as cannon fodder.” She sank further into her chair “this now leads me to my final and iron clad condition, you may operate wherever and however you wish, within limits but,” a hint of the machine like tone he normally had when he’s plugged in sprung forth “LONDON IS MY DOMAIN!'
Everyone seemed to understand the point and had agreed. As evening was coming to an end the operators started to school everyone else on the basic principle of operational security. Arthur had gotten a good overall idea of the capabilities of the groups and while they had their shortcomings, it was something he could work with. His introspection was interrupted by Carmila “So we’ve a dynamic duo, a bunch of postmen, a troll and his two friends, more street scum and a gaggle of tame-killers who’ve turned into weekend warriors.'
He looked over to groups who were now in the midst of brainstorming possible ideas, plots and schemes without comment.
As the meeting ended, Arthur called out to them. “Before you all go,” he held up two bottles. “How about a drink to seal the deal.”
He started pouring the drink into shot glasses when one spoke up. “What is it?”
Arthur looked the young woman in the eyes. “It’s mead, my dear. The drink of heroes, it’s the drink of the gods.” As he finished pouring there were now three glasses for every person present.
As they all raised the first round and downed it, someone commented on the taste of the honey, but then someone else said “Tastes kinda like pickle juice... Sweet pickle juice wine.”
Whereas someone else commented, “tastes like a drunken diabetic’s piss,” he then turned to Arthur and asked “why’d you bring this?”
As they downed the second he answered. “I brought this mead to drink because it’s traditional, and right now with the way things may go we need all the tradition we can get. This will seal our pact.'
And the one of the operators asked, “and what does that entail, you’ve given us the pitch and we’ve all agreed to it, but what do it mean.”
Arthur just looked at the man and at the rest of them in turn.
“Well you work for me. You’ll protect, help and transport one another from place to place. Maybe you’ll need to investigate, from time to time, to go places and ask questions. And when I call,” he held his hand up in a placating gesture, “—only in an emergency, I won’t waste your time—but in an emergency, I’ll expect you all to come when called, to hurt people who need to be hurt, blow shit up and sow utter fucking chaos when the time is right. And in the unlikely event of my death, you” he looked at each one in turn, “will hold my vigil. And in return I shall make sure that your needs are adequately taken care of.'
While many seemed excited at the prospect he knew he needed to inject a little levity to lighten the mood “Hell, what's not to like, y’all get to travel, meet and kill interesting people, there'll be great pay, you’ll get to make your own hours and if any of us survive there'll be a seven figure pension waiting for you.'
This seemed to renew the energy in the room, then someone held up their glass in a toast and drunkenly shouted “TO THE PACT!!” This toast was echoed by everyone else and as the final drink was drunk and a deal was struck.
The security was informed of the conclusion of the meeting, and they escorted everyone out except for the dynamic duo and the Día de los Muertos contingent. Grim stood off to the side as Mamba spoke “So why’d you want us to stay behind?'
Arthur took a moment to consider, he knew that out of the groups this one was by far the weakest, but had an overall potential that would make them a powerhouse. So he said “Well, my dear” this got a growl out of her partner, but he pressed on “we need to kick off this war with a bang, and after having a chat with one of your friends over the com it gave me a rather poetic idea.'
Mamba turned to Grim who just nodded, and asked ‘Do tell?”
Arthur explained the details and what kind of prepwork would be needed and as payment he was offering a case full of AR’s and Ammo. When he finished the small woman started to cackle maniacally. “hahaha Yahahah… oh god yes that’ll be a good one, I know just the place, there's a group that goes by it almost everyday so it’ll be perfect, how long do you need on your end?”
Arthur considered “five days max.”
She clapped her hands in joy and then gestured at Grim, “that's great… come along brother we got to set the stage” as she skipped her way out of the room with Grim following, he stared Arthur down before he left.
As they left Arthur turned to the Día de los Muertos contingent and asked, “so who do I have the pleasure of addressing?'
One of them took off their mask revealing a woman who had strong Slavic features and spoke in a distinct Serbian accent. “Well my name is Wraith. I and the rest of my comrades were surprised when someone contacted us using those old codes. Now, we know who you work with or for, we don’t really care. Before you ask, we’re mostly a mixed bag when it comes to skill sets we have, here and with our other members who aren’t here” it was then the professional and clipped tone was replaced with one of familiarity “So…I’ve been dying to ask is that old assassin still alive?'
Arthur was beaming underneath his mask. “Yea he is.'
“Does he still use the phrase Sonny Jim?”
Once more he said, “yes.'
She turned to her cohorts and said, “yep he’s the new one.” This confused Arthur, as they all visibly relaxed and were introduced to him in turn by Wraith, who seemed to be the leader.
It was then a large barrel chested man wrapped him in a bear hug, lifting him off the ground and bellowed “Fàilte tae th' club laddy,” as he was set down it was explained to him that each and everyone of them from Bulldozer, Wraith, Kitsune, Knight, Portnova, Jackal, Park, Fuze to Stryker were all disciples of Sir Phillip.
So that explains why they showed up he throught. Carmila then chimed in “They must be like a family and you're their new baby brother.”
He would’ve scoffed at the idea, but the man who he now knew as Bulldozer wandered off to the table, grabbing a bottle and started to down its contents.
Arthur wanted to get a little more information on his new ‘siblings’ so he asked, “so what have you guys been doing up until now?'
Portnova, Park and Fuze explained their group mainly did operations for the bureau in the past, but lately they’ve taken a few Shil heads. At this Knight pulled a hatchet from the bag he had slung over his shoulder and showed off the dried blood and gore that still caked the blade and handle. It was then explained by the motherly figure of Park that in addition to direct combat they also pulled pranks on the aliens, this was done in a non-lethal attempt to keep them humble and embarrass them at the same time.
But Fuze whispered that they also did it for the lulz as well. After a few stories were told—the most entertaining of which involving a bathtub filled with KY jelly and a magnetron—Stryker interjected in his thick Caribbean accent, “It’s all fine and good, but really brother what exactly do you need of us?'
He kept his composure, as he had contemplated this answer for a while. “I need a loyal core of confederates I can trust to help me manage all this and achieve the goal of the mission.”
Wraith asked “And that is?'
Arthur took in a deep and audible breath that grabbed the attention of everyone in the room. “I’m not going to lie to you, the likelihood of us achieving a military victory is slim to none. My goal is to take a page from the IRA playbook and force them into giving us a seat at the table: be it through negation or us resististing to such an extent they’ll just give us a spot just to make us stop, or by us suborning their culture, technology and political system to achieve our goals.'
They all remained quiet as he continued, “this is a ‘war beyond bounds’ meaning nothing is off the table; no matter how profane or blasphemous it is we must use it if we’re to wrest back control of our own fate and not suffer at the whim of laughing and thirsting nobles.'
And then Knight said in his thick rolling accent, “yea that explains why we’re here, but,” he nodded his head at the doorway where the others had exited through some time ago, “why’d you get the children involved, I know they’ve got potential, but why?”
Arthur decided to be honest with them, “they’re useful, but they’re thralls; blinded only by their lust for revenge or whatever excuses they tell themselves. What I need are warriors; men and women who aren’t fearless—as this war won’t be won by the fearless—but by those who are feared.'
Knight scratched his chin in thought. “Well, that's a very bloodthirsty outlook to have there boy’o, but it's one we all understand; but like you said we’ve got to be smart about this… So tell us what you need and we’ll do what we can.'
As they went back and forth, roles and responsibilities were assigned. They even pitched a few ideas for future operations, but when it was all said and done they bid each other goodbye and left with a promise to meet up again.
As Arthur walked out into the early hours of the Welsh morning the docklands had more in common with a ghost town As he made his way back to the car and started his journey home Carmila said, “I honestly thought that went better than expected.”
The Curtain Call & Fires of Contempt
Date Point: 7 months & 6 Days Post Invasion
Location: Late Evening - City & County of Swansea - South Wales
A gaggle of off duty Shil’vati marines, two males and seven females, werel staggering drunkenly back to the pickup point just outside the city, as they walked along the main highway that lead out of the city and on one side was the old port and on the other side was an industrial zone, all of them were unsteady as they held onto one another, singing Imperial marching songs and conversing in a more guttural and bastardized version of the normally singsong trade Shil.
One of the privates turns to her smaller counterpart “Oi, Kellv’han, did you see the tiitS on that, o. ne woman”, as Kelv’han grasped tighter to the hips of one of the others and replied in a slightly less drunken tone “No, I sidn't, I’s too bUsy looking into” he then looked up into the eyes of his companion and asked “Sorry but eho are. you again?”.
The Shil’vati just let out a sniff at this and said in soberish tone “Itylara Mira’lamin of housr” it was then Calarel shouted back with derisive tone “yea no one Caees sugar tits”.
As they walked they continued to exchange good-natured insults, comments and the musings on why none of them could get laid. At one point they stopped so that a few of their number could either puke or drunkenly make out with one of the males.
It was a little while later as they approached the pickup point they saw a bright orange glow that lit up the night's sky. They saw a small group of humans gathered across the road from what looked like a small fire that was growing rapidly inside one of the more dilapidated industrial units. The humans seemed panicked and were speaking rapidly into what she guessed was the ‘cell-phone’ devices that seemed ubiquitous amongst their kind.
Lieutenant Lythienne, who out of the assembled Shil’vati was the most sober as she’d been appointed the group's chaperone for this evening's drunken revelry, jogged up to one of the humans and asked in broken but understandable English “What wrong?”
The thin girl looked up at her and said with a sense of panic, “OH! God, We saw the smoke and” her tone changed from that of panic to what was now bordering on hysteria “A man and a baby screaming for help” one of the assembled humans said something Lieutenant Lythienne didn’t quite fully catch, but she understood the words of rescue and too long, it was then as the smoke grew thicker they all heard screams of the desperate and the damned.
“OOH! GODD!” this cry was interspersed with loud dry coughing, “I’M! TRRaPeDD!” cough -- --- cough “SOMEONE SAVE mY SoN PLEEASE!!” It was then that the sound babies shrill cries cut the raging inferno; it was then Lythienne noticed that the female part of her contingent rushed across the road and began to batter down the large iron doors with their combined weight, she inwardly groaned to herself chasing after them and leaving the two males with instructions to wait and direct the rescue services.
When she reached them they’d managed to shoulder check the doors out of the frame, and were now rushing in towards the sounds of the distressed man and boy, as they moved inward the group noticed this place was a disused machine shop, with old rusted machinery and empty containers littering the building, keeping their heads and mouths covered they managed to reach the stairs.
As they ascended they could hear the sounds of the dying grew ever more frantic, upon reaching the third floor the smoke was now so thick they had to crawl on their bellies with Lythienne now leading the belly charge, and after what felt like a dark cloudy age they reached the third floor with everyone huffing and puffing, drawing in ragged breaths of the stale air, entering the room where the screams were coming from.
Moving further into a vaulted room the smoke has thinned out at this point, so much, so they could breathe more clearly now, it was then they noticed a man hunched over a pushchair, with him making soothing noises.One of the marines went over with her hand reaching out towards him “It’s ooh kay we’re here now we’ll get you and your boy out” but when she placed her hand on his shoulder his head rolled off clattering to the floor.
This made more than a few of the girls jump in fright, but instead Lythienne picked up the head and looking she saw it was one of those 'mannequins’ she investigated the pushchair and she found it was a toy that occupied the seat instead of a baby, but before she could relay this discovery to her fellows there was a sound of something heavy and metal slamming shut with a load audible ‘THUNK’, that accompanied a moment after by the rapid fire sounds of it being locked.
As they began to panic, they tried desperately to find or make an escape route by bending the heavy iron bars that cover the windows, it was then a deep artificial voice emanated from the doll it’s eyes lit up with a crimson red glow with every spoken word.
“To the shil’vati present, I am Overlord”, their panic was now gone, replaced with a mix of trepidation and faltering hope.
“Firstly I'd like to commend you for your bravery in trying to rescue a child, but unfortunately, you’ll serve as the kindling that’ll light the fires of this new war”, as Arthur watched through the eyes of the doll he saw the many differing reactions of the gathered Shil’vati….. Some broke down and started crying, some tried to bargain while other made threats, and one even attempting to appeal to his humanity.
A part of him wanted to make them suffer to know a fraction of the pain and suffering their kind had brought not only upon the realm, but upon the human race as a whole. Another part of him that wanted to give them an out, a chance at survival and only for the low, low price of them admitting their guilt in the genocide they took part in, he wanted them to admit that their so-called Imperium was a cancer.
But he knew better they wouldn’t do it even if it was to save their own skin. He sighed inwardly as his internal monologue was interrupted with twinges of pain from Carmila; these were accompanied by reminders about how they “Have a job to do” and “Would you kindly get on with it”.
His finger hovered over the big red button. it was then he noticed they had moved onto the final stage of acceptance, ‘well at least they’ll have a more peaceful death than I’m destined to get’ he thought to himself.
And his final message “Terra thanks you for your sacrifice.” He pressed the button and the top two floors of the warehouse erupted into a massive fireball that threw debris over two miles and shattered windows and anything made of glass for three and a half miles around. It also managed to set off every car alarm within a ten block radius, and finally it showered the gawking crowd with red-hot sparks of molten metal.
After the initial ear ringing had subsided, the two male Shil’vati clambered shakily to their feet, looking around all they saw was a smoking crater where the large building once stood and noticed that the humans had scattered to the winds. In their place stood one large human male and a smaller human female.
As Mamba and Grim approached the blast site they could hear ‘WEE-WOO’ of the emergency service. She waved lazily towards one of the aliens, then her brother Grim closed the distance and delivered an uppercut to the jaw of one of the aliens, knocking him out cold.
Kelv’han tried to turn and run for it, but Mamba managed to snake her arm around his waist and held a cut-throat razor to where she guessed his jugular was, he froze in terror she then whispered into his ear this alone nearly made him void his bowls.
“Can you understand me?” she said in a husky tone, he just nodded his head. All higher brain function had ceased at this point, he could almost hear her smile as she chuckled to herself.
“Good. Tell me; isn’t it beautiful?” she gestured at the still smoking crater. He didn’t move, she let out a huff at his non-compliance “Well I don’t expect you to understand it, I’m only here to deliver a message and a warning.”
He was trembling now; she licked the tip of his ear and this one gesture alone terrified him to his core, more than the fear his father had instilled in him when he was a boy when his family dragged him along to the local temple.
Grim was now shouting that they needed to leave, so before they did she left him with some parting words. “Know this Xeno, we’re always watching, we are the night, we are legion, and we don’t forget or forgive.” Kelv’han felt a warm and wet sensation around the area of his crotch.
“Beware the Pact…. On this world, all you’ll find is monsters and death and—” it was then the strobing lights of the police cars, fire engines and paramedics came into view, but by then Mamba and Grim were already gone. Kelv’han on the other hand was curled up on the pavement, going into shock.
Arthur watched the events unfold from his neural cradle, with the nighttime skyline of London serving as his backdrop, feeling a mixture of emotions: joy and elation because of the results of his actions, but at the same time he felt a sense of indifference for the plight of others. It was through the actions of his new assets Mamba and Grim he finally felt a sense of resolve and pride.
But as he sat there in silence, Carmila was peppering him with questions. As he answered them in an automatic tone, it devolved into her analyzing the chemical interactions of the homemade Semtex and Titanium powder that was used to create such a powerful explosion and fireball. She then started to rattle off the possible mixtures that could be made to the formula.
All the while, Arthur just smiled and laughed internally at the sight. He then ordered Carmila to edit the video from both the doll Cam and the nearby CCTV, then prepare it for distribution. As she went about her task he began to fall asleep under the moonlight still plugged into the neural cradle.
submitted bySilent_Technology540toSexyspacebabes [link][comments]

2021.12.09 19:51 SorrySirNoWayAm I f(19) overreacting by cutting my dad (52) off?

My father and I have never had the best relationship. It’s always been pretty rough because I assume he feels like I am one big disappointment. I never did what he wanted not because I wanted to piss him off but because I had different interests. I get it your parents know you the best and I’ve been proven wrong over time that he knows me in some aspects. For example that law is actually a career I want to pursue.
I started law college two years ago, all during covid 19 and in distance learning. In one of my classes I met my now boyfriend (21).
He’s tall, funny, kindhearted and very family oriented. All things I love in a person.
For a long time I thought about whether or not he should meet my parents. Especially my father since he’s always been rather strict when it came to dating. Not because of the typical “that’s my only daughter” but more because of a cultural thing. My dads family has always been clear about the fact they want a partner for me with the same religious beliefs and preferably from the same country my family is from.
Now my boyfriend is not Serbian and not orthodox. He’s all my family would not approve off. He’s Bosnian and Muslim. No problem if you ask me.
I tried to explain to my family that he’s a smart, funny and genuinely lovely guy pursuing the same career path as me.
I’ve met his family way before he met mine. They accepted me as if I was their child and made it clear anything their some does out of love is completely ok with them.
He met mine a about three months later. My mom was lovely as always, accepted him right away and maybe saw something of herself in him since she wasn’t orthodox either before she came into this family. My dad on the other hand said no word the whole evening. Just eyed him down. I was surprised that he didn’t start a conflict. But when my bf was about to leave he said he would convert to the Orthodox Church out of love for me and in hopes he could accept him.
Apparently this was too much for my dad and he made a scene about him not actually loving me if he only did it as a last resort and I Schluss just date a guy my family picked out, whom I’d already dismiss earlier of 2021.
My dad went on about how I was doing a big mistake by staying with him. He also made it very clear that he was not going to support me in any way anymore and will not talk to me unless I leave my boyfriend.
Since then a month has passed and I have had no contact with my dad since he refuses to respond to any messages or calls. I’ve also not been sleeping at home but at my boyfriends with his family. They’ve accepted me as their own, included me in family functions and supported me while I was struggling financially in college. They have proved countless times to me that they would go great lengths for me. So I accepted the fact that we do not have any contact and deleted his number from my phone.
I love my father with all my heart even when we fight a lot, and I would love to have a bond with him and him accepting my relationship.
TL;DR Am i overreacting by cutting my dad off who does not approve of my boyfriend. How can I still have a father-daughter bond with him?
submitted bySorrySirNoWaytorelationships [link][comments]

2021.12.07 20:20 MegaBatchGamesI let a text generation robot run wild with a few keywords. This is what it produced six hours later.

NOT ?????????????????????????????????? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? 2/17/2017 22:48, 0.00 - - / - / - MADE IN CLEAN CROW CROW CANCER CANCER CICERO: Y-C-C-M-D CICERO: COOKING TEN DAYS FROM THE BEST CODES THAT MADE SORT OF COLD DOUGH CROW HOUSE WOWING OUT TO THE SUN CROW ROOM CROW ROOM KENNY CROW ROOM KENNY CROW ROOM THE LUNCH TREE CROW HOUSE KENNY CROW HOUSE KEN
Come to the Mr. Lala Pigeon Party! Every Wednesday, the Mr. Lala Pigeon Party is a dinner to the truckload of Mr. Lala Pigeon's! We consult with the truckload of Mr. Lala Pigeon every Friday night for woohoohing out of our personal personal dining and woohoohing outside. We tune back every night to see who can stay, and if that means leaving.
When I was back at the ranch in August, last night we had a nice evening of enjoying the new ranch. I had a great time and was getting ready to make a few changes to the ranch at this very moment. For the ranching party, it was the Mr. Lala Pigeon party. At that point, I was not getting any guests in my party anymore of course, so I gave all of the guests the party's name and we invited them to go to the Mr. Lala Pigeon Party. We did the Mr. Lala Pigeon Party before making these changes. When we brought a small batch of some of the stuff that we had made for the party, we came back to
i gave it '2021' 2021-08-15 11:14 AM 10 8,000,000 60 30.30 4.10 12.10 1 3/26/2016 11:16 AM 10,600,000 15 45.50 4.75 9.50 3 3/26/2016 11:09 AM 10,600,000 20 47.00 4.25 11.00 2 4/30/2016 10:40 AM 9,000,000 24 49.20 5.00 10.50 1 4/30/2016 9:38 AM 8,000,000 7 41.00 3.60 7.00 2 4/30/2016 8:46 AM 7,000,000 1 56.50 3.55 2.30 3 3/28/2016 8:28 AM 7,000,000 1 54.50 3.30 1.25 4 4/28/2016 8:30 AM 7,000,000 1 49.60 4.00 9.00 3 4/28/2016 8:40 AM 6,900,000 8 45.60 4.00 11.60 1 4/28/2016 8:25 AM 6,900,000 5 35.60 2.70 4.25 4 4/28/2016 8:20 AM 6,800,000 1 62.00 2.40 2.50 5 4/28/2016 8:11 AM 6,000,000 2
*You have got to wear these!
And if you do your job well, you can go home and spend time with your dog. In other countries, if you don't have a dog, you can go home and do your family
(SOUNDBITE of The Simpsons, 'Laugh)
THOMPSON: (Laughter)
I'm sorry. I get the feeling that when you say, 'All hell broke loose. It doesn't sound like laughter,' it comes across as a really good-natured comedy.
PARRIMOTH: (Laughter)
I can say right now that the audience is a little bit of a sucker for this film, though. Most of the other shows, they don't do any funny stuff. It's hard to know how to get this audience to laugh and actually feel at their own expense. But you know, that's what is truly amazing about it, at least in the end. My kids're on the other side of my house, so it was nice having the show.
TOM SPRING: (Laughter)
All right.
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8/26 - 9/1
9/20 - 9/29
*If you are not registered with E-MAIL you must use postal mail after 9/29.
*Cancel the 'Don't Send To Me' message if you have not paid by midnight Monday 4/25/2016.
*If you don't like the request for a refund, then check your TAKEN
The Mr. Lala Pigeon Party is the best weekly party because, with the usual mix of people, of the best people. This week's theme, which may seem like that of a typical week of Lala Pigeons, is 'Bin Laden,' a song that was performed by the Lala Party for the first time, on Saturday, May 14th.
It's not only that the Lala Party is best at organizing themselves but the idea that you might be able to change what the world thinks about you is just fantastic. As we saw some time before, you may notice that if you're a liberal Democrat in an extremely liberal state, you would be a bit of a loser. Or, that you'd be the one to take their money and run their campaign.
The Lala Party, in their 'bobby party' format, is a very simple idea – run your little party online.
First, here are some guidelines for how to run your little party online:
You and your family can call your local Lala Party on it's own so that when people are about to go to the party and pick this up, they will be able to say you were on, or on your ballot papers. Don't keep 'I voted for President Obama' because you might be lying. You never meant to tell them that you voted for Obama. You might have done something and have been out the vote that day. This
Come to the Mr. Lala Pigeon Party! Don't eat our pigeons. We have: 1. A pigeon feeding convention, by the way, the last week of October. With lots and lots of pigeons. 2. A great dog party, that includes a bunch of Pigeon's and a 'little' Pigeon! A real Pigeon Party. 3. A 'dog party' the next night at the Lala Pigeon! 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10… And you get the point. There's also Pigeon Pigeon Party coming up around the country on August 12-14th (no matter what). Check it out, and pick it up later in the year.
I love the new Pigeon Party! I could never, ever go back to a time when I sat around with my Pigeon or other potted plants (or in my case, any kind of pecan or other 'plant') at my feet and cried 'P.S.' as I went about my day. I also loved the idea of seeing and hearing their adorable antics on the big screen.
When they were getting ready, I looked at two men, Bill and Chris (who was an awesome guy), and said to Chris 'You're crazy. You want to go on a P.E.W.?'
Reddit only lets you post 40,000 character long text posts, here's the full thing:
submitted byMegaBatchGamestocopypasta [link][comments]

2021.12.07 09:02 trezebot[Rassegna Stampa] 07 December 2021 - Summary of Juventus news from Italy, translated

Here is summary of Juventus news from Italy:


Juve Primavera: no catwalk with Malmoe. But there is already a record in the Youth League

07 December 2021 - by Marco Baridon
Juve Primavera: no catwalk with Malmoe.
But there is already a record in the Youth League for Andrea BonattiMa's team as a catwalk.
Juve Primavera, despite already having direct qualification for the round of 16 of the Youth League in their pockets, will be targeting the three points in the last match of the group stage against Malmoe.
The Swedes were the only ones against whom Bonatti's team did not win: 2-2 in the first leg in Sweden.
Four wins and a draw to secure the first place and set an absolute record in the competition: the Bianconeri, in fact, are the only team to have already broken the pass for the round of 16.

Juventus Under 17: Anghelé regains his goal in the derby, he is now seven

07 December 2021 - by Giorgio Ferrero
Lorenzo Anghelé finds the goll in the match between Juventus Under 17 and Turin.
The Juventus top scorer is now seven in the league.The incredible season of Lorenzo Anghelé continues, reaching seven league goals with the Juventus Under 17 shirt.
The attacking midfielder, who has adapted to play on Vacca's movements against Turin, looks for and finds the right spaces and when he has to dribble he never pulls back.
However, the greatest growth was seen in front of the goal, where Anghelé proved to have acquired great coldness.
The seven seasonal centers are there to prove it: he is the top scorer of Pedone's team.

Juventus Under 16: Boufandar captain and leader of the midfield

07 December 2021 - by Luca Fioretti
Juventus Under 16: Boufandar captain and leader of the midfield in the last match played away against Spezia as regards the attention in the single plays.
A feeling that was also confirmed in last Sunday's match against Spezia.
On this last occasion, the Juventus Under 16 midfielder, who took the field with the captain's armband, proved to be an absolute leader.
Boufandar, who starts in the control room with the license of several on the whole trocar, was once again fundamental in dragging his teammates towards victory.

Juventus Under 15: second consecutive clean sheet for Radu

December 07, 2021 - by JuventusNews24 Editorial Team
Juventus Under 15: second consecutive clean sheet for Radu.
Benesperi's team keeps the clean sheet. Against Spezia, Juventus Under 15 managed to follow up on the great home win against Sampdoria by repeating the 3-0 two weeks earlier.
A win without conceding a goal that gives morale in particular to the Juventus rearguard.
The goalkeeper was thus able to put his second consecutive clean sheet on the scoresheet.
Finding certainty in defense after the last few days was essential to continue the season in the best possible way.

Ultimissime Juve: the probable anti-Malmo team, the message to Agnelli

December 06, 2021 - by JuventusNews24 Editorial Team
The odds 19.10 - Juve's scudetto comeback is worth 16 times after the second consecutive victory in the league thanks to a 2-0 win against Genoa.
Juve training: the bianconeri immediately return to work for Malmoe 16.50 - After the success against Genoa, Juve returns to training to prepare for the Champions League match against malmoe.
According to what Team Talk reports, in fact, Liverpool would have pointed the sights decisively on Juve's La Joya as a possible replacement for Salah.
Agnelli's birthday: Juventus' touching message to the president 10.30 - Through their official website, Juve wanted to dedicate this message to Andrea Agnelli on his birthday.
Juve has given so much, so much has to give and so much more will give.

Goal Cuadrado, Bears sure: 'From corner it's always the goalkeeper's fault'

December 06, 2021 - by JuventusNews24 Editorial Team
Goal Cuadrado: Former goalkeeper Fernando Orsi commented on the goal scored by the Colombian corner kick Fernando Orsi commented on Cuadrado's goal in Juve Genoa on Radio24.
GOAL FROM CORNER - 'If a goalkeeper concedes a goal from a corner kick it is always his fault and it is not justifiable, from Palanca, to me with Maradona to what happened with Cuadrado and Calhanoglu over the weekend.
I will be out of date and not up to date, but I think the man on the stake is still indispensable.
He helps the goalkeeper to have a different position even before he starts the shot from the flag ».

Bellavia: 'Inter have a lot of debts. Very heavy situation '

December 06, 2021 - by JuventusNews24 Editorial Team

Arresto Ferrero, Vierchowod: «Sampdoria has freed itself»

December 06, 2021 - by JuventusNews24 Editorial Team

Juventus Women, the date of arrival of Julia Grosso: this is when it will be available to Montemurro

December 06, 2021 - by JuventusNews24 Editorial Team
Julia Grosso arrives at Juventus Women: that's when she will be available to Montemurro.
The date Juventus Women welcomes Julia Grosso, the latest arrival at Juventus.
The official announcement also arrived via social media channels, and as communicated by the club, the Canadian will be available to Montemurro from next 28 December.
A new reinforcement, therefore, for Juventus Women in view of the second half of the season.

Spinosi: 'Stupidaggini about Vlahovic, I'm afraid Fiorentina's messing around'

December 06, 2021 - by JuventusNews24 Editorial Team
Spinosi, Dusan Vlahovic's representative in Italy, spoke about the situation of the renewal of the Serbian striker. Lodovico Spinosi, Dusan Vlahovic's representative in Italy, spoke about the renewal situation.
The statements on Juventus' goal.
VLAHOVIC - «They said a lot of nonsense, I heard accusations of connivance with strange characters and situations.
There are rumors that I fear Fiorentina is being sent around.
I work with them, they are very normal people who come from important Serbian families ».

Gazzetta Dello Sport

Juve against Malmoe the second lines: here's who can find space

06 December 2021 - by Giovanni Albanese
In defense we could see Bonucci together with Rugani.
In short, the 'second lines' are ready, so as to make those who have played a lot in the last period breathe.
While in the role of right-back the surprise could respond to the name of De Winter, the 2002 class called to replace the injured Danilo in the squad.
Usual run-off between Kean and Morata, but this time the 2000 class seems to have a slight advantage over the Spaniard.
While in the three behind there could be space for the very young Soulé (bornin2003), together with Kulusevski and Bernardeschi.

How the investigation on capital gains can change the Juventus market

06 December 2021 - by Livia Taglioli
The profound corporate change decided before the summer was the prelude to new business strategies.
Now a lot will depend on the outcome of the investigation and its repercussions on the economic situation of the club. Operation 'Prisma' is proceeding, but it is too early to predict where and to what results it will lead.
That said, it is possible to reflect on the general situation in which Juve is moving, and not since the investigation into the capital gains was launched.
The profound corporate change decided before the summer and which invested the Old Lady from the upper floors down was marked by a line not only of renewal of men and offices, but also of strategies.
Starting with the market, of course.

Awards, budget and Stock Exchange: Juve and Roma in trouble without the Champions League

06 December 2021 - by Mario Nicoliello
For the bianconeri, participation in the most prestigious cup guarantees an average of 80 million a year.
The effects of a lack of presence for them and for the Giallorossi would be very heavy.
The simple participation in the maximum continental competition is a panacea for the balance sheets of the Serie A club, while the failure to qualify for the cup with big ears constitutes a not insignificant economic backlash.
After sixteen days it is still too early to sum up, but the current ranking situation would keep two famous clubs out of Europe, such as Juventus and Rome.

Dybala and Cuadrado, goals due 2022: what's missing for their renewals

06 December 2021 - by Livia Taglioli
Paulo's braking after Juve-Genoa opens up new scenarios, meanwhile the Bianconeri already have a proposal ready for the Colombian ... “The renewal can wait.
The club has other things to solve ': so Paulo Dybala immediately after the match with Genoa, still exuding the adrenaline of the match and the satisfaction for the victory and the goal scored in the final.
For him the second in a row after the goal that baptized the match against Salernitana.
Words dictated by responsibility, but which also sound a little jarring due to the approach of January, and therefore of the concrete possibility for the Argentine to agree with a club other than the Juventus one.

Juve football market: Arthur on the sidelines, possible departure in January

06 December 2021 - by Giovanni Albanese
And the departure on loan in January remains a viable scenario Giovanni Albanese @GiovaAlbanese 'I am happy with Arthur because he is doing a good job and every time he has been called into question he has always done well', explains Max Allegri.
Even if the Brazilian is not one of the first thoughts of him, in the Juve that is being born.
The impact - The experience under the Mole for the player so far has not been the best.
The novelty inevitably opens up to the possibility of leaving, on loan, perhaps as early as January, considering that the player himself would like to find a context that sees him more at the forefront.
Arthur is a popular player in Europe and this increases the chances that his name will soon start circulating in the transfer market corridors.

Create a lot and score little: Juve and the numbers of the goal hunt

06 December 2021 - by Livia Taglioli
  • Between minute 9, that of Cuadrado's eurogol and minute 82, that of Dybala's liberation goal, 27 shots pass - in the mirror, outside, rejected -.
It was since September 2015 (againstFrosinone) that Juventus had not finished a Serie A match with at least 27 more shots than their opponent.
And if the rossoblù have the mitigation of the eight injured players, Juve have no excuse, having been able to deploy their best guns.
Ancient problem - After all, the problem of struggling to find the goal is a long-standing problem at Juventus: among the teams that have achieved at least six successes in this Serie A, Juve is the one that has scored fewer goals (22).
That the victory with Genoa confirmed rather than cure.

Corriere dello Sport

Champions, Juve immediately to work in view of Malmoe

06 December 2021
TURIN - First training session for Juve after the home victory against Genoa.
The bianconeri will immediately have to prepare the match valid for the sixth and final day of Group H of the Champions League against the Swedes of Malmoe coached by the Danish and former AC Milan player Jon Dahl Tomasson, fresh winners of the Allsvenskan 2021 title.
In the training carried out at the Continassa, unloading session for the players involved in the match against the rossoblùs and field work for the rest of the team.
Tomorrow the Juventus group will carry out a morning finish followed, at 2.30 pm, by the press conference of the coach and a player in the nearby Allianz Stadium.
The injured Danilo and Chiesa are unavailable until after the Christmas break, Allegri will not even be able to count on Pellegrini and Kaio Jorge out of the Champions list while news is awaited on De Sciglio, McKennie and Ramsey, all struggling with physical problems of various kinds.

Under 23 most expensive in Europe: Elmas is already worth a fortune

06 December 2021
The Cies has produced a report on the best budding champions with the highest transfer value in the top 5 European championships which has reserved many surprises.
The most represented club is Bayer Leverkusen with six players, followed by Barcelona (5) and Chelsea (4).
The Cies has divided the young talents by role, drawing up a ranking for each of them.
Among the central defenders, Juventus Matthijs De Ligt (over70million) enters the top 3, followed by Alessandro Bastoni of Inter (over60).
Napoli can enjoy Elmas who qualifies as third among the defensive midfielders with over 70 million worth of the card.

Naples in the top 3 of the most 'healthy' brands in Serie A

06 December 2021
However, the image of a football club today is increasingly made up of aspects that go beyond the playing field.
For this reason YouGov Italia from 2019 continuously monitors the perception of professional clubs seen from the brand perspective.

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In the first 14 days of the past season, it was Juventus who occupied the top step of the podium.
Among the strengths of the biggest Italian clubs (Milan,Inter,JuventusandNaples) there is certainly the tradition of the clubs, but it should be emphasized that the perceived quality of management is one of the most differentiating aspects.
For this indicator, Milan is in first place, followed by Naples, in third and fourth position we find Juventus and Inter.

Juve, Lady on paper

06 December 2021 - by Ivan Zazzaroni
Will they send Juve back to Serie B?
And what will happen to the many clubs, some of the top tier, who have exchanged players with the bianconeri at probably inflated prices?
I would start with the damage to Juve's image, which is very considerable - for over a year, however, nothing has been lacking - and for some even irremediable, even if in the end everything passes with us.
Juve, a company listed on the stock exchange and not only in financial crisis, should be, so to speak, a 'commissioner'.
If we don't have to go to the World Cup for the second consecutive time, we could always import another hundred blowjobs at a reduced cost.



07 December 2021 - by Massimo Pavan
Juventus has regrets, we do not deny it and the name of regret is a role: the attacker.
Napoli has Mertens and Osimhen at 5, in addition to Fabian Ruiz and Zielinski, Inter always at five has Calhanoglu.

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And Juventus?
Juventus has only one player with 5 goals, Paulo Dybala, otherwise nothing.
We don't want to be presumptuous, but with a reference striker, Juventus would have at least eight points more today, including Udinese, Empoli and Sassuolo.

Massimo Pavan: 'Juventus are studying what to do in January, we need two things ...'

07 December 2021 - by TuttoJuve Redaction
Juve humiliated.
The poker caught in London by Chelsea is not just a defeat on the pitch.
Winning and losing is there: it's football.
Juve is naked.
The blanket is not short: it just isn't there.

Fiorentina took after Vlahovic

07 December 2021 - by Massimo Pavan
According to the French press, Fiorentina has already agreed to sign Jonathan Ikoné for 15 million euros.
The 23-year-old Lille winger will leave France for a new challenge.
Ikoné played an important role in Lille's title win last season.
He scored 7 goals and provided 7 assists in 48 games and would be the next Vlahovic.

Expected changes for tomorrow

07 December 2021 - by Massimo Pavan
Juve humiliated.
The poker caught in London by Chelsea is not just a defeat on the pitch.
Winning and losing is there: it's football.
Juve is naked.
The blanket is not short: it just isn't there.

Icardi, Juve pulls out

06 December 2021 - by Massimo Pavan
Juve humiliated.
The poker caught in London by Chelsea is not just a defeat on the pitch.
Winning and losing is there: it's football.
Juve is naked.
The blanket is not short: it just isn't there.

Arthur can't find space, Juve looks for solutions

06 December 2021 - by Massimo Pavan
Juve humiliated.
The poker caught in London by Chelsea is not just a defeat on the pitch.
Winning and losing is there: it's football.
Juve is naked.
The blanket is not short: it just isn't there.

Pogba has an offer on the table

06 December 2021 - by Massimo Pavan
According to CBS Sports, Pogba was presented by Manchester United officials last July, a proposal that is still on the table and available to the Pogba clan.
However, Paul Pogba reported that he still disagrees and is not discussing the proposal.
Departure seems to be the most likely solution.


06 December 2021 - by Massimo Pavan
Juventus wants to win, they will have to try to win the next three games to try to have Champions hopes.
Today the projection of 36 points is possible, am it will be necessary to win two away matches and at home with Cagliari, not easy.
The same goes for Atalanta and Napoli, the only case, the one between the Azzurri and the Rossoneri who will clash in a few days.
As Allegri says, the general feeling we have is that Juventus from now on can absolutely no longer make calculations, they can and must always win, there are no other paths.
Click here, follow Massimo Pavan on twitter to interact with Massimo on the latest on the transfer market and on Juve

McKennie and De Sciglio, more Venice than Malmoe

06 December 2021 - by Massimo Pavan
Juve humiliated.
The poker caught in London by Chelsea is not just a defeat on the pitch.
Winning and losing is there: it's football.
Juve is naked.
The blanket is not short: it just isn't there.

Ronaldo still weighs: the blow that Juve shouldn't have done. The sea is involved from gambling to crime. Frozen market for now. The new look suits the Lady

06 December 2021 - by Ivan Cardia
It was the coup of the century, it turned out to be the deal that Juventus could not afford.
She did not grow up in the Champions League - on the contrary - and had to deal with the pandemic, the blow that just wasn't needed.
This is not the case with all of them, attention: it is a perverse and dangerous bubble.
How can we think that we can move with agility on the market?
At least he puts Locatelli and Bentancur in their place, who knows if McKennie can't adapt there too: fixing the midfield, after all, is the priority.
submitted bytrezebottoJuve [link][comments]

2021.12.06 19:12 fantasymsinfoMoney Heist (La casa de papel): Part 5 Volume 2 (Season 5) 2021 on Netflix: Release Date, Trailer, Starring and more Money Heist (La casa de papel): Part 5 Volume 2 (Season 5) 2021 on Netflix: Release Date, Trailer, Starring and more #03122021 #2021 #english #netflix #russian #september #serbian #series #spani
submitted byfantasymsinfotou/fantasymsinfo [link][comments]

2021.11.29 17:01 autotldrBosnian Serb leader: Putin and China will help if west imposes sanctions

This is the best tl;dr I could make, original reduced by 80%. (I'm a bot)
In an interview with the Guardian, Milorad Dodik, the Serb member of the tripartite leadership of Bosnia-Herzegovina, said he would not be deterred by the outcry from London, Washington, Berlin and Brussels.
Dodik, 62, a key figure in Bosnian politics for 30 years, who was once a favourite of the west, insisted his plans need not lead to the end of Bosnia-Herzegovina.
Sanctions and cuts to EU funding would only force him to take up offers of investment from China, Dodik said, and he expected to see Russia's leader 'Pretty soon'.
Dodik has been widely condemned in recent weeks over his stated intention to withdraw the Serbian part of Bosnia-Herzegovina from state-level institutions, such as the tax administration, judiciary, intelligence agency and even the national army, in order to create a Serb force.
Since 2017 Dodik has been banned from travelling to the US, or accessing to assets under its jurisdiction, after he defied Bosnia's constitutional court by staging a referendum on celebrating Republika Srpska Day, marking the date in 1992 when Bosnian Serbs declared their own state in Bosnia.
Dodik dismissed as a misfiring joke his recent suggestion that he would surround the national army barracks with Serb forces to push them out, and that unnamed 'Friends' would rally to his aid should Nato forces intervene.
Summary SourceFAQFeedbackTopkeywords: Dodik#1Bosnia-Herzegovina#2Srpska#3Serb#4want#5
Post found in /europe, /europes, /worldnews, /bih, /RedditSample, /viral, /CertifiedNews, /AutoNewspaper, /TheColorIsBlue and /GUARDIANauto.
NOTICE: This thread is for discussing the submission topic. Please do not discuss the concept of the autotldr bot here.
submitted byautotldrtoautotldr [link][comments]

2021.11.24 01:02 CSGOMatchThreadsBLAST Premier: Fall Finals 2021 / Information, Schedule, & Discussion

  • Organizer: BLAST
  • Type: LAN
  • Location:Copenhagen
  • Date: November 24 - 28, 2021
  • Prize Pool: $425,000
  • Teams: 8
  • Media: Event HomepageTwitterFacebookYouTubeInstagram
  • Coverage: LiquipediaHLTV


English (Twitch)English (YouTube)
Spanish (Gosu: Twitch)Spanish (Gosu: YouTube)Spanish (PituHerranz)
Portuguese (gaules)Portuguese (RTP Arena)


  • Double-elimination bracket
  • Best-of-three matches

Broadcast Talent

Desk Host
Freya (Freya Spiers)
Stage Hosts
Archarom (Alexandre Maia)
Machine (Alex Richardson)
James Banks (James Banks)
Maniac (Mathieu Quiquerez)
SPUNJ (Chad Burchill)
Anders (Anders Blume)
Semmler (Auguste Massonnat)
launders (Mohan Govindasamy)
Scrawny (Conner Girvan)
prius (David Kuntz)


Astralis: blameFBubzkjigla1vek0nfigLuckyXyp9xCoach: ave
BIG: gadek1tosyrsoNtabseNtiziaNCoach: enkay J
FaZe Clan: brokykarriganolofmeisterrainTwistzzCoach: RobbaN
Heroic: cadiaNrefrezhsjuushstavnTeSeS
Natus Vincere: B1TBoombl4electronicPerfectos1mpleCoach: B1ad3
Ninjas in Pyjamas: devicees3taghampusPlopskiREZCoach: THREAT
Team Liquid: EliGEFalleNGrimNAFStewie2KCoach: adreN
Team Vitality: apEXKyojinmisutaaashoxZywOoCoach: XTQZZZ


Day 1 (Wednesday November 24)
QF1Vitality2-0 Liquid03:0006:0008:0011:0012:0013:0019:0022:00bo3
QF2Heroic2-0 FaZe06:0009:0011:0014:0015:0016:0022:0001:00bo3
QF3NAVI2-0 BIG09:0012:0014:0017:0018:0019:0001:0004:00bo3
QF4 NIP0-2Astralis12:0015:0017:0020:0021:0022:0004:0007:00bo3
Day 2 (Thursday November 25)
SF1 Heroic1-2NAVI06:0009:0011:0014:0015:0016:0022:0001:00bo3
SF2Vitality2-1 Astralis09:0012:0014:0017:0018:0019:0001:0004:00bo3
Day 3 (Friday November 26)
L1-1FaZe2-0 BIG04:3007:3009:3012:3013:3014:3020:3023:30bo3
L1-2Liquid2-1 NIP07:3010:3012:3015:3016:3017:3023:3002:30bo3
L2-1Astralis2-1 FaZe10:3013:3015:3018:3019:3020:3002:3005:30bo3
Day 4 (Saturday November 27)
L2-2Heroic2-1 Liquid04:3007:3009:3012:3013:3014:3020:3023:30bo3
WFNAVI2-0 Vitality07:3010:3012:3015:3016:3017:3023:3002:30bo3
L3Astralis2-0 Heroic10:3013:3015:3018:3019:3020:3002:3005:30bo3
Day 5 (Sunday November 28)
LFVitality2-1 Astralis06:3009:3011:3014:3015:3016:3022:3001:30bo3
GFNAVI2-1 Vitality10:3013:3015:3018:3019:3020:3002:3005:30bo3

Prize Pool

1st$225,0004000 pts NAVI
2nd$85,0002000 pts Vitality
3rd$40,0001500 pts Astralis
4th$25,0001000 pts Heroic
5th - 6th$15,000500 pts Liquid
5th - 6th$15,000500 pts FaZe
7th - 8th$10,000250 pts NIP
7th - 8th$10,000250 pts BIG
submitted byCSGOMatchThreadstoGlobalOffensive [link][comments]

2021.11.23 23:58 H25azbxwyz'We're expecting Novak to come': Players must be vaccinated to play in Australian Open

(Source: CNN)
Watch the video in our channel:

Australian Open: Tennis Australia CEO says players must be vaccinated to play in grand slam
'It's been made very clear when the Premier announced several weeks ago that in order to participate at the Australian Open, to come into Victoria, you'll need to be fully vaccinated' Tiley told Australian TV station Channel 9's 'The Today Show' referring to Victoria Premier Daniel Andrews.
'Immediately, we communicated that to the playing group. It is the one direction that you take that you can ensure everyone's safety' added Tiley as preparations for the first grand slam of the 2022 season get underway in Melbourne.
'All the playing group understands it. Our patrons will need to be vaccinated, all the staff working the Australian Open need to be vaccinated. But when we're in a state where there's more than 90% of the population fully vaccinated... it's the right thing to do.'
'Private issue'
Djokovic, who has not revealed his vaccination status, has won the Australian Open men's singles title a record nine times.
The 34-year-old Serbian, Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal have won 20 major singles titles each.
'We're expecting Novak to come' said Tiley. 'The good news is that most of the tennis players, both on the men and the women's side, are fully vaccinated.
'Novak, as he's previously said, that's a private issue for him... He's always said that the Australian Open is the event that puts the wind in his sails, so I hope we get to see Novak.'
Tiley said crowd capacity at the Australian Open, which runs from January 17-30 in 2022, will be at 100%.
Peng Shuai
The Tennis Australia CEO also was asked about Peng Shuai.
Peng, who is one of China's most recognizable sports stars, has not been seen in public since she accused former Vice Premier Zhang Gaoli of coercing her into sex at his home, according to screenshots of a since-deleted social media post dated November 2.
'The very (...)
Watch the video in our channel:
submitted byH25azbxwyztothe_news_of_today [link][comments]

2021.11.21 01:52 dj_pavlov03How FM landed me a scouting job at a Serbian 1st division club

Hello everyone, my name is Djordje, I'm an 18 year old coming from Serbia and most recently the chief scout of Serbian club Radnički 1923. You could say that I'm a newer FM player, as I played from 2018 until present date, and I have mostly played with Serbian clubs which resulted in me getting significant knowledge of the happenings and info throughout the Serbian football pyramid, and I had always dreamed of working in the recruitment sector, being a Director of Football. My first contacts with Radnički 1923 itself were through a local grassroots sports outlet founded by one of my good friends where I was a football analyst and head of PR (@kragujsport on Instagram), and the relations between us and the club got a massive boost when the new DoF came in the winter of 2021. Since there are no public scouting openings in Serbia since 2019. where I was too young to apply for a job at Radnik Surdulica (and due to the fact that most Serbian clubs even in the Superleague don't have recruitment teams), I shot my shot by asking the Radnički 1923 DoF, Slavko Perović, if I could join the club as a volunteer scout to prove my worth, which he wholeheartedly accepted as the club had no scouts or recruitment analysts whatsoever, and he has a vision to westernize the club. Since august, when I first joined the club, I had scouted dozens of players, and one of them was actually brought in (Milan Milanović), I had also provided feedback on matchday performances and advice on manager recruitment as well. All of this led to me being told by my DoF that a formation of a scouting team will be initiated with me being the head of the team and lead scouting recruiter, and that should be made public during the winter pause in Serbia (probably in December). Note that I'm at essentially an intern by now, since the city hall hasn't permitted a formation of a full-time paid scouting team for this season (club is owned by our city, Kragujevac), but that will probably be handled by next season if we stay in the league.
I would like to express my thanks to SI, the Radnički 1923 staff for accepting me, most notably DoF Perović, and of course this wonderful sub, for being a massive inspiration and a learning source for me.
P.S. If you have any advice and/or questions feel free to comment them down below.
Cheers and happy FM playing lads!
submitted bydj_pavlov03tofootballmanagergames [link][comments]

2021.11.20 23:36 HolyRomanClusterfuckTNO Patch v.1.2.0 'Toolbox Theory'

The New Order: Last Days of Europe
v1.2.0 “Toolbox Theory”
Major Additions
  • Entirely reworked the economy mechanic, including but not limited to production, construction, and trade
  • New laws menu, adjusted to TT changes (remade into smaller rectangles and with added sliders about policies effectiveness)
  • Added a Foreign Policy mechanic to all Superpowers
  • Added Proxy Conflicts to the Philippines, West Africa, the Maho campaign, Congo, Angola, Madagascar, Gazaland, and Malaysia
  • Added the Oil Crisis conflicts, South Africa, the Iberian Wars, the Iranian Civil War, and the Indonesian Civil War to the Foreign Policy mechanic
  • Added in new buildings and satisfaction and coverage mechanics for them
  • Implemented over 100 subideologies for all ideologies
  • Reworked the World Tension meter
  • Reworked the Industry Research Tab
  • Implemented a new Policy Effectiveness mechanic, denoting the effectiveness of a nation’s laws
  • Reworked Long Yun content, and facelifted Lu Han content
  • Added several new mechanics to Long Yun and Lu Han
  • Added new endings to the Western Insurrection
  • Rework and content expansion for Kaya
  • Added a shared bills mechanic for all Japan PMs
  • Order 44 has been heavily reworked
  • Iberia now has a new, reworked economic tree
  • Added a wartime and post-war devastation mechanic to the English Civil War
  • Added wartime focus trees to the English Civil War
  • Reworked pre-war trees to the English gov't and HMMLR
  • Added 100 days of content to Arthur Chesterton's England and David Stirling's England
  • Facelifted SBA content across the board, including a new collapse and facelifted mechanics
  • Facelifted Burgundy’s content, including new mechanics and a new AI Collapse scenario, with unique responses for Germany and America
  • Added a new Arcade Mode feature for completed campaigns
  • Added a mechanic between America, Collaborationist England and Germany to determine which faction England joins
  • Bennett has received a major facelift, rethinking how he personally feels about the Civil Rights Act and changing his foreign tree to establish the 'Community of Free Nations'
  • Reworked Brazil's Military trees, expanding the Sorbonne elections and adding two hardliner paths
  • Totally facelifted the Comintern mechanic to no longer consist solely of spam for economic investment
  • Added uranium deposits to the world map
Minor Additions
  • Added Scotland and Norway to the country select screen
  • Igor Shafarevich is now a wholesome condem leader in Komi
  • Added new trees for democratic election of radical candidates in Komi
  • Added new Ultravisionary succession mechanic for Komi
  • Implemented new party popularity system for Vyatka
  • We have removed Aldan, Berezniki, and Kostrama. God rest their eternal souls
  • Added a 'Far East Development' mechanic to Russia in order to strengthen Far Eastern states and stop them from becoming irrelevant in Russia
  • New deccat for the Russian Central-Siberia unifier to develop the northern Siberian region
  • New naval development deccat for the Russian Far-East to begin rebuilding a fleet
  • Used the Foreign Policy System to add new features and decisions to Brazil's fight in the South African War
  • Added extra events and flavor to Brazil's Hundred Days
  • Replaced Ikeda's coalition mechanic with a factions relation mechanic for all Japanese PMs
  • Added new decisions for Japan to deal with the Yasuda Crisis, as well as to recover following its aftermath
  • Takagi's North Borneo reforms now properly split the tag
  • All Japanese governments can now collapse, assuming they become too unstable
  • Restructured Ikeda's first focus tree to allow him to deal with the Yasuda Crisis much quicker
  • Added vast amounts of new flavour to proxy conflicts
  • Added vast amounts of new flavor to Lu Han
  • Added skeleton content to Argentina
  • Added skeleton content to Chile
  • Added skeleton content to Peru
  • Added skeleton content to the Central Asian states
  • Added skeleton content to Mexico
  • Added skeleton content to Manchukuo
  • Added skeleton content to Guangdong
  • Added skeleton content to Canada
  • Added skeleton content to Thailand
  • Added skeleton content to the Gulf
  • Added skeleton content for Turkey, including two elections and 11 possible leaders
  • Added skeleton content to Greece, including two possible resistance groups taking over and four democratic leaders
  • Added skeleton content to the Levante, and cut old content
  • Added skeleton content to all West African nations
  • Added skeleton content to Moskowien, as well as a new collapse setup
  • Added the Khanate of Kalat and the Frontier Provinces Civilian Administration as Afghan Puppets
  • Reworked Afghan Mapping
  • Reworked skeleton content to the Chinese warlords
  • Added the Christmas War
  • Added a new mechanic and GUI for South Africa
  • Bormann’s Großraum mechanic has been facelifted and slightly expanded, pending for further changes coming in Europas Narben
  • Bohemia's starting situation has been altered: it now starts annexed into Germany, but will split off during the civil war. It may join either one of the four contenders or stay neutral during the conflict, depending on certain conditions
  • A revamped Batov Insurgency mechanic, with a Scripted GUI instead of a simple Decision Category
  • Revamped the collapse of the Divine Mandate of Siberia, with new tags spawning
  • Slight revamp of the Omsk Insurgency collapse, with some new additions
  • Revamped the Five Year Plans mechanic for TT
  • Changed the way England's 'State of the Nation' mechanic works
  • Reworked England's Econ system
  • Implemented a simple polling system for the English elections
  • Cornwall is now named 'Garnison Cornwall'
  • Cornwall will now begin with only the Port of Plymouth under its direct control
  • Added new decisions to raid army bases as HMMLR depending on which focus you took in the three-way decision early in their tree
  • Reworked the effects of HMMLR's reconstruction tree to be more engaging and less abrupt
  • You can now switch to any one of the African OFN Mandates as South Africa in a total victory scenario
  • The following nations have new and/or adjusted tech icons: Germany, France, England, Iberia, Mexico, Canada, South Africa, Free France, Japan, Hungary, Turkey, Brazil, Cameroon, Finland, Free England, Ireland, Scotland, Slovakia, Wales, Romania, Venezuela, Croatia, Colombia, Bolivia, Bulgaria, Chile, Egypt, Iraq, Paraguay, Iran, Poland, Afghanistan, Angola, Australia, Congo, Denmark, Ukraine, Mozambique, Italian East Africa, Italian Middle East, Norway, New Zealand, Ulster, Cuba, India, Oman, and Yemen, 200+ in all
  • Copied Germany's Oil Crisis mechanic to Japan and America
  • Minor changes to Norwegian laws (public meetings are now outlawed and Free Norway is now a multiparty democracy)
  • Added some icons to some of Göring's decisions/decision categories
  • Added several potential leaders to Syria
  • Added extra flavor events for Ireland
  • Added several icons and event pictures to England
  • Added 200+ 3D models for infantry, armor, aircraft and landmarks.
  • Added City Descriptions to many major cities across the world
  • Removed a lot of depreciated icons and implemented many icon reworks
  • Reworked Nixon's 'CALM THE HELL DOWN' description
  • Added several decision icons to decisions and categories that didn't have them
  • Added several bios to different nations in Asia
  • Changed the flag and name of North Borneo
  • Added unique icons to technology sharing
  • Facelifted Race for the Urals mechanic
  • Added new bills, events, and tooltips to LeMay's presidency
  • Added transition events between a few US presidents
  • Reworked the Brazil Development GUI to be TT integrated
  • Brazil's Megaprojects are now displayed separately from the Development GUI
  • Added South African War decision category to Brazil
  • Goldwater now no longer has to be a goldbug for his econ tree (e.g., prereqs removed that required him to have gold standard)
  • Heydrich no longer cares about debt once the nuclear struggle with Himmler starts
  • Changed Speer decisions/effects for Moskowien reintegration
  • Skeleton content for Bormann Moskowien reclamation
  • Revamped HMMLR operations mechanic in pre-ECW England
  • Revamped ministers and national spirits for Moskowien
  • Revamped the collapse (now called 'Moskowien's Dissolution'). Version present in TT is not the version that will be in EN since major spoilers were not included
  • Removed the Two State Solution completely
  • Added news events for Gorbachev, Kaminski, Saucken and Helldorff unification of Moskowien, as well as if none of the above unify Moskowien
  • Added post-unification portraits for Saucken and Gorbachev
  • Tukhachevsky-Zhukov power struggle to succeed Voroshilov now has a Scripted GUI in the decision category
  • Speer's Oil Crisis start is now actually a crisis
  • Added several decisions to reduce the rate of Social Tension decrease every 2 weeks
  • You can now place nuclear weapons in Mauritius and Reunion
  • Added Economic Leaning tracker to State of The Reich. Your decisions will affect several aspects of the economy
  • Extra events and flavor to the 100 Days Crisis for Brazil
  • Added city terrains to Brazil
  • Added small amounts of new flavour events to Japan, Germany, and America
  • Changed Magnitorsk's decisions from vanilla
  • Added 'anarchy banners' for nations that have no authority. (i.e., North and Northeastern Siberia)
  • Improved the look of capitulation popups, now including flags of respective nations
  • Added capitulation quotes for Finland, Mengjiang, Indonesia, Free Indonesia, the Generalgouvernment, Plesetsk, Ukhta, The Ural Four Nations, Reichskommissariat Zentralafrika, Wales, Scotland
  • Added skeleton governments to England and Wales when Scotland beats England in the reunification war
  • Visually facelifted the Armed Forces Paranoia, English Minority and Election decision categories
  • Added 70s portrait for Sergey Bunyachenko, along with an accompanying epilogue event and bio
  • Added 70s bio for Dmitry Yazov
  • Added new Oil Crisis events to Germany, the US and Japan
  • Re-Addition of four Gulf endings (Zayed, Shakbut, NUC, Workers Uprising) and new flags for said paths
  • Added a decision to the Narodnik investigation decision category to gain command points for political power, thus allowing for an easier time handling it.
  • Made Slave Revolt's invasion of Schorner slightly easier with extra decisions
  • Added railway mechanic to Speer
  • Gave meaningful effects to German Great Game decisions
  • Gave descriptions to several African ministers
  • Removed remnants of outdated lore (i.e. world events) from the Republic of India and Azad Hind
  • Added partial skeleton content up to 1965 for both Indias, including new leaders and world events
  • Added a few decisions for Onega to coordinate their attack with AI Finland
  • A Southern Urals buffer state will appear if Omsk collapsed while owning a part of Southern Urals
  • Implemented a more competent AI for Hüttig who actively tries to stabilize the Reichstaat, enabling the country to collapse in a less predictable manner
  • If the CIA operation that encourages Ireland to side with OFN succeeds, Ireland will receive a small bonus if they actually pick that choice
  • All GCW contenders will receive a dynamic daily compliance gain depending on their legitimacy, while the chosen successor of Hitler will receive an additional 0.05 daily compliance gain
  • Added a separate tag for RK Hindustan instead of re-using the India tag
  • USA will now receive an event if the Indonesia war ended in stalemate
  • AI Italy will put more divisions on Dodecanese before the Italian-Turkish war begin
  • Both AI Turkey and AI Levant will prepare for the Italian-Turkish war
  • If Turkey annexed Lebanon after the Italian-Turkish war, Lebanon will gain independence after a year and a civil war will erupt there half a year later
  • The result of the border conflict on Dodecanese is now independent form the result of the Middle East theatre
  • The victor of the Iranian civil war will now gain cores on all Iranian states and move their capital to Tehran
  • Nuclear ultimatums will be issued when Mongolia people's front / PRC if they managed to capture any Korean / Japanese core states
Bug Fixes
  • Implemented several fixes to post-ECW content
  • Fixed an issue with motorized equipment icons not appearing in the production screen correctly
  • Fixed an issue with transport plane equipment icons not appearing in the production screen correctly
  • Zlatoust can no longer send military aid to the warlords actively invading them
  • Fixed issues pertaining to Göring's peace on_action file (CTD because of missing peace deal and Reichskommissariat Balkanhalbinsel annexing Germany when Balkan nations capitulated)
  • Fixed Goering's Militarist GUI showing inconsistent heights and flavor text.
  • Goering can now actually ignore enemy aid events
  • Various balance changes for the Siberian Black Army, mainly focused on societal development and industry
  • Added effects to some Irish variables
  • Removed Air Assault and rebalanced a ton of equipment
  • Fixed Irish Event pictures so they aren't as crunchy anymore
  • Added icons to several national spirits that lacked them
  • Bunyachenko no longer remains leader of the Despot party post-mortem
  • Fixed several bugs in LeMay's presidency trees
  • Hopefully fixed the overlapping tree issue common in USA gameplay
  • 'Stolypin' Siberian Land Grants Program and the Magadan (formerly Novosibirsk) Naval Development Program now properly show how much the states' GDP gets changed
  • The JFK Presidency tree's cancellation tooltips now show up properly
  • South Africa decision 'Develop Beichuan Roads' no longer results in Gaborone having overdeveloped infrastructure every game
  • Look I know these aren't all the bug fixes but work with me here
  • Germany's admirals now have the correct stats and traits
  • Fixed numerous coastal provinces being classified as non-coastal
  • Free England under Jellicoe no longer reverts to using the collab flag
  • Fixed Stalina event 'A Dead Man's Ideals' referring to 'Lazar Kaganovich' as 'Mikhail Kaganovich'
  • Fixed every country being able to name their ships an 'Ulster Destroyer' in the Ship designer
  • Fixed certain ministers not appearing in the La Resistance intel ledger
  • Fixed numerous instances of Tukhachevsky being misspelled as: Tukhachevksy, Tuchachevsky, Tuchaevsky, Tukhachavesky, Tukhachevky, Tukhaevsky, Tukhachevesky, Tukhachesvky, Tukhachesvky, Tuhkchaevsky, Tukhchaevsky, and Tukhchevsky
  • Tukhachevsky and his family members no longer show up as random Russian party leaders
  • Fixed all instances of Speidel's name being misspelled in code
  • Fixed an issue where the event chain for infiltrating the Antifa as Wessel would not progress properly
  • Fixed several bugs concerning Brazil's content
  • Fixed several bugs concerning the Iberian Union's content
  • Slightly shortened Lyndon B. Johnson inauguration world event
  • Fixed prerequisites & scripted effects for some Brazil focuses
  • Fixed some RFK tooltip grammatical errors
  • Players that do not own La Résistance can now view a leader's bio directly by hovering over the portrait of the leader in the diplomacy screen; the flag frame will no longer stack with a duplicate of itself, removing the heavy shadow it previously had.
  • In Burgundy's 'The Final Moves' decision category, the Red Poppy movement can now be properly targeted
  • Fixed an issue in the Japanese Diet GUI preventing Takagi not being able to gain support
  • Prevented factions in the Japanese Diet GUI being totally wiped out or going into negative numbers
  • Added missing minister traits to Japan's ministers
  • Fixed some Iberia effects that wrongly gave reformism instead of influence
  • Fixed Thermonuclear War superevent immediately disappearing as soon as thermonuclear war has been triggered
  • The English now get properly repatriated to England if the collaborators win
  • Bormann will no longer resurrect Stahlecker from the dead
  • A massive amount of fixes for Goring - too numerous to list individually
  • YDL coup world event no longer clips over
  • Changes mentions of 'modifiy' in Bormann loc to 'modify'
  • Fixed several Bormann loc mistakes
  • Fixed several Speer loc mistakes
  • Fixed several Norway loc mistakes
  • Zollverein budget should no longer become negative
  • Bombing the Middle East will now worsen their poverty
  • Speer-Japan diplomacy world event will no longer fire 4 times
  • Removed mentions of 'Unity-Pakt' with 'Einheitspakt'
  • Nations in Zollverein should properly pay their share of the budget
  • Fixed several Russia soft-locks
  • Fixed issue where K-Ds could never win an election in Vyatka
  • Fixed Tomsk event 'Close To Rivals' adding a relation modifier instead of an opinion modifier
  • Fixed taking Ural League decision 'Commandeer Training Equipment' will permanently block the player from taking the decision 'Reserve Guns For Training'
  • Fixed a few issues in Ural League and Dirlewanger Brigade's unique raiding decisions
  • Fixed AI not preparing for Russian-Finnish war
  • Fixed Tukha not having the trait The Red Bonaparte as the leader of Plestsk
  • Fixed Vologda sometimes doesn't get annexed after capitulation
  • Fixed an issue related to the peaceful Russia - Siberia reunification
  • Fixed Tomsk event 'Close To Rivals' adding a relation modifier instead of an opinion modifier.
  • Fixed taking Ural League decision 'Commandeer Training Equipment' will permanently block the player from taking the decision 'Reserve Guns For Training'.
  • Fixed a few issues in Ural League and Dirlewanger Brigade's unique raiding decisions.
  • Fixed AI not preparing for Russian-Finnish war
  • Fixed Tukha not having the trait The Red Bonaparte as the leader of Plestsk
  • Fixed Vologda sometimes doesn't get annexed after capitulation
  • Fixed an issue related to the peaceful Russia - Siberia reunification
  • Removed all the deprecated effects that have a misleading tooltip starting with 'American support will boost xxx' in the South Africa focus tree
  • Reduced the overall VP values across Madagascar.
  • Fixed several Dynamic VP issues across South Africa
  • Hopefully fixed CAR becoming Westmoreland's permanent fiefdom
  • Fixed Huttig event 'Horrible Bosses' having an incorrect option name
  • Fixed Ireland not re-joining the Pakt if Heydrich became the chosen successor of Hitler. They will only do that when Heydrich wins the GCW
  • Fixed Göring Germany not putting extra divisions on Russian borders during Far Rot
  • Fixed various issues with Göring's peace deals
  • Fixed various Germany AI strategy issues, including AI Strat for WPC (has that ever happened though?)
  • Fixed various issues with AI Göring not doing focuses
  • Göring decision 'Integrate Norway into RK Scandinavien' will no longer appear if Norway is already a part of RK Scandinavien
  • Göring focus 'Phrase 3: Breakthrough' can now be completed as long as you control one Switzerland province
  • Göring focus 'The Lost Continent' will now give Germany claims on every state the Reichsstaat owns in the maximum extent
  • Fixed AI Göring being unable to meet militarists' conquest demands because the militarists want the player to be in control of the nation
  • Fixed Speer's Fall Rollo event doesn't trigger properly when Henri VI is the leader of France
  • Fixed Göring focus 'All According to Plan' being unable to complete if Free Ukraine coup RK Ukraine during the GCW
  • Fixed AI Speer not enacting Konjunkturpaket / invest in other members of the Zollverein
  • Fixed Speer unable to complete the decision 'In the Heart of Russia' if Meyer-Landrut's ostland joins the Pakt
  • Fixed Iberia not joining OFN / become OFN obverse properly after completing the focus 'The Next Step'
  • Other members of the OFN will no longer annex Guyana if they managed to capitulate Guyana during the American Policing Action
  • US aid to Australia will no longer end up in Austria
  • Fixed Iran event 'A Letter from Germany' having an invalid option name
  • Fixed some issues related to Iranian civil war doesn't end correctly
  • Fixed the Egypt civil war not ending properly when Italy is in a faction
  • Fixed UAR not gaining cores on all owned states
  • Burgundy focus 'Leading The Charge' will increase the number of divisions Burgundy can send to Heydrich, instead of the number of divisions Heydrich can send to himself
  • The list communist / socialist countries that cannot be invited to Comintern should now be consistent across the global
  • Fixed news event 'Sultan Victory in Oman' having an empty description.
  • CPS members should no longer assign their divisions to fronts in Mongolia when Menjiang is at war.
  • Added localisation entries for all faction names
  • Different autonomy levels will no longer be disabled when no DLC is enabled, since it's a base game feature
  • Fixed various misspellings of 'Urals' as 'Urais'
  • Fixed various OOB issues across the globe
  • Fixed an issue that caused WW3 triggering in 1962 / 1963
  • Nudged numerous victory points across US, Russia, England and Ireland in case someone wants to learn geography from this game. This has brought several other major changes, including:
    • Removed the victory point yellowstone
    • Removed the victory point groom lake
    • Removed the victory point Astaman
    • Added the victory point Tura
    • Replaced the victory point Chokurdakh with Zhigansk (Chokurdakh is a few hundred kilometers outside the map)
    • Readjusted some division template location, so that they're no longer in exile on game start.
Balance Changes
  • Nerfed the Siberian Plan
  • Balanced the English elections
  • Balanced the English Civil War
  • Omsk now has Public Education instead of Elite-Only Education
  • Increased the Political Power cost of many Zlatoust decisions
  • Collab. Belarus will no longer have nation ideas from the civil war
  • Rebalanced and expanded the AdWil Mechanic for Ireland
  • Balanced Stability Effects and changed up several social development and laws effects
  • Made the severity of the Irish Economic Collapse depend on German presence
  • Reduced base surrender limit from 35% to 25%
  • Shortened the focus lengths in Amur's first tree to give more of a chance to finish them before being attacked by Chita or Magadan
  • Removed cost of taking national focuses, base pp gain reduced to 1.25. This is to remove the cheesing aspect of not taking focuses
  • All of the laws and socdevs have been rebalanced around TT
  • Reduced army modernisation and red army in exile maximum effects
  • Orenburg and the Ural League now get the Russian coring decisions
  • The Brazil AI now can avoid military coup
  • Added GDP growth modifiers to faction membership statuses
  • Increased the amount of time the player has to pass Harrington's social security act to 225 days before penalties set in
  • Slight changes to the amount of fatigue caused by certain Harrington events
  • Small overhaul of Mandates decisions. Decisions should now not cost any Political Power, but the player needs to stay at least a year or if two other mandates have collapsed
  • Huttig is now much less likely to get to the African Devastation
  • Reduced army modernisation and red army in exile maximum effects
  • The Volunteer Only conscription law no longer decreases daily army XP
  • Added several decisions to ease the invasion of Schörner during the Slave Revolt
  • Removed the ability for the player and the AI to collapse Speer's government through demand chains
  • The South African War has been rebalanced
  • Despotism gain from the Free Welsh Army strength is now on a scale depending on the level of that strength
  • Added a period for Sverdlovsk's Suppress Opposition Voting decision
  • Changed Goldwater's Expand the National Parks cost
  • Merged Goldwater's Expand the National Parks hidden idea with the unhidden one
  • Changed OFN-country-specific triggers to a OFN trigger
  • Added a line break for the tooltip for The American Nature
  • Rebalanced Huttig's investigation chain
  • Gave a little starting manpower boost to the GCW contenders
  • Iberia is now less affected by Oil Crisis if it has completed the dam
  • Fixed skilled labour growth for Zollverein
  • Speer can no longer get a trillion dollars by stealing african cash
  • Increase Our Commitment decision now increases volunteer cap to Baathist states
  • Botswana-Zimbabwe war should no longer be a giant stalemate
  • Slight balance change for native appeasement decision
  • Made Despotist Stalina easier to get
  • Should the player lose WRRF's power struggle, they will be tag switched to control the fiefdom of their chosen marshal, and will thus be required to conquer WRRF in order to proceed with the game. A failed power struggle will lead to WRRF's decrease in stability and pp, and various mechanisms have been implemented to prevent the player from exploiting the system (i.e. disbanding WRRF divisions before the WRRF civil war)
  • All Siberia Plan decisions now cost 10 extra PP every time taken
  • Ural League and Dirlewanger Brigade's unique raiding decisions now costs command power instead of political power
  • PRC will only offer a ceasefire in the Mongolia Civil War after completing all other wartime focuses
  • AI Russia warlords are now more aggressive, and hopefully shortening the time for Russia to unite
  • The effects of Siberian Plan will decrease after superregional and national reunification
  • All warlords that owns Central Siberia can gain the bonuses of the Siberian Plan after superregional and national reunification
  • AI Mandates should be somewhat capable of maintaining the stability of the country
  • The German mercenaries now attacks OFN Congo Mandate every 30 days instead of every 10 days
  • AI RKs will now prepare for the SAW
  • Overhauled the triggers that determine the type of SAW ceasefire that will be signed based on the surrender limit of each country. Now there's always one and only one type of ceasefire available.
  • AI will only attempt to sign a SAW ceasefire if the war is in stalemate for a few months
  • Hüttig will now receive a fraction of the divisions from RK Zentralafrika and RK Südwestafrika when forming the Reichsstaat
  • German remnants on the Congo river delta will only receive a small portion of Hüttig's divisions upon Hüttig's collapse
  • AI Twomey will sometimes use a smarter AI strategy, giving them a higher chance to win the Ulster war
  • Enabled the default garrison production AI strategy for France since they're no longer a major military power in TNO
  • Gave Italian Algeria five divisions so what they could have a chance winning the Algerian war
  • Significantly increased the AI desire to send volunteers elsewhere
  • Many declare war effect now uses the appropriate war goals (i.e. Free Indonesia uses 'civil war' as their war goal against Indonesia, while US uses 'topple government'as their war goal against Guyana)
  • Implemented a stricter division limit for AI USA (and England) to prevent so that US will no longer sextuple their fielded divisions in a decade
QoL Improvements
  • Added tooltips for the Interregnum in Japan to make choosing the next PM more clear
  • The total number of MPs is now displayed on the main interface
  • Japanese Diet GUI now shows a timer until the next decisions are available
  • Cut early Japan events in order to cut down on event spam
  • Japanese faction power change tooltips now display the actual number
  • Removed the decision to recover Crimea through the RND due to poor visibility based on feedback. Crimea will be automatically retaken upon progressing far enough into Speer's Phase 1 tree
  • Added an indicator in decisions showing how close Khrushchev is to his coup, hopefully clearing up the previously opaque path choices
  • Added an indicator in decisions showing Velimir's influence, hopefully clearing up the previously opaque path choices
  • Explained requirements to keep Vlasov's chosen successor in charge
  • Added a tooltip letting you know that Vlasov's power struggle has begun
  • Added party texticons all over USA decisions, GUIs and tooltips
  • Added tooltips, descriptions to Brazil's Senado parties
  • Added party breakdown to Brazil's Senado GUI
  • Added an alert for Scotland's Armed Forces Paranoia mechanic when it's active
  • Polished the Intro Tree for Scotland with tooltips
  • Slave Revolt now allows you to field 72 divisions
  • Madagascar reclamation can be done much earlier as Speer
  • Declaring Martial Law now gives tangible benefits
  • Made sure the player knows that letting schorner killing slave revolt is very bad and not what you should do
  • Mandates should have technology level from America
  • Party names for Heydrich countries
Other Changes

Bible Studies For Couples To Do Together

  • Replaced the Burgundian System as a base ideology with Esoteric Nazism and changed the color
  • Reworked many generic focus icons
  • Reworked the base ideology icons
  • Japanese economic advisors realised how unprofitable the Tsushima Tunnels are and sealed off the doors, hoping that nobody really notices
  • Bennet is no longer a goldbug, and his domestic economic policy instead will transition the US to a fiat currency
  • Magadan now changes color when Petlin takes over
  • Cut down Bormann's Oil Crisis intervention tree
  • Removed Bormann’s North Sea Oil event chain
  • Removed Brittany’s content
  • Removed the GCW2 and its superevent from Göring’s content
  • Removed all German diplomatic content that was related to Moskowien, instead replacing it with a temporary decision to invade anything in it
  • Reworked how Technology interface files are structured internally
  • Changed the dates of many Oil Crisis conflicts to coincide properly with the Oil Crisis superevent
  • Changed the lead-up to the UAR; the leader of the UAS can change, and formation of the UAR is no longer guaranteed
  • The ba'athist leader of sudan is no longer a national socialist
  • Saddam Hussein, lover of democracy and friend to the Kurds, has been replaced with Bazzaz as leader of Iraq's constitutionalists
  • Warlords will no longer pay for military access to Zlatoust that they cannot use
  • Added new flag designs for the Siberian Black Army after unifying Russia
  • Renamed several tags in China
  • Changed the flag of the Republic of China
  • Reworked economic effects to follow a standardized tooltip
  • Made the Kartellgesetz mechanic effects clearer and more transparent
  • Removed Bose's Persecution of Abrahamics
  • Made Monaco an Italian Puppet
  • Removed the West African Anarchy
  • Added several new cultures across the world
  • Removed the Black Lions Movement and replaced them with Ethiopia
  • Changed the Lao Issara to the Republic of Laos
  • The PSP has been changed to purple to make it more easily distinguished from the PSD in the Senado mechanic
  • The Italian Gulf Possessions are now on the map from the start
  • Made various improvements to on-map textures
  • Integrated the 'Improved City Lights' submod
  • Overhauled the climate in various parts of the map
  • Arizona is no longer snowier than Minnesota
  • Updated the naval namelist of the US and England to better fit the 1962 startdate
  • Air Bases across most of the OFN now are located in real life air base locations, with runway directions that correspond to real life
  • Added several new states across the globe
  • Reworked strategic regions in North America
  • Changed Argentina's cores on the Falklands into claims
  • Tweaked state infrastructure levels across the map
  • Added a gamerule to choose whether or not you want the game music to stop during superevent
  • French cities now regain their french names after being regained from Burgundy
  • Some changes to the ECW starting divisions
  • Added GDP growth modifiers to faction membership statuses
  • Speer no longer tries to consider majority Russian and Kalmyk states as Volga German territory, so Reichsland Wolga is now located only in Pokrow, where there have actually been a historical majority of Volga Germans
  • Removed Wolgastaat-Deutsches Freikorps war due to new Wolgastaat border
  • Willy Brandt will become the leader of the Social Democratic party (Reichsbanner) in Speer's Germany when the Slave Revolt tag appears
  • Slightly revamped Speer-Japan diplomacy. The AI will now factor in several aspects of your Reich and the world on whether to accept your proposed deals
  • Removed Speer nuking Iceland after failing to conduct diplomacy with America
  • Gave AI Speer some weights to ensure it survives the Slave Revolt and allow it to reach other endings
  • The SocIntern’s natspirits are now automatically removed if the tag switches to a non-leftist ideology
  • Removal of 'Viceroy' from Amedeo di Savoia-Aosta's name in order to adhere to general leader name format
  • Cornwall will now have the 'Military Government' puppet type
  • Added new bio for Siegfried Kasche
  • Removed an SS uniform from Siegfried Kasche - a known SS hater - and placed him in the SA uniform
  • Peaceful unification in Russia means you now instantly gain cores on the land
  • Peaceful unification in Russia means you now instantly gain their tech
  • Okinawa and Iwo Jima are now appropriately sized
  • Changed Agustín Muñoz's minister ideology trait to fascism
  • Changed Croatia's politics and party names
  • Added several images to Burgundy events
  • Added several images to Brazil events
  • Paddy Mayne now has a description
  • Changed Mikhail II's portrait
  • Changed Lester B. Pearson's portrait
  • Changed several portraits in Iberia
  • Changed Serbian starting leader, cabinet and ideology
  • Changed the Social Democratic leader for Serbia from Borisav Jović to Dobrica Cosić
  • Serbia now owns Banat
  • Added bios for CAR ministers
  • Added bios for Ireland ministers
  • The PRC being in civilian vs. military deadlock now reduces stability
  • Added APC production for Brazil at startdate
  • Changed Agustín Muñoz's minister ideology trait to fascism
  • Added new leader bios for Burgundy’s collapse
  • Kaukasien's 'Shipments to Germany' natspirit now actually does something
  • Transferred Bormann's starting dynamic modifiers to ideas
  • Moved the Rogstad coup to the RND/HVA mech
  • New Germania city terrain pic
  • Made some Göring trees prettier
  • Schörner’s coup for Göring now has a world event
  • Updated Schörner's general traits
  • Added a console command to fire superevents
  • Scotland now gets a closing screen if they win against the English
  • The German-Italian border is now properly fortified
  • Removed Marine German culture
  • Purged several legacy country tags
  • USA.1776 now fires if the US capitulates both Germany and Japan
  • Added a decision to the Narodnik investigation decision category to gain command points for political power, thus allowing for an easier time handling it.
  • Speer no longer collapses from Go4 demands
  • Speer can no longer get Disarmed Nation law from Wehrmacht reforms
  • Unternehmen Teufel stops being available after judgement is faced
  • Added bios for all Iraq leaders
  • Added flavor events for US victory or defeat in the Indonesian Civil War
  • The outcome of the Malayan Civil War can now affect the popularity of the NPP extremists
  • Added flavor events for US and Japan on the outcome of the Angolan Civil War
  • Slightly changed Katushev's tree to reflect his ideology
  • Changed Igor Shafarevich to Conservative Democracy and Despotism instead of Fascism, future changes pending
  • The father will always appear before mid-1965
  • Ulster is now a breakaway state of Ireland instead of an integrated puppet
  • The mission to crush the IRA / UVF will now complete when Ulster have zero divisions, instead of fully capitulating them
  • Revised the description for the anti-Hüttig cabal mechanic
  • Goring focus 'Infiltrate Scotland' will now be bypassed if Scotland doesn't exist
  • Goring focus 'Cut Off the Dragon's Tail' will now be bypassed if Wales doesn't exist
  • Goring focus 'Incite Irish Tensions' will now be bypassed if both Ireland and Ulster are already in the Pakt / doesn't exist
  • The color of Speer's Germany will now update more frequently
  • Every Italian clients states becomes an independent member of OFN when Italy joins the OFN
  • Renamed the state Doying to Weifang
  • Smoothened the transition of the color of China (from dark red to light yellow) using a color gradient calculator
  • Reduced the 14 day volunteer transfer time to 0
  • The Afrika-Schild will now be dismantled when Hüttig forms the Reichsstaat
  • The Boer republic will now gain independence upon the collapse of the Reichsstaat
  • Mismanaging the situation in the Boer Republic as the Reichsstaat will trigger parts of the second SAW event chain in case of a Schild-leaning ceasefire
  • RK Zentralafrika and RK Südwestafrika will loose core on all their states when they're annexed by Hüttig
  • The Boer republic will now become a puppet of Hüttig upon the conclusion of the SAW
  • Madagaskar generals are now redistributed instead of removed and recreated upon the start of the Madagaskar civil war
  • Göring's event that recalls Erhard Milch back to Germany will transfer the unit leader instead of creating a new unit leader
  • AI England will now allocate more divisions to attack Cornwall
  • Fixed the event of Germany receiving Cornwall fleet having no localisation
  • Hopefully fixed an issue where England doesn't rejoin their faction after the reunification war is over
  • Added a description for the election season mechanic
  • Cayo will no longer try to reassert the independence of Wales by releasing Wales from Wales through the focus 'But Wales is Alive', which results in Wales losing cores on all their states
submitted byHolyRomanClusterfucktoTNOmod [link]

Christian Dating Couples Bible Study


2021.11.20 09:24 Impressive-Trifle-49More Unfortunate Events

You may remember me from yesterday with my story about my 2 friends ghosting me. This one hurts more than the previous two incidents from yesterday.
I participate in Serbian Folk Dancing. You can find it on YouTube, it’s a lot of fun. When I joined in 5th grade, I got a crush on this other girl that was in the same group as me, just a year younger. I also knew she had a crush on me after a few years, and we would talk and have fun every Friday before and during practice. This was more or less how it went for a few years until recently.
About a month and a half ago, she found out that I had a crush on her, and after that, everything deteriorated. She stopped talking to me as well. I didn’t think much of it, I figured she needed some alone time or was overwhelmed at school. I figured this was the reason, until a few hours ago today.
Our group was doing a Secret Santa thing, and of course everyone wanted to share who they got. I ended up getting my crush as my secret santa. When I got around to asking her and her friends (herself, her sister, and my cousin), she asked who I got. As soon as I showed her that piece of paper with her name on it, she goes “EWWW!” And walks away immediately like she is trying to avoid any further contact.
Instantly, I knew she didn’t like me anymore as seen with my other friends I had. After the comment, she didn’t seem to feel bad as to what she said, so I just shut up, and sulked back to my belongings. The one person I had a chance at dating ,and also who was a good friend of mine, clearly had a different opinion, and so it appears to be no more.
Now the situation is awkward, and there is nothing I can do to talk about how we got to this point as she just responds with one word answers on Snap. Now, I could not feel more depressed or awkward, and on top of that, I have to buy a gift for her for SS. My life is just spiraling downhill as I keep losing those that were close to me and that I loved and trusted. Hope you guys understand, would be nice to have someone to talk to, thanks again.
submitted byImpressive-Trifle-49toloneliness [link][comments]

2021.11.19 09:13 fantasymsinfoMoney Heist (La casa de papel): Part 5 Volume 2 (Season 5) 2021 on Netflix: Release Date, Trailer, Starring and more Money Heist (La casa de papel): Part 5 Volume 2 (Season 5) 2021 on Netflix: Release Date, Trailer, Starring and more #03122021 #2021 #english #netflix #russian #september #serbian #series #spani
submitted byfantasymsinfotou/fantasymsinfo [link][comments]

2021.11.17 05:48 NeitherMedicine4327Serb population of Turkish Europe and of Southern Austria with the borders of the Serbian Empire of Dushan the Great (XIV. century)” is the translation from the French orriginal. Date: 1862.

Dating Couples Bible Study Plan

submitted byNeitherMedicine4327toserbia [link][comments]

Serbian Dating, Singles and Romance

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